Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fatheaded Terriers and Clocks That Go Bong!!!

Lacie's almost 2AM and I'm just finishin' up the dishes...sheesch...I will pawstively need to redo my nails tomorrow! Lookie at Mumsie's totally cool pressie from Daddy...see it? Under the gorgeous painting of the lady that Auntie Ami did for Mumsie a little while ago? Daddy bought her a restored 1930's mantle clock...complete with key...and it bongs...has scared us half to death tonight cuz were not use to's a deep mahogany with a black very cool! And look how nicely it sets off Ami's painting...!!!! lookie what Mumsie got from Bruvver.....can you believe this??? He had US made into FATHEADS...that place that takes photos and turns them into peel able adhesive pics that stick to your wall, but don't trash the paint or anything. Now check out the face on the Lacie....
My Fathead me is almost as big as the real Stan....
Now Bruvver is disturbed, cuz Fathead had screwed up the they had to redo it...but look at the first order they did.....
Instead of doing the three of us like they were supposed....they made Babystan look so ginormous!!!!!

HE'S HOOOOOOGE.....this is a hoooge error...I want that sent back immediately and have it replaced with an even bigger Fathead of ME, ten foot high....Daddy said these HAVE to go in the basement. Mumsie's planning on decoratin' the foyer with them...sounds like a fight to me!

So the other night Auntie Sus was giving Bruvver the surprise Winter Classic tickets she was able to trade for ones she had won...she said he was probably have an accident in his pants. I dunno who took this snap of me in the corner, but it's so not my fault I might have made a housekeeping error...those tickets are darn exciting, if you are a normal dog.

Lookit Scruffy...he coulda cared less 'bout those tickets.....

Dog is fixated.

Now he's happy.....

Here's Stan gettin' right up into Auntie Sus' grill, tryin' to score some of those tickets...Lookit her face...don't think we terriers will be getting those tickets legally, at least!!
Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas....we're exhausted...we're going to bed!!
Kisses to all,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saying Goodbye to the GruffPuppy.....Run free, dear Opy!

A DWB's icon has left us to go the the Bridge. Opy, the GruffPuppy, beloved dog of DWB's founders, Brooke and Greg is sadly no longer with us. We loved her dearly. She left us our very first comment welcoming us to blogland....

Brooke and Greg must be heartbroken. We think that Opy and Charlie are together again and are busy chewing some heavenly treats...
We love you, Opy...Run free!
A saddened
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley and Mumsie

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Terrier Offical Christmas Portrait!!

What can we say? Words are unnecessary here....we will mention we got to eat the majority of the treat can. And we so deserved it.

Thank you for the thoughts and zen on Scruffy's little leaky issue...we started him on medication (no, not the girlie hormones)...he seems to be better, so we'll see how that goes!!

We are trying to get around to visit everybody, but Mumsie's list seems to double
daily...know we are thinking of you all!!

Kisses and hugs and the joy of Christmas to you all!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Medical Question and Some Pix.....

Lacie here....check out the latest pic of Bruvver and Sus' new Cock-A-Poop, Stella....she stole the rinse I use on my furs and left it on twice as long making her this rich penny, I'm not, not at all.....
Here's their Christmas say Auntie Sus is organized is an understatement...yes, all those pressies are wrapped. Mumsie's not jelly, no, not at all.....

Lookit this kid!!! He came in the mail this morning from Scruffy's real dog bro, Rocket...his Peeps found him in an antique store and shipped him here....his fur is amazing...we're not totally sure how old he is and what he's made of, but he's one totally handsome foxy wire!!!

Now we have a medical issue that Mumsie wants me to ask you's about Scruffy....
Mumsie noticed the other day that as he was sleeping on the kitchen floor, he was peein' in his sleep...not a hooooge puddle, but a pretty significant amount. She took a pee sample to Dr. Mary who proclaimed him free of IN FEK SHUN and said his urine was concentrated nicely and she wasn't worried 'bout his kidneys. If it continues, she has some medicine she can try, but it doesn't always work.
Scruffy's only four years old (five in March) and has never had really good bladder took forever to get him would drink from his water bowl while peein' in it at the same time...
The vet says urinary incontinence is more common in females than males...he just seems awfully young...any dog/kitty have any thoughts?????

This is the temporary solution I've devised....a SHOWER CAP on his BUTT....

He does look a bit irritated...
Mumsie's worried bout this and hopes someone might have a bit of info...
Damp Kisses,
Lacie Cakes

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Scent of Stan; A New Fragrance Line by Lacie!

Lacie I know we're busy with the holidaze, but opportunity presented itself today for a new business adventure...yes, I have a new LACIE LINE ready to come out....

You see, Stan has this glandular problem that seems to arise from his nether regions...and today, um, his regions seemed to be dripping on the floor....

Not to be one to shy away from disgusting things, I um have used this... er taken this um well.....

I have two new products for all you manly boyz out there....take a look at these....!!!!!!

So check this out....tired of your Mango scented body spray??...wanna smell like a real dog...just like Stan???? Buy some of this!!!!!

Or better yet, would you like your room or even entire house to be freshened to have a tough manly appeal??? Try a box of these scented candles...
Discounts on multiple orders...
I'm sending a box to Mango for free....

Stanley....A Man's Man.....!!!!
Miss Lacie Teacakes......

And yes, I did hear Mumsie makin' an appt. with Dr. Mary this is a limited time offer, I'm just sayin'.......

And if any of you girlies are interested, I'm thinking you shouldn't be.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow and Terrier Attack!!!

What are you staring at? I mean, my ears DO get's freezing here...and we got snow....

Before I get into that I want you to know that I had nuthin' to do with the little incident that prompted a US Airways jet to be diverted to the Burgh yesterday when the small 12 pound Manchester (NOT LAKELAND) terrier um got let out of her carrier, bit the guy next to the elderly lady who owns her, then ran up and down the aisles of the plane screeching and um bit the stewardess...

The plane was flyin' from Newark to Phoenix...yes, I KNOW I was in New York this weekend, but I flew my broom up as why US Airways thought they had to divert the plane to Pittsburgh and bring the sheriffs aboard to remove the screeching, but captured terrier and the 89 year old lady, I'm not sure...they said she barely broke the skin. For more info, read here:

Now Mumsie says we aren't earnin' our kibble, so lookie what we have to do now....


Sheesch...I adore attacking her shovel when she actually gets off her butt to go and perform snow removal....but this??? I will so break a nail....



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Off to New York for the Weekend!!!!!

Look, look, look at those shop windows!!! I am traveling to New York this weekend to do some Christmas shopping with Asta...the city is so lovely this time of year!!!
I wrote to Miss Enid over the big pee to ask if she'd like to join us....initially she refoosed, thinking she'd have to take one of those aeroplanes...the poor dear has great difficulty on steps with her wheels...

But I suggested another means of travel....the Queen Mary...she accepted!! Oh, Asta and I are going to have to be on our best behavior!! You know how Miss Enid is about Eat A CAT...she is so proper....

I received this postcard from her today.

Asta saw this article in the Times. I know nuthin' bout it.....

Look at her fashion-forward, that Wheelie!! New York will never be the same!
Jingle-ee KISSES!!
Lacie Teacakes