Stanley here....something's goin' on with Lacie...she's changed...she's so khalm!! She keeps wantin' to go outside in the snow...
And she's been spendin' an inordinate amount of time in front of the mirror fluffing her tail...khombing it and puttin' it up on rollers, flatironin' it, braidin' it and whatever....

And then there's this...she actually let Scruffy go out the door first a polite looks a little different than usual....and instead of screechin' her usual TRA LA LA's more like woo woo woo?????

It's too much for a Dale to ponder....
PLEASE HELP ME............
OK...Maybe Mumsie got some good drugs for Lacie? If so...then could she send muzzer the name so we can get some for Teka too?
Tra la la la. After woo! Hehehe.
P.S. My Momma better get busy. There is so much action here with all the judges at the estate and she has not helped develop my photographs yet!
We just knew there had to be some good sibe characteristics in Lacie:)
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Perhaps, she has something planned that she won't speak of now.
Sally Ann
Wut-Whoa! Khyra, woo better keep watch over woo shoulder. Khlacie is up to somethin...
We'd like to explain it as some sort of siber-sense gettin' into Lacie. Maybe when she was freezin' her bottom off in the woods the other day. But then we remembered that even certain sibes have been known to make great escapes (and therefore must have some crazy foolishness bred into them as well.) So. Bottom line. We're puzzled. But we think Khyra knows. And won't tell. And, honestly, we don't blame her.
Just sitting here, being innocent, waiting for somedoggie to spell it out for us,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I can see something Khyrashing there!
Keep an eye on her, please!
Kisses and hugs
This is indeed a great mystery. The new fashion ears and tail are telling us something. But what?? What do Khyra's ears and tail look like right now? hmmm.
Oh my. What is happening to the love of my life?? Oh! Oh! Guess what was forwarded to us and came in our mail in Phoenix today? Your GOR-G-Eous card! I would like to order a 6 pack of those cards so I can write to my non-bloggie friends to show them the Lakie of my dreams! When I showed Daddy he even said how lovely you are Laciegirl!! Oh well,I live in hope.
Ever Yours, Hootie
She is in love, this is what happens
Part of her brain froze from playin' in the snow too much? When you figure it out, let us know, okay Scuffy?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Maybe all that snow has calmed her down a bit?? The cold actually makes me more excited!! I'm glad to hear she's been such a little snow angel lately!!(enjoy it while it lasts!!)
It's a mystery!
it's no mystewy at all
I have said ovew and ovew again that Lacie is a sweet, considewate giwl..I'm just glad that the west of you awe finally wealising fow hew does look wondewfullyt floofy..a new conditionew???
I 'd like the name of it
smoochie kisses
Well whatever it is that has produced a calm Lacie we wants some. We needs some for the Grumpy Girl that is hissing at everyone (yes we are talking about Scylla). ~AFS
I haven't a clue what those three are talking about. ~Scylla
Oh NO what is going on. I khan guess but I don't really want to khontemplate it right now. oh dear oh dear oh dear.
What the floof?
Khrikey. Skhruffy and Stanley. has Klacie been Khrossing her paws? And talking about a doggie relative that has a name like a very khrude French word????
Worried wags, Eric xxx
well hello there
we saw you over at mangos bloggy and wanted to come over and say howdy
maybe we can be furryends
the houston pittie pack
guero , coco chanel , bella and brinks
Laciegal, you're looking kinda sib like......cut it out ok. You're a terrier!
Noah, king of the terriers has spoken!
We agree with Asta, Lacie is a delightful doggie and completely misunderstood by the majority of the dog blogging world!
We are sure we will be seeing you at the Estate Lacie, sure Mango will be inviting you to the dinner dance!
It wouldn't be the same without you - we so look forward to sharing a smoothie .... or two..... with you.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Genial brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Lacie is plotting. You go girl.
The dreaded calm before the storm?
Oh boy, this sounds serious. At first I thought it was just the cold getting to her. I thought that explained her sitting on Mumsie's lap with Scruffy. But I really don't know how to explain the rest of her behavior. I suggest that she be watched closely for the next few days. That should give us more information so that we can get a better understanding of her peculiar actions and thereby make a diagnoses of what is ailing her. That is my advice for now. If you want me to come in my nurses's suit, let me know. I can be there in no time.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Hi Scruffy.
WTF??????????????? A concerned A+A
Oh honestly that was ARchie writing....I personally think she looks adorable and am quite sure it is the new smoothie mix she got...right?? Love Aggie
Stanley....we're sure that we missed somethin' somewhere along the line cause we don't know why yer calm...but we're sure glad ta hear if only we could get TOBY ta be calm....cause he's drivin' Pap nuts when we go on walks...'n that's all the time fenced yard fer us here....not yet....
Ya know our Uncle Jim said he heard that iguanas were fallin' outta the trees durin' that LONG cold snap we had here....but we didn't see any....
It finally got warm here....we were prayin' fer that Global Warmin' stuff ta show that it's real but it hasn't happened yet....hope they give that one the boot....
Yer snow looks frightenin'....fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here....
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