Thursday, February 25, 2010


Scruff here...if you go to Eric's blog, you'll see he invited Petey to tea for his Barkday. And they didn't invite Lacie....this didn't go over so well here. I penned a poem describing her feelings.....

Petey and Eric partook of tea...

Selfish beasts, they didn't ask me.

Lacie alone; the winter is boring...

All she hears is Scruff and Stan snoring...

She thinks of Petey...paws smeared with butter, all of the silver knocked down in the gutter...

Eric is crowned like a margarine ad...

Not realizing he looks like a bit of a cad...

Lacie shrieks; mad at being left out...Petey and Eric respond with a shout!

Shut your gob Miss Lacie, you'll render us deaf.... carryin' you 'round, tis more than we heft...

You're as big as a cow, as wide as a horse

We mean you no insult, you know that, of course...

Now go away dear while we return to our tea...Eric requests on bended knee.

The day is rift with a hoooge screeching shriek, words sounding like "YOU TOTAL JERKS!!!!"..

You won't share your tea
You'll gnaw on your scones...

Splittin' nuthin' with me...

Cept a pile of old bones...

Happy Barkday to Petey

May he get a new ball...

As for sweet Lacie?

I'm goin' to the mall.


I can take a hint...sheesch..

Happy Barkday, Petey!!!

Stan and I second that Birthday Greeting, staying a healthy distance away from
The Terriers


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Bobby said...

Great poem, poor girl left out, that Eric is naughty.

doyle and mollie said...

oh you are sooooo clever we love it... loves and licks!!!

kissa-bull said...

our mommish almost about DIED laughing at your most funnish poem
we love you so much more for all your funny bones
poor poor lacie
tell her beinks sends her extra slobbery kisses cause he is most fatness in our house too
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

Kelly said...


Lacie, that picture of you as the landshark just may be my favorite rendering of you yet! The tutu! AHH!

Happy Barkday Petey!!!!!!!!!!

Asta said...

Oh That Biwfday tea would have been so much bettew wif you an Me thewe sweet BFF That they ignowe is is unthink a bull. I'm amazed that wifout cake you had enewgy to compose such a faboolous poem.

Come to the sock hop wif me instead
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

Great poem not let Lacey know how much fun you had writing about her "heft" and stuff.

Muzzer was at the mall today too! Must be a virus goin round.


Dexter said...

Most excellent poem for sure. I think you look great in purple.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Petey, but OMD poor Lacie. I wouldn't want to feel left out. I wonder if she'll be taking any future action. As for the poem: BOL

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Barkday to Petey - hope you have a grand time and lots of cake. As for Lacie, isn't it about time somepup finds the pawfect mate for her? Isn't there one somewhere??? It could be the answer.

Great poem, too.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dandy Duke said...

Petey's tennis ball cake is brilliant! We love it! And we love the poem too! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Wowza! What a pawsome birthday greeting!!! And I even made the header - does this make me an honorary HOLY TERRIER??? We'd have got here sooner, but we were down on the beach. I know. That's mean to say when you're getting dumped on with snow again. Sheesh!

Next time Lacie can bring her blender
For a tea that will sure be a bender!
We'll mix vodka and bacon,
Good thing we blokes are taken
For Miss Lacie our hearts we would render!

My word verification is PORIN which looks alot like PORN!!! (I can hear Scruffy rolling with laughter from here!)

Thanks again, it's fabulous!

Your almost 7-year old pal,


Joe Stains said...

You sure do know how to make some dog's birthday unique and special. Perhaps Lacie could be offered multiple smoothies so she forgets my birthday is coming up??

ScrapsofMe said...

Rut roh!
Lacie left out, bound to pout! Boyz sippin tea, glad it ain' me.


Martha said...

Hi Lacie, we Aunties know exactly how you feel!
It was shocking that we didn't to to tea.
After all we are the very aunties who have taught Petey etiquette and how to behave in these posh establishments.
We enjoyed your poem dear girl and suggest that you fly over to the UK and we will partake of afternoon tea ourselves.
We will not allow any male doggies to attend.
We will have little cucumber sandwiches, scones with cream and jam, and to finish off a Victoria sponge.
What do you say dear, would that cheer you up?
Perhaps we could ask some of the other girls - but only girls!
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
ps do you think we might take in a show too?

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!! I didn't know he was such a poet!!!! Listen just IGNORE them.they are all plotting something I am SURE...Archie ASKED to have a bath today and has secretly ordered $5000 dollars of Chinese food...WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Love A+A

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Hehe. Good poem from a Lakie scorned!

Green is not a pretty color on you Laciegirl!! The poem is pretty funny though. teehee.

McGillicutty said...

No Worries Laciecakes! Me Barkday is 'round the corner...March 16th. Almost an Irishman born on St. Patrick's Day! Now, calm down, stop your shrieking, and start planning ME barkday pawty. I hear you have lots of snow, so there ya go- a snow day activity!

Scruffman, you're a poet and me didn't know it! Nice work!

Irish Love,

Eric said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric said...

Dear Scruffy my chum
You are in for it now...
Our Lacie's backside,
The size of a cow?

Has me wondering pal
Do you need to wear glasses?
From what I have seen
Horses have quite SMALL arses

Perhaps you were scared
Of her earsplitting rants?
To compare I would say

Haaaaaa HAAA OOOOOOO....snigger chortle...aaaaaaahhhhhhhAAAA...


Unknown said...

Hey ya Scruff, Lac and Stanny Boy!

I was excited to come over and catch up on you guys!

Love, Hercules

McGillicutty said...


I have a surprise coming to you, me darling and also Stan and Scruff. Be watching for the UPS man. Me fur mom thought she could design something for you guys, but it was disastrous! Fabric and sequins and thread everywhere. Shirts and dresses with 3 head holes...OMD! She did not have the best designing day for sure. SO, we got some help from some favorite buddies of ours.

You are so sweet to try and help me furmom with recipes. She turned her nose up to watercress and coke zero, by the way. She seems to be doing well with her diet and exercise. We will have her weigh-in next week...

Yep, aren't we sweet sleeping together and stuff? Me thinks it is just more of a natural thing rather than me Mom.

Irish Love,

McGillicutty said...


It's a date. Here's the plan. Tonight I have me class, but it ends at 8:30, so home by 9. Then, I'll make her a Hot Carob as you suggested, but I'll make it the Irish way. I'll put a little whiskey in it---she LOVES it that way! Then I'll read her a boring goodnight book....... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." She'll be asleep in 15 minutes. Then I'll have 45 minutes to get gussied up for our date. Be here at 10 as you planned.

Irish Love,
The Gilliemeister

TwoSpecialWires said...

OK. We are notoriously late at everything we do recently. We DID manage to wish Petey a happy Barkday. We were actually EARLY with out wishes. But chances are we are gonna be LATE wishing YOU a happy birthday, Scruff. So where sneaking it in here, early. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Do we get an A for effort?

Love ya. We really do.
Jake and Fergi xxoo