This year they're havin' all sorts of fights about it...PETA sayin' Phil should be replaced by a "robotic" groundhog...do they make those?
This year, we decided to have our own "sighting" a day early...TODAY.
And it's NOT Groundhog "Phil"....it's GoundDOG "GIL"....yes, our wheelie Gilbert has volunteered to do the deed....
Sniffin' the air....
OH MAN...that looks like.....
A SHADOW...six more weeks of WINTER??????
Gilbert's shiverin'...
He wheels back inside and jumps on the counter...some other dog's jumpin' too....
Speaking of Lacie...
She's been sorta missing...and we've seen these notes to Asta from a Greatest Dane named "Jacie"...they seem to be in Monte Carlo together...gambling...but Asta is SEA QUEST HERD from dogs with bloggies...for Mango's Minster....

Could it be...another MASK??????
Shuddering barks,
I warned Asta the butt looked kinda BIG!
Too bad The Beastie khan't go SHRIEK at the PETA PITA's!
PeeEssWoo: Please tell Jacie that was MY dress! Moose's Momma designed it fur ME!
The whole groundhog controversy is just silly to us - we read about it about a week ago.
We hope that the news is better tomorrow - we hate the idea of 6 more weeks of winter!
Yay from us on the weather forecast but BOOO from our Mom - she wants spring and she wants it soon.
We wondered about Lacie/Jacie when we saw the terrible time poor Asta is having - could it possibly be another masked mystery?
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Happy Groundhog day I suppose.You all look like if there is any you will see them.
So that's six weeks and a day more winter, huh? Never mind.
Happy Groundhog Day!
Nelly xx
OMD, can you believe that Asta? As for tomorrow: Happy GroundDog day to all!
Scruff and Stan. this is your big chance. Change all the locks. NO..move the whole house a couple of miles away, and don't leave a forwarding address. You guys would have a loverly life.
6 more weeks of winter?? Oh-oh!
I really want to know more about Jacie!
For some reason I smell an evil plan!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Thank you so much for checking on us, it means the world, it really does. I didn't realize so many accidents can happen with so much as just an S hook even. I guess someday soon we will do a post about collars, maybe have an accident awareness day or something. We sure miss him and are heartbroken, but blessed we got to know Sharkie for the year we had him with us. Deetz is without a pal/playmate again and he needs me now more then ever. Thank you for all your kind words and friendship.
Deetzy and Family
um, we forgot what we were going to say. Deetz's comment is right above ours and mom read it and started to cry again. Our hearts just ache for them!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Way to go Gilbert! Now bundle up, OK? And watch out for flying beasties. Yikes, what is that alleged doggie doing in France?
You are a brave wheelie. Stay warm.
Sally Ann4
omdog that Punxy Phil is a phat dude. Mom said you can get his results via text message this year, so maybe he is already a robot?
As for Lacie, just be glad she is gone I think.
ta for the sophie warning we think she's the original beasty and just got everyone's to think it was lacie...
maybe if you arnt the beasty you could go vote for mollie in herding? loves and licks
that phil dude looks like and overfed giant tree rat if ya know whatta mean
the houston pittie pack
Bahhh! We saw on the news about PETA getting their panties in a twist about Phil.. sheesh. He doesn't look to unhappy to us. But whadda we know?
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Hey Beastie - I've been warned about you!
Ah, yes. I'm afraid that Gilbert's going to be right. Six for weeks of winter. Sheesh...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess How can a mechanical groundhog "see" his shadow? These things never cease to amaze me.
My sweetest Dawling gilbewt you look pawsitively fwozen..I long fow you and this news just bweaks my heawt, youw little dottew Womi and I can't get thwoo the snow and to youw waiting wheels in this howwibull weathew
Stay wawm my Love
wheelie smoochies youw Mywna
pee ess, I just heawd fwom Asta that a vewy lawge "chambew maid" wif a puwpe feathew dustew came into hew hotel woom wif a blendew undew hew paw?????????????????
sounds like twouble to me
That's an awesome way of weather predicting! Meanwhile, that picture of the three of you in the snow is lovely!
you have done something about that?? Six more weeks of potential plows??????? Love A+A Archie said to tell you IT'S on...in the new place...I wonder what he means?
I'm thinking on diving under the covers if it's going to be cold for 6 more weeks! It's been cold here for 6 weeks already and thats more winter than we normally get here in Floriduh!
First of all. That Phil dude looks like a brown version of a big white thing that showed up for a while at our house. If only we could get Moma to help us blog about it (she's busy "felting" and "sewing". Grumble.)
Secondly. Gilbert. Winston wants to know if you got studs on those tires like our Girl did. She swears by 'em.
Thirdly. Does SOMEONE have a birthday comin' up? Or did SHE quit counting?
Love ya bunches. We really do.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I do hate to hear we've got 6 more weeks of winter. We don't get any fun snow in Alabama! roadtrip?
You are far more adorable than that ole groundhog!!
Laciegirl! My lady in waiting, It is me, McGillicutty, and I'm feeling oh so much better. I posted an update just now. Thanks for your concern, sweet girl! I'm getting there slowly but surely. A date? Now, THAT gives me something to aim for while I'm recovering. Arrrragh! You like wid Irishmen, huh? Oh, and I TOTALLY do not see the big rump thing, Asta?! Why, you're just a beauty, Miss Lacie!
Oh, and I LOVED your take on the groundhog/shadow thingie. I mean, why do they care about the weather? It seems to not change whether or not Phil sees his shadow...oh yeah, I'm in Mississippi (a southern gentleman in training, might I add). A robotic Phil, PLEASE!!!!
Laciegirl! My lady in waiting, It is me, McGillicutty, and I'm feeling oh so much better. I posted an update just now. Thanks for your concern, sweet girl! I'm getting there slowly but surely. A date? Now, THAT gives me something to aim for while I'm recovering. Arrrragh! You like wid Irishmen, huh? Oh, and I TOTALLY do not see the big rump thing, Mango?! Why, you're just a beauty, Miss Lacie!
Oh, and I LOVED your take on the groundhog/shadow thingie. I mean, why do they care about the weather? It seems to not change whether or not Phil sees his shadow...oh yeah, I'm in Mississippi (a southern gentleman in training, might I add). A robotic Phil, PLEASE!!!!
Good day, sun shines!
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That Gibert dude Lacie, you know I've got to give him some respect. Maybe. For a few seconds before I show him whats what. Cos for a pesky old wonky wheelie he has one humm dinger of a perfect square dog shadow. Must be why he makes Myrna swoon.
Wiry wags Eric xx
I wouldn't say it's a bribe...more like a mission of mercy. Did you see how hungry poor Norwood looks in the snow and can I help it if I've coincidentally rented the Oscar Mayer hot dog plane and weiner mobile???
You're so suspicious.
Why are you waiting for St.Paddy's Day? Thought you'd corner Gilly for Valentine's day!
Hey! Mom met that Lacey horsie today. She's not very tall, has coppery coat with blondish highlights and she is a bit...stout. Couldn't get a photo - maybe next week!
Can you believe how my wife is ignoring me? Geez - I guess the honeymoon really is over.
Your pal,
Hey Guys
I can't wait till that CDIT crew steps into the ring. Did u see what PETEY did for me? He seems to really care about my well being. He didn't flaunt his teasing big butt in my face and say THAT's a HOT DOg. Not that I'm taking a bribe.. it's for my wellbeing.. I'm weak after chasing all those frogs u sent.
Wow! Gilbert makes a great Ground hog! Too bad he saw his shadow! Don't even get us started on the PETA idiots! They kill more innocent animals than any kill shelters I've ever heard of! Not only that, they send us stuffs in the mail and spell our mom's name wrong! How hard can it be to spell FOUR stinkin' letters correctly! Just sayin'!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Scruf and Stan, I think Lacie's on her way to see me, the Irish man. You see, she left me a message that she's a great nurse, and she would come and make me broth and stuff. So, no mask. I don't think....However, I AM feeling sorta better, so maybe WE'LL hit the casinos and I'll drink a few Guiness for you lads.( I'm not gonna listen to Khyra, don't worry Laciegirl)
My Irish Eyes Are Smiling,
Wheelie Gilbert looks so funny in that tutu.Those are good shots of him & his shadow!
Now,Scruff I must tell you that Hootie is so sad and blue that Lace took off with Jacie.His Napoleon complex has totally kicked in and he's been stretching his legs to try to look like a Dane.Not good.His flesh is stretched to it's limit and I'm afraid he's gonna rip in two!! Please tell Lacie to come home and give Hoots a call.
Smooches, BabyRocketDog
ps-Love the pic of you 3 in the snow!
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