SO...we thought we'd make a trip to Florida to visit Jake and Just Harry....you know...away from the snow and ice...WELL...turns out Florida is cold, too....sooooooo cold that these iguana guys.....

Sheesch...that would be like Mango meditatin' in a tree....SPLAT....
The thing is they aren't dead....JUST COLD......

Now Asta (who also was in the mood for a little trip) and I got tired of bein' PELTED with these iguanas....I mean, they could knock a tiny dog like me unconscious, not to mention messin' up my fur...wonder if they date??
So...we decided to start a new BIZNESS....sellin' UMBRELLAS...LOOKIE!

Yeppers...they offer COMPLETE PROTECTION...oh...the boots help too.....eliminates that pesky mess on the paws when ya step in the wrong direction....

Now, Jake, Harry, Stan and Scruffy decided to grill a few of these guys...but well um...let's just say the heat WOKE EM UP REALLY FAST...
Those stoopid Boyz must be halfway to Canada by now the way they took off....Asta and I are thinkin' 'bout organizin' a poker pawty with em...we're figurin' if they are still half asleep we have a fair chance to WIN ALL THEIR CASH...
Scaly Barks,
I hope there is lots and lots of melted butter!
PeeEssWoo: I'm sorry but Petey was probably pretty spot on!
Oh my, Lacie, we just read about your little adventure to the back of your property and beyond. Please dont do that again. Mumsie was very worried, so were we while we were reading. We are so glad you are ok.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Have fun in FL. Be safe, my Mommy works as a pre-school teacher, and there used to be a pet iguana at her school named Spike who had a strong tail that would swipe anyone that upset him. If Mumsie got upset when you were lost, I imagine she would be very upset if you came back with a pretty little pink cast on one of your legs.
Sally Ann
Iguanas all over, John was pleased because he saw one when he was in USA. I hope you are making the right sauce to go with BBQ Iguanas. You could cuddle them in and keep them warm.
Those iguanas are strange! Just be careful around them. I don't think I could take any more dangerous Lacie escapades!!
LOVe,love,love you,
Leave it to you two to turn any event into a fashion opportunity. Sheesh.
I would never meditate in a tree. What are you thinkin?
I think the umbrellas are a better idea than the poker game.
Now you've done it - PETA and the Humane Society and every other animal protection agency not to mention the border patrol are on our case!!!!!
Know any good lawyers?????????????
(The Boyz
You're going to be rich beyond your wildest dreams with your new brilliant umbrella business, Lacie! Forget poker!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I stand by my previous post.
Your pal,
P.S. So happy there are no frozen iguanas falling out of our trees!
Wooos! Mum is still laughing about the 5 terriers asleep in the car..... watch out for those giant lizards, we saw lot of them on our boat vacation, they can be pretty mean!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
Upon reflection, why would we lam it to Canada which is freakin' colder than here, when warm Bahamas and other Caribbean islands are just a boat ride/swim away????????
J and JH
Ig U nanas? What the frigging heck are they? You do have some strange critters as well as yourself living in A Merry Car.
That five terrier game thing in the back of the car. I'm game Lacie. Anybloggie else we know want to join in?
Wiry love n cold kisses Eric xxx
Falling iguanas, what is the world coming to? Better be careful grilling those things, those spikes look deadly. You girls really know how to have fun, don't you? Hope you win a lot.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hi guys!
I think that I'll stay up North and just ride this cold spell out. My warm red blankie will help me to make it through the cold. I love my red blankie.
Poor Dewey Dewster, Asta Marie, and Toby. They are freezing in Florida. It's probably warmer in their house it Pittsburgh. At least they have heat there. Sheesh...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Hi Scruffy.
Iguanas have cash, where do they keep it?? We heard about those crazy things falling out of the trees, poor guys. Tanner falls out of bed sometimes, but not because he is cold, but because he is a doofus.
Jake and Just Harry
I'm investing all thisEE Guana windfall..it's going to be spwing befowe you know it and I need a new wawdwobe..
didn't you just love the way they bounced off ouw bwellas???it was clevew to use the same fabwic as they do fow twampolines.
btw, Petey cleawly needs glasses
smoochie kisses
We think maybe we went into hibernation, too, with the cold temps. (Though it hasn't been NEARLY as cold and wintry here as there.) But we sure aren't moving around very fast or getting much done. And it seems to work in reverse. The more the sun pours in and the more it warms up, the toastier and more comfy our naps. Do you think we'll EVER catch up on our reading and writing?
Most importantly, though, you've reminded me of that big green lizard that I adopted this summer. I think I saw him hiding in the closet. I'm thinking I'll go get him and put him in the sun. Maybe he'll come to life. I could use some activity around here. Or at least some fun.
Hope all is well and that Mumsie is recovering from the big scare.
(Call me sometime Lac. I'm a bit bored.
Uh... our mom hates lizards of ANY kind and size. You had her scurrying for cover with the pics of those iguanas!!
Sorry, we just HAD to laugh at Petey's comment... too good!!!
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww those things look creepy...but if you stuck them in a little tunnel with dirt all around it I could hunt it down..but only if it moved..I mean what fun would it be if it just STOOD there.....The umbrella is a novel idea.....Archie said he is not going to Florida...he would probably get boinked on the head with those kids and get mad...Love A+A
I want not acquiesce in on it. I regard as warm-hearted post. Especially the title attracted me to review the unscathed story.
Have you tried giving them "The Shake"? We bet they would make good stuffies.. We'd have 'em frozen as well. We need an Iguana Icy Pole right about now, it's so damn hot..
Thanks again for nursing. Molly had some well deserved rest and I feel rather spoiled you made the big trip over. On ya!!
Those Iguanas look tasty...I mean, fun to play with! Okay, maybe not! Lacie, we just read about your "almost escape"! Our mom knows all too well, the feeling Mumsie must have had! The electric collars work great until the batteries go dead or you aren't wearing it. Or if you are an AIREDALE and decide that after a couple of years of stopping at the boundary, it might be worth it to get shocked if you need to chase a skwerrel, a cat or some other doggie. I'm just sayin'! It's a good thing you had snow so Mumsie could track you!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
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