WE GOT SNOW!! Like a half a foot of it!!! Here I am doin' my best snow plow imitation....
Speakin' of plows, we got this most disturbing peemail from my sweet Archie this morning:
So ya know we are getting our snow storm...I was all prepared...OK once I woke up in the middle of the night and barked but that was it..I didn't do it anymore...So I was ready.....PL1+2 got all ready in their 4000 layers of clothes and shoes and boots....ANd RIGHT AS WE WALKED OUT THE DOOR THE STUPID MAN WHO PLOWS OUR DRIVEWAY DROVE UP AND PUT THE PLOW DOWN..........FREAKED OUT WE BOTH DID....OK so they tried to walk us but it was a bit futile and we came back in...them after resuce rememdy, nose band and anxiety wraps(just for me the wrap....) we settled down....About 3 hours later we were sort of tooting up a storm(ha ha get it?? I haven't lost my sense of humor) so out we went again..but PL1 thoughtt maybe we should go in the postage stamp back yard...so off we went, and we actually were playing alittle AND YOU WILL NOT FLIPPING BELIEVE THIS>>> THE STUPID PLOW MAN CAME AGAIN.........DOWN OUR DRIVEWAY...Play ended and we were whisked down the path behind the house...One of us went( and it wasn't me) so we had to keep walking...So I sort of slightly settled down(not) and PL2 was giving me treats and stuff...AND THE BIGGEST PLOW I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE CAME...PL1 started to run with Aggie but PL2 is old and decrepit and couldn't(well she could but she would have died) So after 16000 cookies we made it home.....I am never coming out again
Love your pal Arch
Now, dear Archie has had this plow problem since last winter...the poor boy is suffering, so I am taking matters into my own paws and getting him some help....here you see Archie on the famous SIGH CRY A TRYST'S couch, waiting for the famous
Dr. Scruffmund Floyd

I asked Dr. Floyd what would be the best treatment for my sweet Archie to rid himself of this horrible snow plow FO BEE A....
He gave the matter great thought and said he thought DE SCENTS SI TIZ ING Archie to the stressor (ie the plow) would be the best therapy. He suggests the PL's show him a pic of an ATTRACTIVE snow plow every hour for three seconds to begin.
I'm sure this will cure him!!!
Tra la la la!!!
To khlose to khristmas...
Khan't khomment...
So, isn't that snow some fun?
Make that TOO khlose to khristmas
Brain got ahead of the paws...
Once again you have shown the wowld how sensitive and cawing and may I say, miss undewstood you awe.
Consulting the famoos Dw . Scwuffmund Floyd( how evew did you get an appointment?) was pawfect, and his advice seems wees noble, but I'm ot suwe that is the most , ummm, well, umm, flattewing , umm, I mean you awe bootiful, but that's kind of scaiwy(and I'm not even scaiwed of plows)
bettew wethink this
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Glad to say you have more snow than us, we don't like it. What a fearsome plough the snow should just melt from your fiery breath.
Freudian dogs? Whatever next? I was scared enough by the picture of the snowplough.
Beastie! Now I am cowering in the corner every time I hear a plow go by. Do they really have horrible snapping jaws of doom on the front? Archie was right all along. I hope that momma and PeeWee don't run into the sidewalk plow on their walkies this morning.
P.S. Do you have those sander trucks too? They look like Grandpa Angus when he had the shooting dye your ears and spun around to make sure he coated all surfaces.
Hey, I used to be a bit nervous around buses but now - yikes! - I'm terrified of Snow Plows on the Computer!!! Mom saw a virtual parade of six snow plows coming down Fifth Avenue in a diagonal yesterday on her way into church and thought of poor Archie. Synchronized snowplows - watch out, Rockettes!
We're having a grand time playing in the snow, too. Putting on the layers of clothes, not so much. But in a week, we're bound for Hilton Head for 2 months so who can complain about a foot of snow or so?
Your pal,
Hmmm...I am beginning to have more sympathy for poor Archie
You make a great snowplow, Lacie! We're sure that last picture will cure Archie for sure!
Merry Christmas!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Yall are so lucky to get such beautiful snow!! It looks like soooo much fun!!
This could start a world wide snow plow phobia epidemic. I am afraid and I have never even seen snow. yikes. Poor Arch, the cold miserable snow then the scary plow right on top of it.
aw geez lacie....you shoulda covered up those big teeth! sta has a point here.....
AAACCCCKKKKKKKK OK ANOK WAT WUZ THAT??????????? i is not fraiderest of nufink but THAT wuz sorda scawey lacie gurl. sheeeeesh
ok anok i fink shamus bedder nots luk at it. he is onlee 5 mumfs old an efereefing!
that shoud have said Asta has a point here.....
woah everyone has snow and i'm stuck with grass - what a pain and i do mean that quite literally arf arf
have a furry festive season... indulge and enjoy!!!
Uhhhhhh Lacie darling,I am not too sure if this helped or not......He moans in his slepp Lacie lacie snow ...EEEEKKKKKKKKKK.....Yesterday we went out to the back yard again and right as we went to play THE FRIGGING KID CAME DOWN THE DRIVE WAY AGAIN WITH THE FRIGGING SNOW PLOW!! WHAT IS UP WTH THIS>..sorry I am a litle on edge here......aggie
Scruffy. Yikes your sisssy is giving me the heebie jeebies. Bet Archies Pl's used up a whole can of that Popp freeze stuff when they he saw the Lacie Plough. Still that might of done the trick. He's going to LURVE LURVE LURVE the normal plough after being exposed to the Lacie Plough for a just a nano second.
Thank dog we don't have ploughs just sheet ice. Even I was slippering and a sliding all over this morning.
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Lacie. We know your intentions are good. We trust you. We know you are just trying. And we're impressed that Dr Floyd offered his consultation (can we make an appointment with him, for Moma? She might need it in another coupla weeks!) But do you REALLY think that plow picture is the right one to start with? It sort of reminded us of the jaws of death ... and we aren't even that scared of snow plows. Yet. 'Cept we just realized, we've never seen a snow plow up close and personal. And now we don't think we want to. We think your therapy just worked for US.
Concerned we might be havin' nightmares,
Jake and Fergi
Pee esS. Are you digging out?
Dear Scruffman..ya look decidedly handsome on the blog header there.....rakish fer sure....get away from the gnashing of the teeth harridan and ya will go far ta lead a normal life....
Lacie...if ya want ta help Archie....I don't think that's the way ta do it....
Merry Christmas ta ya all !!!!!
Dewey Dewster here...
Asta Marie and Toby too
'n Gram 'n Pap say so too....
I have a better solution. Send all the snow to Montreal instead of Boston. It's not far and I want all the snow I can get and then Arch wouldn't have to worry about anything. Unless he came to visit me in Montreal, which I would really like, since our house is feeling a wee bit empty right now. Maybe one of you could drop by too.
Anything with a Laciehead is a beautiful sight to behold!
Glad you get to play in the snow too. We'll be banished to nothing but sun in a few weeks and NOT looking forward to it. phooey on phoenix!
that snow was pretty cool! Had a heck of a time with Maisie though..such a southern belle.. got her going in it, finally. can your mom make bloggie buttons? Tell her to e-mail my mom if she can. Your pal Morgan
We got that white stuff you call snow where I live too. Moomie doesn't like it when I try to bring it in the house.
Thank you for checking on my deserted blog. Moomie says we're going to do better in 2010 now that she's feeling better. Levi
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