Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TRIPLE OVERTIME?????????????


OR STANLEY'S CUP????????????

We're hangin' in there!!!!!!!
Babys....NO.....Posted by Stanley!!!!!
Pee Ess
Hey, I pulled outta my collar last nite...Mumsie was tryin' to make us walk past the SCARY HOUSE. Ya know...the one with the insane Westie...so I decided to do my walk/run in the other direction. Mumsie flipped out and dropped Scruffy's leash...hahahahaha!! He's tons harder to catch. She grabbed Scruffy and gave chase, but couldn't catch me. So she planted her caboose on the sidewalk AND GAVE SCRUFFY HUGS AND KISSES and ignored me. Of all the nerve! Hmm...of course I ran right back. I wanted kissies too....what a low down dirty trick....my first chance of FREEDOM...ruined.


Emily said...

Wow-- your Mum tricks you too?? When I dash out of the front door to go find goose poop and feral cats, my mom tricks me out of my freedome by running to the car and opening the door. I come right back and jump RIGHT IN. I'm such a sucker for car rides...

Deetz said...

That is a horrible trickery. Hugs and kisses of all things....Got to admit.....very smart human you are dealing with

Lacy said...

w00f's scruffy, lacie and stan...heehee me guesses u mama nos how to deal wiff u...

b safe,

Dandy Duke said...

HAHA - so you've got to get up PRETTY early in the morning to fool your mom!!! Gotta stay on your toes!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

I KNOW TRIPLE OVERTIME!!! WHOA what a game!! We are rooting for you!!! This is VERY exciting!!! What no more babystan??? Mumsie must have had A HEARTATTACK!! love A+A

Amber-Mae said...

Damn, you've been punked! But now you know that you musn't make this mistake again...hehe!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Is that cup some sort of sporting reference? It's kinda lost on me cos I hate sport! So now you're officially Stanley, not Babystan? Wow, that's pretty cool. J x

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

ahhhhhh she foiled your plot to escape the horribleness that is the leash!!! What a vile woman she is!!! Mmmm but the kisses and hugs are the best! Snuggle your humans butt...that's fun too!

When you get your goody package don't forget to go over to Chef's Album and submit the pictures of you opening your Goody Package!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Ah your mum sure is smart...

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

Sometimes Lucy slips her collar and runs all over the place including the main road in Leura.....cripes! We'll have to try that trick but somehow I don't think it will work with Lucy.

Hugs and tail wags

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh I meant to ask, by boiling marrowbones a little bit won't they splinter??


Dexter said...

Why are you forced to walk past the scary house? How awful for you. Good thing mom was patient to wait for you.


Dewey Dewster said...

BabyStan.....looks like there's a lot of escapin' goin' on lately 'cause Toby ran away at the cottage last visit 'n Gram ordered a PetSafe Wireless Containment System fer us so we don't take off anymore at the cottage...what a shocking development that is........Ya gotta admit Mumsie is pretty smart ta get ya ta come back that way......

Dewey Dewster here.....

Anonymous said...

I hopes use team wins, but we don'ts watch hockey it makes Nanny nervous. No more Baby Stan, so sad I think use should keep the name even ifs use thinks use is grown up. Don't runs away from Mumsie she would be totally heartbroken if anything evers happens to use, Scruffy or Lacie, and big brudder would be devil stated.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Joe Stains said...

Can you believe that Mom was watching this on her wedding night?! You should have heard her yell when they scored!!

Unknown said...

Hi you kooky adorable terriers!!!

Petey here. Your people are going to have a swell time on Hilton Head! It's pretty hot there right now, so you're probably happier at home. Come back down in September when doggies can run on the beach all day! There are lots of Pittsburghers there - my Grannie's minister even brings his Terrible Towel to church on game days! My Grannie used to live in Fox Chapel (and she had a wire fox terrier, too!)

If your people want some recommendations about Hilton Head, just tell me and Mommy and we'll be happy to fill them in!

Your pal,


P.S. Yes, I would love to date...got anyone to set me up with? (I know Asta's taken!)

Peanut said...

that kissie thing works to get me back too. Don't feel to bad

Toffee said...

That Triple overtime was PAWSOME!!!

Stanley said...


I've always thought your Mumsie was crazy (and she probably is), but you gotta hand it to her on that one. It's the same around here if Stella gets loose. My girl acts like she's afraid of STella and running away in terror... and just happens to run right into our backyard and then slams the gate. That stuff never works on me though. You'll learn, man.

Goober love,