Some of our pre shower ablution photos will be featured by Miss Enid on HER blog...well, actually Eric's....but I did take this one of Myrna soakin' her wheels.....
Rose water, can you imagine??????

As we got ready to drive over to the tearoom, Asta and Myrna opted for this type of transportation.....those girlies are wild!!!!! (I think Myrna was offerin' Asta a cigarette, saw the camera and hid it....frankly I think they need all four paws to drive...)
Here we are...all of the "maids"....Asta to the left,Miss Autumn, me, Miss Myrna, Miss Josephine, and Miss Enid....we're all in lavender, Myrna's color for the wedding......Miss Enid took a lovely snap of us, didn't she????

Isn't this place amazing...it's in a very old house....mid 1800's...lovely!

Myrna's shower gifts...I know for a certain the one with the red bow is a blender...Gee, I wonder who is givin' her that???!!!
The first table they escorted us to seemed quite unsuitable with this relentlessly hooge centerpiece...Asta jumped on the table to try and shoe "it" off, but it was immobile....apparently not an unusual state (a meditating centerpiece?).......we also found "it" was sitting on one of the lovely shower cakes....when it finally did move, we noticed pastel icing stuck to its ridiculously hooge butt....

Here....this is better....have you ever seen anything so delicate? So feminine? And so very suited for the bride-to-be!!!

Um...oops...I have no idea how this pic got in here...Lacie baked this cake for Myrna, but Mumsie had a fit and deemed it "in bad taste"....Scruffy, Butchy and Stanley ate the whole thing down to the very last garter and told 'em it tasted fine!!!

This is better....Autumn and Josephine baked this....it's lovely, isn't it?

Here's our "server" pouring us our tea....she called these "Long Island Ice Teas" and assured us they would be the perfect touch with our cucumber sandwiches and cake.....

Have ya ever seen anything so cute? These are bootiful cupcakes iced like a rose......served in a teacup.......the serve told us it wasn't necessary to strain these first......(I took one back for Mumsie...she seems to have an issue with tea straining....)

I stopped into the "Ladies" and found Myrna doing this...just starin'...at Gilbert! I have never seen a bride so in love......
Don't we look lovely?

These are the little favors we took home....aren't they adorable???????

As we got ready to drive over to the tearoom, Asta and Myrna opted for this type of transportation.....those girlies are wild!!!!! (I think Myrna was offerin' Asta a cigarette, saw the camera and hid it....frankly I think they need all four paws to drive...)

Isn't this place amazing...it's in a very old house....mid 1800's...lovely!

Myrna's shower gifts...I know for a certain the one with the red bow is a blender...Gee, I wonder who is givin' her that???!!!

Here....this is better....have you ever seen anything so delicate? So feminine? And so very suited for the bride-to-be!!!

Um...oops...I have no idea how this pic got in here...Lacie baked this cake for Myrna, but Mumsie had a fit and deemed it "in bad taste"....Scruffy, Butchy and Stanley ate the whole thing down to the very last garter and told 'em it tasted fine!!!

This is better....Autumn and Josephine baked this....it's lovely, isn't it?

Here's our "server" pouring us our tea....she called these "Long Island Ice Teas" and assured us they would be the perfect touch with our cucumber sandwiches and cake.....

Have ya ever seen anything so cute? These are bootiful cupcakes iced like a rose......served in a teacup.......the serve told us it wasn't necessary to strain these first......(I took one back for Mumsie...she seems to have an issue with tea straining....)

I stopped into the "Ladies" and found Myrna doing this...just starin'...at Gilbert! I have never seen a bride so in love......

These are the little favors we took home....aren't they adorable???????
There's more to this story....somethin' bout too many Long Island Ice Teas and some kinda new smoothie our Server and her Clone whipped up....better check out the other maids' bloggies....
Fond regards,
Miss Fiona
Sounds like you girls might have gotten a little out of hand. haha
Hey! I was planning on jumping out of a cake and doing my sexy Mango dance and maybe even taking off my collar for a tip, but none of the cakes were big enough to hold all my Mango-ness.
You say there was icing on my bottom? Well, that would explain some of the attentions I received from the gals.
Sounds wonderful. You ladies are all lovely in lavendar.
Ah yes!
So that's how some big butt ended up stukhk under the dekhk!
I should have expekhted as much!
PeeEssWoo: Mom and I are having a lilakh/lavender/purple overload...we are in heaven!
I can't even expwess my thanks fow this most gowgeous , bootiful showew..so much bettew than the watewy kind Ast a mistook fow the weal thing..I adowed my wheelie baf, and those pupcakes wewe the most ladylike and delicious evew..I especially loved dwinking my tea out of those delicate china cups..It's too bad Lacie wanted to play fwisbee wif them..I don't think that was appwopwaite at all. Mango's icing but was ummm, well nevewmind..I have no eyes fow anboy xept my dawling gilbewt..swoooon...
I think I'lljust have anothew one of those little samiches pleez
wheeley smoochieys
Lavendar is quite becoming on all of you..We can not WAIT for the wedding!! Love A+A
UMMM so you might want to check out our Blog today, I can't believe you guys agreed to go out with Tanner the night before the big shower????
ANYWAY, the shower looks like it turned out just great. I don't really want to know about those Long Island Iced Teas because Mom said just reading the name gives her a headache. oh dear. I still can't believe Mango, you guys seriously know how to party!!
Gee Fiona, that looks like a wonderful shower.....bet ya all had a great time except when the Mango man sat on the cake.....hope Myrna got a lot of beautiful gifts...it will be a great wedding...
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh my goodness that was some party! If this is what the bridal shower was like we can't WAIT for the reception!!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Autumn told us all about it! She said it was the most beautiful shower and the most "interesting" shower she'd ever been to! We can't wait for the wedding!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Fabulous shower. Sorry none of the pugs could attend.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
What a wedding! Nice cakes.
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Fiona! That was quite a shower. What a cake! What a cute server! And what a centerpiece!
See ya!
Hi my friends,
First off, Mommy hasn't found my camera yet and I am very upset that I haven't shared Siskle-leto with all our friends. We can't afford a new camera right now so did your Mumsie by any chance take pictures of him that we could use on my blog to introduce him to everybody?
Also I'm getting ready to do my Spring Flower post and really hope you can send me a picture of one/or all of you with or near spring flowers please send it to us. We are gonna do the pist this weelend. It doesn't even haveto be from this Spring. I would love to have my airedale friends on that post.
You are so correct. It was a beautiful bridal shower.
Wow!! Everything was so beautiful!
But what were Scruffy, Butchy, and Stanley doing there? I hope they didn't ruin everything.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Fiona, you girls are the most FAB set of bridesmaids a wheelie girl could have!
My momma is embarassed to say that she had a cake just like that bustier one up there at her bachelorette party.... except maybe even MORE risque! ;)
Can't wait for the big wheelie wedding!
Lacie wooooa you took such bootiful pictures. I loved the garter cake.Those rose tea cup cup cakes! And Myrna presssing her own Rose scented perfume!!! Yep a few wheels back and forth over the those petals and wham bam there's your rose oil!!!!! OOOOh - wagging GOOD IDEA for my SPA ranges. Get all those wheelies to work...'xcuse me Lacie might need to go and sniff them wheelies out. I'll try and be good...won't I?
Wiry love and kissies, Eric xxx
Little Beast,
I was wonderin why momma smelled both yummerlishous and disgusting at the same time. Thanks for clarifying.
Regarding my good pal Scruffman's activities with towels and whatnot, I think you need to show me proof before I believe he would do such a thing.
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