Isn't this an artsy pic? Balancing the poop shovels against the adversity of life?
I'm concerned about my brothers. While I was visiting Mango's Estate (and don't believe a word of that nonsense that Mango Mouth reported....I certainly don't) my stoopid brothers just sat here and GOT FAT. So I deemed it prudent to have them start the Lakeland Exercise Program.
"I'm gonna bite your tail off....FASTER, BOY, RUN!!!!"
"Hey, watch stoopid Dale...your breath stinks!"
This looks like some sorta matin' ritual, but he is my brother....
Oops...posted this twice...ya gotta love my balance...doesn't Stan look miserable? (Lacie giggles..)
One giant leap for dogkind???? Or a clone of Peter Rabbit?
I think he might be getting tired?
Doesn't Scruffy look SQUARER? Mumsie's doin' a different kinda beardie trim on him...I think he's startin' to look like Jake of Two Special Wires...but Jake's cuter...
Any dog or kitty lookin' to firm up those pesky problem areas just call me, Lacie. My motto is:
I do believe they enjoyed exercising with me a great deal more!
PeeEssWoo: So, how many times has Mumsie had to empty the vakhuum?
Crikey! You sure haven't lost your touch. What a terror. Poor Stanny!
That looks like one of the most stringent exercise programs.Can we enroll our mommy in it? She needs to loose about 50#. Your photographer did an amazing job on those photos. Hope you entered something in MM.
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie
ps-Thank you for the kind advise on my moth photos...unfortunately I already sent in a not so great one to MM. XX-BRD
That looks like a hard exercise programme, you do have a great lean turn. yes definitely rabbit looking.
You Go! I'll bet you could trim Teka down a bit too. We are sending her your way
Mama says that I need to sign up for your program... hmpf!! It does look like a lot of fun! Stanley makes the cutest snow bunny for sure!! Good job, miss lacie!
I need to shed some pounds. The vettie says about 5. I think a few days in your presence just might do it!
On my way!!!
Yikes! You're scarier than that Jillian woman on The Biggest Loser! I'm sure Mango would look like Lorenza by the time he finished your drill.
Your slim pal,
Oh wow, that one picture where it looks like Stan's gonna swallow your head is powerful! Keep 'em trim, girlie!
Mom's wondering if she can hire you as a trainer!
If you would be so kind as to send us some of your snow, we would gladly chase you around the yard.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
That looks like an ideal exercise programme for keeping your brothers in shape Lacie!
We do admire your leadership qualities Lacie.
We can see Scruffy's resemblance to the handsome Jake too.
We seem to have lost you from our blog roll - don't worry we will get our secretary to fix it - she lost every single bloggie over xmas!
Our mum says to tell you she has read some of Dorothy Stevenson's books although has not done so much reading of late. Something to do with work, and us!
She does like books with great characters and wit!
Must be why she likes bassets.......
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Stay on those boys, Lacie! You'll have them whipped into shape in no time at all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're realizing if we had a yard to run around in like that, we'd be more like ... whaddaya call it? ... cracker dogs. We must spend too much time nappin' in the sun. Relaxing. Being calm, cool and collected. So. Would this program work in a big open room? We're willing to give it a try. It looks like a great exercise program. And a lot of fun. What I wouldn't give for Fergs to chase me and bite at my butt.
Sign us up. But we may have to hire you to come here. (You can have your own room, Lac. And, yes, Bailey still lives across the street.)
Scruff's lookalike bud (aren't we handsome dudes?)
Jake (and Fergs ... she's hunting for cracker crumbs)
That is SOME kind of workout ya got goin' there, Lacie! We'd run too, if you were nipping at our behinds!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
oh can i sign up
im kind of chubbers myself
i'll pay you in liver tweats
Love your motto, Lacie and the fact that you're health conscious. I can't help but wonder though, is part of your exercise regime because you've missed your brothers so and you just love to play with them?
Dawling Lacie
SO thoughtful of you to aways think of othews..just like you...and they say you'we selfish. I'm sending mommi, maybe you can get hew to fit into some of hew clotheses aftew youw pwogwam
smoochie admiwing kisses
That is a great exercise program you have going there! It looks like a lot of fun (for you at least!)
With a motto like that, I'm sure that you'll get results. Can I make a reservation? Our snow is all gone here now, so I'll have to come and run around in yours.
Poor Scruffy. He looks frozen in that one picture. Hehehe....
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
nzzbu [url=]cialis tadalafil 20mg[/url] pympxgg
Lacie Girl!
Sounds like an amazing program. I'd take you up on it but I have my own pesky Lakie sissy to exercise my patience along with everything else. Like what you're doing with Stan and Scruff though.
That photo of Stanley molding himself to Brudder's back half is HIL-AIRE-ous! We've been wanting to comment on that photo for the past few days but SOMEone kept us from the puter. DEFINTITELy post it.
Goober love & smooches,
You are so helpful and kind Lacie. The way you show concern for your brothers health is commendable and your motto is fab!
My butt has never looked more trim since we've been doing those special exercise moves you taught me recently.
Noah x
I've been giving this a lot of thought, Lacie. Weeks of thought, which is why I haven't been around much lately, and I think your house needs one more terrier. Like maybe a Cairn like Petey.
Also, can you come chase my mom around in the snow?
Looks like you have totally worn out poor Stan!! Peter Rabbit?? LOL!!
Lacie I love a game of chase me. Specially if you give those special nips of yours. No point in me playing chase you...your beh ind is waaaay too easy a target. Haaa!! Tell Scruffy's he's looking sooper dooper square. Handsome too. Same goes for Peter Rabbit.
Wiry loves Eric xxx
What a good exercise program.
Sally Ann
Laciegirl, I must say as a personal trainer, your motivational techniques are unique. The "move your meat or lose your seat" method has inspired me to get crackin'. LOL
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hey there Lacie! Yeah, I'm quite a stud-muffin! No doubt that you are totally falling for me! You asked about my nickname--it's Gillie. Mom also calls me McGillinutty, McGillicutie, McGilligassy (appropriate right now), my day care calls me Silly Putty (because I answer to it and they think it's funny- I'm just amusing them though). For training and such, I answer to Gillie.
I like those pics of you and Stan exercising! I wish I had a sister to play with. Stay tuned...
Lacie-you are so kind to your siblings! That "biting their butt" tactic seems to be working well. :) Keep up the good work, but be nice!
mmmhh, exercise schmexercise...
Your snow wouldn't last here one bit. It is boiling hot here, all day every day at the moment so not too much strenuous exercise for one little Airedale and NONE for another little Airedale.
We think it's time you have a nap, rest a while and nourish yourselves and then head down here for entertaining of the cripple purposes.
Watcha think?
Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
I need to send Tanner over for some of your special training. He is turning into a chunky monkey. I dunno what his deal is. He is probably flying over to In n' Out every night after we go to bed.
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