Friday, April 24, 2009

Jumpin' and GROUNDED.....

Lacie here...I'm well GROUNDED...yep...

Look at what Mumsie did to my fur yesterday....she had the groomer put lavender bows in my hair...I'm surprised she didn't have her put pigtails in too.....
Um...this is why I'm grounded...well, the night before Myrna's shower, Tanner and I had a date to the baseball game...the Diamondbacks...his fav he told me I'd have a blast bein' a "BEER GIRLIE"....check out my uniform....for some odd reason, Mumsie didn't approve...and she has a cold and is really she grounded can read about our date on Joey and Tanner's bloggie...Mumsie did...she wasn't impressed....
Now many of you know of my amazin' jumpin' abilities....I have to dry my fur somehow, so every mornin' this is how I utilize the furdryer...makes for great quads.....
It also allows me to be a fabbers JUMPER.....Lookie here....

Oopsie...wrong pic...Petey snapped this...have NO IDEA how this got in here....
Anyway, Tanner likes this player named Eric Byrnes...cuz he flies like Tanner...and he jumps like me. Now I didn't get to meet him in my Beergirlie I tried another tactic......

He totally messed up this catch....his glove is miles above the ball...I can probably get it in my paw if I s t r e t c h........!!! YES! Nabbed it....

And lookie here...that Eric is tryin' to get it off the wall....but I'm so all over this ball...IT'S MINE ERIC, BACK OFF!! ...
Look at Tanner Doofus just sittin' there like he's in'd think he'd at least be cheerin' or somethin'.....doesn't even have his glove up...he's gonna have a ball hit him on his noggin if he's not careful......
Anyway, sweet Eric was so impressed with my natural catchin' ability, that he asked me for a date er um some lessons....we're meetin' first at Starbarks to discuss the exercise regimen that I have outlined for him....
But I'm grounded for a week. Thanks, Tanner, for blabbin' all over the place....
Barkin' at ya...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Isn't that the look that is ALWAYS on Tanner The Doofus's face?

Woo look sooooo pretty with your lavender bows...woo ALMOST look angelikh!


Dexter said...

I think Tanner might have gotten too much sun or something.

I must admit, you certainly would come in handy in the outfield. Much better than being a beer girl, that picture was, well, just wrong.


P.S. Do you have a pierced navel? Do doggies have navels?

Gus said...

Ahh remind me of my sissie E.Beth. Beautiful, Bright, and refuses to learn.

Beckett said...

Hi Mumsie,

I saw your comment about Wellness over at Joey & Tanner's blog. After Joey's mom talked to them about Menu Foods, I decided to do a little investigating too because I feed Beckett Wellness food.

Anyway, according to Menu Foods, they only manufacture wet foods. So since what I feed Beckett is a dry food, they don't manufacture it.

Also, the issue with the pet food recall was with gluten, mostly wheat gluten but also some corn and rice gluten. The variety of Wellness that I feed Beckett doesn't contain wheat, corn, or rice.

So to sum up, I don't see any reason to be particularly worried about the food he eats (although I always track any recalls) but I totally respect Joey's mom's caution about it when looking for a new food. Since Beckett's an allergy-prone pup, I'm inclined to stick with what's working!

Hope that helps,

Ellen (Beckett's mom)

Agatha and Archie said...

Well well well come and join us because we will probobly get grounded after Archies yet ANOTHER eating something adventure(he wrote all about it) I do have to say he is prety good about being a cheerleader for the Stealers?????Love Aggie and Arch Hope Mumsie is feeling better.....

Asta said...

I see absolutely no gwounds fow gwounding..Mumsie must be de-leewious fwom hew meds. Othewise she would cleawly see that you have to go help out that catchew guy, and you did nothing wong
(umm i do think you should maybe have not let hew see that cake pictoowe)
anyway..Youw bows awe bootiful , they weally awe a pawfect colow fow youw haiw.
I'll be by to bwing you some smoo..I mean nootwicious dwinks so you don't get dehydwated while being unfaiwly gwounded
smoochie kisses
Pee ess I'd hiwe the inspectows fwom Jake nd Just Hawwy's place to investigate this miss cawwiage of justice

Noah the Airedale said...

What a catch.....that's my girl!!!

Noah x

Eric said...

Lacie.Guess if you can't date the REAL Eric you might have to make do with a leggeded one. Trust me, not the same. You'll be disappointed. Very.Very. Shame.

Wiry love and kissies, ERic xxxx

Joe Stains said...

Has anyone found Cloofus?? I heard that Clacie made it back for the shower, but I haven't heard from the other clone ball. Tanner is a little bit um strung out over the whole thing, and now on top of that you are in cahoots with his favorite player and he is worried he might become lovestruck and forget how to play. He is also kinda worried about Eric's WIFE, but um, I am sure you have that covered right Lacie????

Tell your Mom we are very sorry, but Tanner is just impossible to control. Mom has been so busy staring at my poop she has sort of lost track of him a FEW times. Yikes.

Mom got her very first office at work today (she has always had a cubicle before) and you know what she did. She brought in MY ketchups and put them in her office at WORK!? WTF?!?!?!? Those are MINE. argh.

the TN Bull Terrors said...

Wow, you sure can jump! Did you get grounded cause of the belly ring, or did yer Mom see that yet??
Next thing ya know, you'll be comin in with a tattoo!

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella

Unknown said...

You are crackin' me up over here in the Midwest!!!

Love All Three of You!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Lacie!
You look beautiful with your lavender bows!
I can see you had much more fun with that Eric than with Tanner!
I hope Mumsie feels better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

I think you look so cute with your ribbons. You sure can jump high! You should come up with a competition called, 'The Highest Jumper' or something like that. I know Pacco can jump pretty high!

Solid Gold Dancer

Martha said...

Oh no Lacie, this is terrible! Lavender bows indeed!!! Mumsie is just not getting it at all - you looked cool as a beer girlie. Mumsie never do understand about dates - its a fact of life. Fortunately we havent really had any.
We cant see that you should be grounded for a week and will be seeking advice from our canine legal advisors on your behalf.
We can see a date with Eric is essential if you have to teach him some of you catching skills.
Try not to worry Lacie, we are, as always, with you.
Martha & Bailey xx

Moco said...

There is little that can be said about that whole episode.

Sherry said...

Totally kewl. I'm going to study up so I can jump like you.


Anonymous said...

Oh Lacie, you look so sweet with your lavender bows. I love that picture Petey took of you coming out of the cake, too. Poor Petey - I hope he's okay. There's a lot of sadness going on with so many friends. It's nice to come here and see you jumping for joy.

See ya!

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Lacie!

Ooomphhh! That Tanner! He's a cutie-patootie but -- santa vacca -- what a tattle-terrier!

I think you make a rockin' birra ragazza and megagalattica outfielder!

Tanti baci!

Duke said...

What a brilliant catch, Lacie! Mumsie should be proud of you, not grounding you! Well, that's what we think!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Patience-please said...

Lace, you are a credit to terriorists everywhere. We salute you!

wags from the expanded waggle of whippets

The Oceanside Animals said...

I guess Tanner doesn't know that loose lips sink ships!

Asta said...

I had to come home eawly fwom the wun was sooo hot..exhausting. I suwe hope it cools down fow the wedding..I don't want to wuin my dwess wif sweat stains
smoochie kisses

Dexter said...

Little Beast,
I had no idea that you were present for my origins. I wonder if there was a Mango cam on the nest like those birdies that Khyra is always watchin.

Anyhoo, thanks so much as I wanted to post some baby pictures for my burbday, but momma is TOO LAZY to find them. This will do nicely.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hi guys!!! We have missed y'all. Mom is trying to get back in the flow and I even got to blog day before yesterday. So many puter probs, and well lots of stuff. BUT, Mom says we are gonna try to catch up.
UH, Stanny, I guess I'll just come out and ask. Have you found another? I have been wondering and wondering. As I have my surgery tomorrow, I wish I knew if you were still my, uh well (Sunny blushes) still my , well boyfriend. I undertand if you have found another(I guess) in my absence. But I still think you are quite the hunk and sooo sweet. (more blushing)
please let me know, ok?
And Hey to ya Lacie girl, sup?????
Hiya t Scruffman too.
Big ol Sunny Hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh no Laci! My Mommy would lock me in a closet not just ground me if I'd done all that stuff. It sure looked like fun!!

We just got back from the Spring Fling that DROH had today and we are exhausted so Mommy said we won't be doing my Spring flower post until tomorrow or Tuesday. Mommy is getting ready to e-mail you now.

Dewey Dewster said...

Geez Lacie....

No wonder yer always if Eric was smart, he would back right outta Starbucks and run right across the big pee...'n never look back....

Dewey Dewster here....