When asked the of the Meaning of Christmas, the Terriers replied:
LACIE: "Well, I mean Christmas is pressies, and totally glittery lights and shopping on crowded city sidewalks and kissin' boyz under the mistletoe and did I say shopping???"
STANLEY: "I think Christmas is about snugglin' with my family watchin' football and walking at the park and hoping that someone drops a hooge chunk of that ham I see sittin' on the counter."
SCRUFFY: "Lacie and Stanley....Christmas is sorta about pressies and shopping and scoring ham, but I think it's like this... you know that feelin' ya get when the hoomans come home? That's JOY. And how our house feels when Lacie finally stops shrieking? That's PEACE. And when the hooman looks in our eyes and we give 'em a slurp? That's LOVE.
And you know how ya feel when when Mumsie looks at our leashes hangin' on the wall...well, Stan and Lacie...that's HOPE.
And that's what Christmas is all about!"
Merry Christmas, Everybody!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!
I wish woo LOTS AND LOTS of THAT special PEACE!
Happy HOWLidays to ALL of woo!
Khyra & Her Mom
Wow. Deep thinking for one who wears a headscarf. Nicely barked. But take a looksie in the mirror sometime. No maybe not. You might do an Archie. Love ya all! Merry Christmas to fours and twos in your house from the same in ours. Eric xx
You all know the right meaning of Christmas!
I wish you and your family the best today and always!
Merry Christmas!
Kisses and hugs
Merry Christmas to all of you!
We love you too!
Maggie and Mitch
Scruffman, you are so wise for sure. Now, about those holiday "hats." Momma says you are all totally adorable smoochie (yes, even the beast), but I say you look kind of foolish (especially Stanny).
Hey! Have a good holiday, OK? And I am NOT marrying that Lacie creature regardless of what she might think.
Scruff Man...you did it again.. you helped me understand hoomans.
Thank you and Happy Christmas
We think you all got it right, put it altogether and you have a formula for a wonderful Christmas.
Wishes to you and the family for a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Merry Christmas to you too! All I'm gonna say is I've been doing a lot of shopping and I definitely got some deep-fried ham today. Mm!
Very nice sentiments about the day. Didn't know you were into Philosophy, Scruff.
A very happy and loving and peaceful Christmas to you all.
BTW, Interesting head gear.
You are a smart man. We hope you have a fun holiday.
Sally Ann and Mack
prettty much it in a nutshell. And we sundogs know it is a birthday too. "Chrsit"mas. Think about it, you'll remember.(All of us know the story)
(uh-scarves on Stan the Man???)
Merriest Christmas to all of you including Mumsie, your dad and hooman sissies and brothers
Jamie filling in for the sundogs who are on a top secret mission at the moment.
You guys have it just right. Perfect. Couldn't have said it better. And you covered all the important stuff. That's why we like you all so much. All of ya. Four and two-legged alike.
We hope your Christmas eve and Christmas day and Christmas week are filled with joy. We know they'll be filled with love (even if it is a bit disguised at times.)
Missin' ya, and sending you our love,
Jake and Fergi, MomaSally and NinaGirl xxxxoooo
That's a wonderful explanation of what Christmas is about, guys! Now I understand it a lot better. Great job!
And, I like the headbands, too.
Happy Holidays to All,
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Scruffy, we need to talk.
There was a lot of thought went into that, its so true, have a great day.
Oh My Dog
Well, at least youw pwecious eaws stayed wawm.
I hope You all got what you most wanted..lots of glitz and shopping fow you my sweet BFF that giant ham fow Stan and that much needed peace and love and hope fow all of you.
I am astounded by my nephew/son/bwuvvew Scwuffman's sensitivity and wisdom..
I hope you had the most wondewful Chwissmuss evew! now on to planning a gwand NewYeaw...pawty??????
smoochie kisses
Scruffy is like Linus in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. We hope you dogs had a pawesome holiday and got lots of presents and good things to eat.
Keeley & Teagan
We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Those are great pics but that last one is so adorable!
I hope you all had a terrific Xmas with tons of presents and lots of snacks and loads of fun!
Smoochy loving from your Lakie friend Autumn
Oh my. You pupsters look like babooshkas. Maybe you'll get to have some perogies too! I love going to see my baba and get perogies.
Welll it's like this,first PL2 couldn't stop laughng at th pictures...then she got all misty eyed at Scruffman's descriptions, then she read Sophies comments about the babushkas and baba and pierogies and now she is laughing so hard she cant breathe..........and she is sneaking in loking at this from you know where so this isnot pretty...Lov PL2
Easily I agree but I contemplate the brief should have more info then it has.
I must agree with Eric - one does not expect such profound thinking from three dogs who look like the sisters in a canine production of Fiddler on the Roof.
Well said, Scruffy!
Hope all your Christmas dreams came true!
Your pal,
Good to see we all have the same understanding of Christmas all around the world. Enjoy!
peace love and happiness...you guys have it....merry christmas happy new year and may all your days be joyful
Again a fair post. Thanks your friend
Hi, everyone -
We are so sorry that we have not visited in a loooooooooong time. Mama has been so busy with school and work so she is making up for some lost time.
We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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