Mumsie's sickly...headache, body aches, sore throat, cough...GROUCHY...get the picture?? She dumped out a bunch of toys on the floor...that was fun for a while...and then it got BORING. Babystan decided countersurfing would be more fun. Two days ago he got almost a whole pound of Munster cheese...yesterday a multicolored pen with pretty ink that looked fab on the carpet....today it was 5 out of 6 Thomas' English muffins....GONE. To the depths of his internal plumbing. Mumsie was a tad aggravated....so she let us out. Well, it was more like "Get Out, Now!" We did!

Babystan and Lacie got right into it around the deer fence. Lacie crawls in there and pops out at him to drive him insane....Look at that expression on his large Dale face...he looks crazed!

We thought we'd show our triple sit stay. Impressive, huh???!!! That got boring.

So Lacie and Babystan got into it again.

Look at him roachin' and rollin'!!!!!

He got his big head stuck through the deer fence...he actually bit a hole in it.......he was snappin' at Lacie to try to swallow her head. She sorta looks like an English muffin...the whole wheat kind! Have you ever seen such huge white teeth???????
Oh nooooo.... I hope your mom will feel better soon.
How lucky you are. Still have snow ! I don't have anymore...
Kisses, Faya
YIKES! BabyStan is getting real comfy and acting like a true Airedale! He's sure got big white teeth - just like somebody else we know, right, Mitch?!
We hope your mom feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We hope your mommy feels better soon!!!
And wow!!! BabyStan sure has big teeth!!! Love the pictures!! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
We hope your mom is feeling better. It is tough when moms (muzzers) get sickie...then we have no one to entertain, because they just want to cuddle and would prefer not to play. Hope you guys can keep yourselves amused til she is better. Looks like you have a great start!
BabyStan, Thomas' English Muffins are my FAVORITE! I'm glad you are learning the fine art of counter-surfing. My people stick the english muffins on top of the microwave, but I can still get them down sometimes. :)
Hope your mom is feeling better!
Your friend, Lenny
it's me Mona
me wants ya to come over and tell me what breed is Copper
bet ya can't guess!!
LOVE to see the Airedale coming out in BabyStan! Just wait til he gets the package we sent. hehehe
Give your Mumsie some huge goober smooches to heal her up (the really juicy kind, ok?) And, you guys try to chill just a little... for HER sake.
BabyStan has some impressive toofers! Give him some raw meaty bones to gnaw on and they'll stay nice and pearly!
Those action shots between BabyStan and Lacie are reminiscent of what happens at OUR house (sans deer fence). Keep it up, buddies.
Goober love & smooches,
Hi, friends!
Sure I hope your mom is feeling better now!
Babystan and Lacie had great time there in the snow!
I guess to cold for me!
Have a good night
Crikey check out Babystan, he's really going for it....he is an airedale after all. It's to be expected.
Hope your mum feels better soon.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh gosh, it sounds like your mom is very sick! Hope she will get better soon with all the medications she has. BabyStan is sooo funny! What a notty playful pup he is!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
dang you guys have fun. I am so so jealous and sure do wish that I could counter surf. Maybe I should buy a ladder. Your Mom must be so proud that you guys amuse each other so well!
Those awe the biggest teef evew! Babystan and Lacie suwe know how to play bitey face, whaewew awe you scwuffy??
I love bitey face, don't tell me you don't..I amd sooo jelly of youw snow and back yawd, I think I'm going to move in with you, I'm suwe Mumsie won't mind having anothew tewwiew huh??
smoochie kisses,Asta
Wow, those are impressive teeth! No wonder she stayed on the other side of the fence.
Hope your Mum feels better soon.
~William Tell
hi kids, you sure are making the best out of a boring situation. (you can visit us to see what Brody did when he was bored) we see that Babystan is learning the art of countersurfing. good score on the english muffins. you would think that playing outside there would be less trouble to get into, but we're not so sure after seeing those pictures. we're pretty impressed with the triple sit stay though. you will never see that one at our house ---- darnit.
Ha Ha! Those pictures cracked me and MY Mom up! We are VERY impressed with your triple sit stay move...Very impressed!
Hope your Mom feels better soon, though it appears you all are creating a whole bunch of fun...
Love, Hercules
PL2 says to tell Mumsie to come here she is sick too and if you wnat to see BORED come here. Archie is up to 15 minutes and let me tell you,this will not tire him out till we get back to one hour walks!!!!!!!!! NICE teeth on Babystan!!!!!!!!! We wish you guys lived closed then we could all be bored together! Love A+A
oh my dogness, we can't believe those incredible stories that you told us on our bloggy. you kids are absolute terrors, and we mean that in the most complimentary way. you're lucky your mumsie is still alive after all you are putting her through. we were never never never that bad when we were kids - hey we still are kids and we don't even come close to those shenanigans.
we hope you kiddos can settle down just a bit and take it easier on you mom. it's not easy for moms to put up with a bunch of unruly beasts. she needs for you to give her a break every now and then, okay? take it easy kiddos and let your mom recuperate.
He he he, us terriers just can't seem to stay occupied and out of our hoomans hair for very long. I love how Lacie keeps messing with Babystan. He is showing his true Airedale colors by fighting back. You'll have to put him in his place Scruffy. Hope your Mom feels better real soon!
Your pal,
Giwlfwiend ,of couwse you can be a cheewleadew with me..do you have an outfit, ow do you need me to give you one??and what colow etc???
That bwoth sounds delicious and so vewy thoughtful of the boyz, I don't undewstand why Mumsie didn't appweciate it?
wewe the fiwemen cute??
smoochie kisses to all of you especially healing ones to Mumsie!!
Oh I like your triple sit stay photo. BabyStan looks scary showing his big teefies
~ Girl girl
Hey guy! I like that Mass a Chew Sits you put on your blog for my link. BabyStan is one fierce dude. Easy on the counter surfing, my man. Therein lies trouble.
seems like your mum is REALLY sick...so many sickness at one go must be affecting her mood...
but u still got to go out n play with snow...is something pawsitive..
At least you have each other!! Imagine how painful it is when I'm bored by myself!!!
LOVE the triple sit stay! Good dogs!
Hey pals, hope mumsie is feeling better now. Your triple stay is very impressive. I can barely manage a single one! J x
You mean Scruffy and babyStan didn't add bof??it's a vewy essential ingwedient...!
did you get the delivewy on youw pee mail??
I love cwocodile puwses..Oooh I hope we get some and some gweatshoes pleez
thanks fow thinking of that
smoochie kisses
I sure hope Mumsie feels better soon. Give her a big smoochie for me, ok? And so good of you Scruff to stay out of trouble!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Aw, poor mumsie. Tell her me sended some nibbles.
Gosh, will my new teethies be as big as Babystan's? They bi very white. He can give me toothy care advice when we go to pawty.
Cassidy x
Mom says that icky flu is going around her whole office. Hope Mumsie feels better soon.
For a Baby-Stan, he sure has big teef! I'd love to meet up with you guys at North Park sometime in the spring. Sherman & Penny have to stay home 'cuz they can be grouchy.
Boy, those teeth would scare me! You better be careful, Lacie. Can you outrun him?
And Scruffy, my dear, you are smart to avoid the whole thing that Lacy and BabyStan have going. I would not want to see you get hurt. That would make me very upset. As they say, "Discretion is the better par of valor", whatever that means.
Say "Hello" to Mumsie for me. We hope that she is feeling better. It is no fun when our mumsies get sick.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh, and I forgot to mention...
I loved your triple-sit-stay. I'm sure that it was rated a 10, or the highest number that is used in the new grading system. Nice job, guys.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
My girl was impressed by your triple sit. I was impressed by baby Stan's counter surfing. I love english muffins! The best thing I ever counter surfed was a whole stick of butter, but my girl managed to pull it out of my mouth before I could swallow it down.
That triple sit took my breath and heart away. What a cute threesome.
Feel better mumsy.
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