Look at it risin' up outta the water! Have ya EVER seen anything soooooooooooo UGLEEEEE?? Stan's tryin' to fight it...he's got it's leg in his mouth!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Lakie-Ness Monster!!!!!
Look at it risin' up outta the water! Have ya EVER seen anything soooooooooooo UGLEEEEE?? Stan's tryin' to fight it...he's got it's leg in his mouth!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dale Speak

OK...the story is Mumsie called the day care people to make SURE the girl hadn't found it. Well, she's a college student who has gone back to school. And she won't return the owner's calls...SO WHAT DOES THAT TELL YA? Mmmm Hmmm...Mumsie's figurin' that after spendin' 5 days gettin' real up close and pawsonal with my um expulsions...that the girl found it in her clothes and was maybe too embarrassed to call back with that small piece of info? Point made.

I tried to tell Lacie I had set up the tripod and she was gettin' photographed...but would she LISTEN TO THE DALE?

OMD!!!!! Lookie at this pic I snapped of her! NO MAKEUP...she sorta looks like a BILLYGOAT doesn't she???
Fallin' down with bouts of hysterical Dale laughter.......
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Welcome Wheelie Fiona!!!!!

Look at my poor nose....almost gone. (Though if I'd known what Scruffy was like, I might have kept it that way!!!!) Dr. Snitchybug performed a miracle!!!! Look at me here!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Diamonds are Forever!

Now the above pic is of a diamond/gold mine. Pretty cool, huh....In case ya missed it Stanley um ATE A DIAMOND EARRING on Friday at daycare (see preceding post) and guess what?
The above mentioned earring has NOT put in its appearance yet. Mumsie called the daycare this mornin' asking if they were SURE that Stan had indeed ingested it...thinkin' what a cosmic joke it would be if they said..."oh...we found that Friday, after he left..." but that hasn't happened.

THEY SAID IT COULD TAKE UP TO A COUPLE OF WEEKS. Hmm....we could drive across the US numerous times in that amount of time.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Mining for Gems!!

This is his expression today. YEP. Old Stan here is in trouble. Well....he went to daycare today as Mumsie worked. Mumsie got this call from the doggie day care that was punctuated with sobs!
I guess one of the workers knelt down by Stan for some loving...and he gave it to her!!! HOOGE Dale SLURPS...all over her face. Well.....he slurped her ear....and um....ATE HER DIAMOND EARRING. THAT HER BOYFRIEND JUST GAVE HER. Daycare worker tried to grab it outta his throat...and GULP. GONE. . .Down into the bowels of Stan's digestive plumbing.

SO GUESS WHAT SOMEONE GETS TO DO ALL WEEKEND??? Yep...the daycare center wants Stan's poop...or Mumsie to "go through it." She brought home latex gloves and tongue blades from work....but this trip to Las Vegas with Petey seems like a fab idea to her.
YEPPERS...ya guessed it...Babystan is gonna spend the weekend on the craps table.
Now which dog volunteers to be "in charge" of Stan????? Joe Stains? Up for the job???
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Snaps and Thorns!

AND THEN......Look what arrived at Jackson's house this morning when I was done with my night shift!

This bootiful bouquet of SNAPDRAGONS! With Petey's signature tennis ball! I am flattered beyond belief.
I am concerned that he looks so sad. Could it be he's pining for Abby? Gaia? Maya and Kena? Asta Marie?? That maybe casting his fate to the whims of the voters wasn't the best idea? That love can't be decided by others...but only by what's in your heart??
Thoughtful Barks,
Monday, August 18, 2008

Plus, there's been that little issue of me possibly being a FLIRT. MOI? Flirt???????? Now Boyz, do I flirt????????

I think these pears have some kinda special powers....look what happened to Scruffy when he ate them!
He grew a Dale body! Doesn't he sorta look like a Welshie with a lighter head? Or a Dale with a foxy head? Interestin', huh?
I need to go and polish my nursing shoes, starch my cap, finish my care plans and drug cards, remove my nail polish, and find some white support hose without snags. My instructors are very strict...but we are takin' the best possible care of Sweet Jackson!
Flirty Barks!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tea, Figs and Digestive Juice er Biscuits

Nurse Lacie. You are just what the doctore ordered!! and you look positively Matronly in your uniform. Jackson will soon be home, horray!! Make sure you have plumped up his pillows and he's a stickler for hospital corners on his freshly ironed egyptian cotton bedsheets on our mini-me's bed. Remember when you make the pots of tea in the Brown Betty teapot always warm the pot first and 1 teaspoon tea per dog should be adequate. I gave him some Jacksons Of Piccadilly tea bags so you can use those if you prefer.You did get a supply of digestive biscuits didn't you? They are the most pawfect for dunking. I'll be coming to visit you on Friday and when you nursies have a break later in the week I've arranged a special date for you, Asta and Agatha with ME!!!!And only ME!!! Oh I'm wigging my wag in anticipation!!! Be a good nursie. Wags, Eric x
Ok...I can do the square corners on the freshly ironed sheets...NO PROBLEM! BUT...this tea...preheat the pot?? I put the tea kettle (painted brown and named Betty) in the oven and caught it on fire...Oopsie...thankfully, the J's are understanding about fire in their kitchen.
One teaspoon of tea? HUH??? I threw a bag in the cup...teaspoon??? Am I supposed to cut the teabag? Hmm....Piccadilly teabags? I thought Lipton was everydog's favorite???
I looked on the puter and this is what convinced me to use Lipton tea.

So I'm thinkin' about Archie and his little issue with the Fig Newtons....those seem to be the most nootricous for Jackson to use (in smaller quanities!) for tea dunking. MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

I admit I'm puzzled at Eric's instructions....thoughts, anyone?????
Nurse Lacie
Monday, August 11, 2008
Nurse Lacie

Stan's coverin' his eyes at the fight that is going to ensue....GIVE ME MY STETHOSCOPE, SCRUFFY!!!!!
Oh...check out this video...it will be amazin' if it works....it's the three of us out in the yard playin' with the "Chase It" dog toy....it's from Chase It Pet Toys .com.....google it if you're interested...it's so much fun!!!!! The fishing pole thingie has a velcro collar on the end of it and you can attach ANY of ur stuffies....those stuffies have NO IDEA what a ride they will get!
Barkin' for Jackson!!!!!
Chase-it video above: --^
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