I, on the other paw, look HOOOOOOOOGE....like a FAT TEDDY BEAR who is singing opera....do NOT bigafy the pic...it's big enuff....
And who could resist the charming sentiment he typed on the card..."Best wishes that your toot toot doesn't explode this holiday season." I kid you not.
These were obviously taken at the Nutcracker Debacle last year in Boston...whereupon he's manipulated them to make me look well....FAT.
Speaking of holiday shows we went to see the Rockettes this past weekend!!!!! They were AMAZING...there was one disturbing incident, however, that was addressed in the next morning's Pittsburgh paper......

Yep....ya know that scene where the girls all line up...a canon is shot and they all fall over oh so slowly????????

Yep...the Relentlessly Hooge was hoggin' the stage...again. You woulda thought he had enuff last year as a Sugarplum Fairy....but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
It was an ugleee scene when he fell backwards onto the other Rockettes...
Trust me...there is nuthin' festive 'bout a SMUSHED Rockette....
Mango was taken into custody...the smushed Rockettes received medical attention...and I finished the show...
My incredibly long legs showed off bootifully on stage....if I do say so myself...check out the header photo...
They haven't set bail for Mango yet...too bad huh???
Festive Barks...
Woo Hooo...you look good in cranberry. Pawsonally, I like my Pink Schmauss outfit better, but you will need to wait to see it.
Teka Toy
You look amazing!!!!!!
I knew you had been missing at night while you spent time at my house, but I had no idea it was fow Wockette weheawsals.
I can't believe Mango smooshed all those wockettes..I think they may have to cancel the west of the pawfowmances..sheeesh and that cawd you got..welll I'm almost speechless..mango looks, well , fwankly HOT, but what did he do to you???my sweet adowable slim and fit BFF..this is too distoowbing fow wowds
smoochie kisses
Nice to see woo bulking up fur the winter!
I wouldn't want your skhream to freeze mid shriek!
Howliday Hugz!
Khysses Too!
PeeEssWoo: Those tail lifting sessions fur Mang RH are REALLY paying off!
Ha rooo rooooo - the Momster and we boys are cracking up laughing so hard we can't even type a reply - this is hilarious!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh that is so not what happened and that header photo is obviously retouched! Actually I just kind of lifted my tail a bit to let out my mango gasses and those wimpy dancing gals all tumbled down.
I was so relieved that I did not have to lift you for the grand finale.
P.S. Momma says thanks for the tips. She is headed to the library tonight (without ME)!
Oh yeah, momma says she has been TOO BUSY to check my PO box. Sob.
Thank goodness no one was killed in that incident....strewth!
Noah xx
ps. Something came in the mail for me today. I have to wait until D gets home from work before I can open it but it's from my special gal.
I think you look mahvelous dahling. I think it was rather rude of him to squash those dancers, but, well, ahem.... Did you notice his, well, "package" in that first photo???? ahem. I did not...my mom did. She is like that...geez. She says, oh well, lookin is all I can do..hahahahahahaha.
\hopefully the new puter gets back tomollies!!!!!
Hee hee I gotta admit I agree with Asta He looks kind of hot...and really gracefull..Who knew really? And shamefull at the ahh well larger version of you picture( that isn't really you right?) Love A+A
That's just awful how Mango has you all tubbed out in that first picture, Lacie! That's definitely not the Lacie that we know! How clever that Mango is with photoshop!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You did look rather...um...large, Lacie! We hope Mango gets paroled soon!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Big but bootyfull!
It was too late. We'd biggified the picture before you told us not to. And we were horrified. How utterly WRONG to portray you like that, Lacie. True. Thanksgiving meals make a girl feel a bit full and bloated, but NEVER would you look so puffed up and, well, chubby as you looked in that photo. It is simply wrong. Doesn't Mango have any manners at all? We hope that while he is incarcerated he takes some time to think. If possible.
Always your friends
Fergi and Jake ooxx
Wow! You're a star!! Send us your address so WE can get a card out to ya!! \
Email us at: cassiejo@juno.com
Mango is something else, isn't he?!
BabyRocketDog and Your EverLovin' Admirer, Hootie
oh geez Lacie, the camera adds ten pounds, we all know that. I think that you guys should call a truce and embrace the holiday spirt! Come on, TRY IT!
We are so sorry, we know we shouldn't laugh but we are in hysterics.
While we appreciate the header photo is quite obviously you with your legs going up to your armpits the other photo with your rather expanded waistline is just too hilarious for words.
It looks like you have swallowed the Christmas turkey sideways. Mango is so naughty.
MOlly, Taffy and Monty
OMD, Lacie! How many cameras were on you? Like the header picture better. I'm guessin' truer to the real you (and I'm not suckin' up by sayin it...really) I may be young, but I'm smart enough to know who not to alienate. Hehehe.
interesting very interesting
Wow!! Just remember, Lacie, it's the thought that counts. No, I really don't want to say that. It's the spirit that counts. I'm not sure I want to say that either. Oh well... You know what I mean.
I've always liked the Rockettes. I hope they don't go out of show business now. Yikes!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Hi, Scruffy!!
So Momma is in the doggie store and she sees a little wirey thing and says "Is that a Lakeland Terrier?" And the owner lady was all excited that momma recognized the breed.
Later momma said that it was kind of hard to tell it was an actual Lakeland given that it had a most modestly sized bottom. Hehehe. Too bad she didn't have the camera, but she was in a super hurry given that we actually ran out of kibbles today and I was in the mastiff mobile rocking and wailing for her to hurry up with my car cookie.
Oh my! that was not very nice of Mango to make you look so large and in charge! We all know what svelt figure you have!!
That is just tutu funny!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Dear Beastie,
How nice of you to notice that momma had been to the groomer. Of course she will be unable to recreate the lovely do that Armando did for her. Sigh.
We are trying to stay calm, but PeeWee is quite exercised over the possibility of reclaiming his nards. I fear he might be disappointed.
The little dude went to daycare today for the first time and apparently has a "hump me" sign attached to his back. They said he was very popular with all the other doggies. Hehehe.
I need to get to NYC and get some tickets to the Rocketts show! Do you have a talent agent for all of your bookings?
Hehehehe...hiccup! ***you made us spill our own latte's!***
Hey Lacie, that Mango dude sure is a pushover!
Love it!
Lacie, That Mango is big trouble. I think you should date my skinny ass brother instead. And did I tell you that we found his skinny ass sister? She lives in .... three guesses .... Pittsburgh!
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