Hi Everybody!!!! Scruffy here.....Don't we look festive??? Yeppers, it's that time of the year. And speakin' of which, it's this time of the year.....
Some of you may remember that Lacie had an issue where she did soooooooooo much kissin' that her lips swelled bigger, well, than her BUTT...
But not this year....Asta thoughtfully sent Lac "Chapstick" by the truckload....

Our house is full of it.....

PUCKER UP BOYZ!!!!!......
I'm a puckerin', I'm a puckerin'!! Kissin' is what I do best (especially slobbery ones)! Where are ya Lacy?!
Since I have become an old married man this year, I'm afraid a warm handshake will have to suffice. By the way, has anyone seen my wifey? She's disappeared from blogland! Time to put on my detective togs...
Your pal,
Oh Please
Oh Please
Oh Please
Khan I khyss a LacieGirrrrrl?
You know, Lacie. We never kissed when we went to that Halloween party together. At least I don't remember that we did. Maybe it's just as well. But if we do happen to get a chance to sneak a holiday kiss under the mistletoe (only AFTER my stroll with Sally - I'm saving her for first), I prefer Apple flavored chapstick.
Practicing my pucker
Are you a sadle coat? That is so cool. I never noticed before. I know you will kiss well.
Sally Ann
Phew, I thought for a minute that Scruffy was under the mistletoe waiting for me.
By the way, just where is Scruffy??
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oooh, girl! Go break some hearts!
Even though I've had two teeth wrenched from my mouth I can still muster the energy to pucker up for my Laciegirl.....
Noah xxxxxx
the girls send kisses to Scruffy and Babystan xxxxxx
Dear Lacie - I like the idea of a Christmas kiss - I am partial to cherry flavoured chapstick - so let me know when and where - point me in the right direction and kiss away!
Scruffman! I cannot believe you posed for that picture. Were you on drugs or something? My momma is preaching to me how if three terriers can hold still for two seconds so can I. No way! Not with a hat on my head and PeeWee close by.
Anyhoo, keep that kissing beast away from me, OK? And why does Khyra want to kiss her anyway?
Our best wishes to Lacie on her quest to raise the stock value of chapstick. And to Scruff and Stan the Man on dealing with the fallout.
kisses (for all of you)
OK, we're game -- but we're not so sure about all that gooey chapstick stuff. We'll take our kises straight, got it?
Jake and Just Harry
Can we have a kiss??
I am standing in line..I will only kiss Lacie on the cheeck,but am all puckewed up fpw the boyz!
I'm so glad that the chapstick awwived I hope it' enuff
smoochie kisses,ASTA
It looks like you're all set with chapstick for a longggggggggg time, Lacie! Make sure you apply it after every kiss just to be safe!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You do all look very festive, but all this kissing. I would rather have a turkey dinner.
It's on my blog but(t) it is
Khyrash at the gmail dot 'com' thingie!
Khyss Khyss!
I love you Laciegirl!!
Do we get to choose the flavor on the lips?
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I don't kiss...I lick!!!
Slobbery licks!
From your friend
(ps your pictures are stunning!)
Archie just wanted to let you know that he is hoping that he will be the first in line..Love Aggs(ps uhhhhhh Scruff............do you get to participate as well? If so.....uhhhhhhhh can I be first????blushblushblush
hayhayhay miss lacie! ok anok. i wood be happee fur a kiss frum u but pleez ameber nots tu chompzes ok anok??
in cas u dint no it iz me scooter u wuz mi firsterest kis did u noezsz that?
ok anok i fink i haf tu go
uh an sunny wans tu no bowt stanny she wans me tu ax if hee did moof on acuz she iz feelin shi bowt axin...ok anok i fink i gits a snak now
uh stanny???? it's sunny. I got my courage up. I want to know if it is all over between us...*secretly wiping a tear from corner of eye* my stupid new brother has ruined my gorgeous ears Lacie. You have extentions????
You are so funny!! those lip glosses look pretty yummy!
Bussie Kissies
Hmm is that the Angelina type of chapstick Lacie? The one that makes your lips tingle and swell to the size of your derrierre? Only asking before I pucker. Gulp. Don't want to be errr suckered down and swallowed. . . .
Wary wags and puckers Eric xxxxx
You all look fabulous in your holiday wear!
I have to tell you though, I only give virtual kisses. I've never given real kisses before.
So I guess I don't need the tasty chapsticks!!
Luv Autumn
I'm ready for a smooch!
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