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Lookie at this uglee dinosaur....pretty awful, huh, but pretty stylin' warmers!! |
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Now we all know Scruffy is one crayon short of a full box. But look at this next pic. We knew several of the stars were actually from Pittsburgh....but we had NO IDEA who one of those stars was!!!! |
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BOL Scruffy you are funny. Have a super smash dance Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Dawling Stan,
I'm pawsitively thwilled that my cousin,gwamma,stepbwuddewtwice wemoved has finally gotten a chance to shine. I've seen him leaping and pwacticing his moves as faw back as thwee yeaws ago , when I visited. Thank dog his talent is finally being appweciated, laceeeeee, i bwought you some speshul cweam to bwing the woses back to yoow cheecks. That shade of gween yoow tuwning is clashing wif yoow lovely fuws
Smoochie kisses
Scruff....once again you have shown the world the amazing versatility of a WFT!
Be sure to warm up before the lifts
You risked it all for a chance at fame. Woo hoo! Dance, crazy little dude, dance!
Scruffy, okays, I'll forgets the fact that that was a GURLS part...I'm really not into type castin' anyhu!
Dance, my boy, DANCE!!
Just think of the opportunities for continuing starring!!!
We applaud those moves!
Wirey woofs of admiration, brother WFT!
Jake and Just Harry
Scruffy! That's really funny. We sure hope we got your moves!BOL
Happy New Year!
Piappies - Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Scruffy is a real star!! Pretty impressive. (Our mama is still chuckling like a loon about that last photo.)
BabyRD & HOotie~Back in Phx now
So, does something REALLY happen when he hears the musikh?
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Keep dancing, Scruffy! Enjoy the music. Have a good weekend!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Well done,i hope you enjoyed alot,have a good weakened..
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Cum back sweet Lacie and boyz
I miss you and hope that the sun is shining on yoo
Smoochie kisses
Yoow BFF Asta
Our mama is still chuckling like a loon about that last photo.Challenge coins
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Most of us here love Flashdance here at the office. We didn't know they did a musical for it too. We love the photos that you shared. Have a great rest of your week.
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