Just so ya know, we did ask permission to take photos at the show....
Check this bad boy out....have you ever????

Here he is again, loungin' on the groomin' table....

Hmm...if ya bigify this pic, it doesn't get any easier to identify bodily parts...where the heck did his face go?

A very petite male foxy from Japan...lookie at the Lakie in the background....
Hmm...don't think Scruffman has ever been this white!
OKAAAAAYYYYYYY....this is the Lakie boy...now I don't know what's goin' on with this lady, but she seems to be giving him a rather thorough NARD exam...she was just blabbin' on and on with this other lady and was um doin' this....

And this....
See? I'm thinkin' this boy for some reason had to have 'em reglued back on...and she was holdin' em to make sure they weren't gonna fall off...must be a story here....sheesch.
Speakin' of stories...check out this mop...er pup...you can see his face by his tongue...

Don't even ask...I didn't.


Well, we three couldn't be in the ring together...but we have our flat steel selves here available for cuteness viewing...they sold these dudes...and bruvver bribed the lady to have us all side by side...oh that Lakie is SUCH A DIVA...
Here he is again, loungin' on the groomin' table....
Hmm...if ya bigify this pic, it doesn't get any easier to identify bodily parts...where the heck did his face go?
A very petite male foxy from Japan...lookie at the Lakie in the background....
And this....
Don't even ask...I didn't.
Well, we three couldn't be in the ring together...but we have our flat steel selves here available for cuteness viewing...they sold these dudes...and bruvver bribed the lady to have us all side by side...oh that Lakie is SUCH A DIVA...
Thank to Bruvver for his photography skills!!!
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