Lacie here....this snap of Scruffy is enuff to make ya not get so near his choppers. Why do WFT have such hooge toofers? It's not like they have larger least not my brother.
I mean, look at this...what intelligent dog would poop on his favorite toy??? smells...
Stan got a laugh out of it!! And a fur trim...he looks like a sleek seal now, not a wooly bear.

Here's Scruffy the Hunter checking for Mama Deer about to invade our yardie.

I am also watching. No comments about my rear end, please. My Spanx are in the wash....
Our blackberries have been smoothie blender has burned out several times....
Scruffy is so enthusiastic about life. He inspires Mumsie. She said it's a lesson to watch his Joy in the morning and the simple fact it's another day.
Bruvver wanted Stella the Cock A Poop to have a nice cushion for her nap in the yard.

This pic is entitled....

Oh that Scruffy...hasn't any dog told him summers are for lazing around, napping...shooing flies and eating Wally Mellon?
Dog is inexhaustable.
Miss Lacie Teacakes