Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Costume Barkday Bash!!!

Hi Every Dog, Hammie, Toad etc!!!!!

This is Lacie. Mumsie ungrounded me as I'm having my fixit surgery on Friday, unless the vet cancels me again. They cancelled me for today as some big Golden had to have a bunch of toofers yanked. Sorta makes ya wanna go and brush, doesn't it?? Anyway, they didn't have enough time to do my surgery...I was an "add on." They subtracted me right off.

But to way more important issues. We now have six, yes, six DOGS celebrating their Barkdays at the ever-growing Costume Pawty we're throwing in Salem,Massachusetts....We're having it at the house Nathaniel Hawthorne made famous in his novel, "The House of the Seven Gables." I'm purposely NOT putting any scary pictures on this post...Scruffy keeps stuffing his front end under the bed when I talk bout the fun things to do that night. We think we might rent a Winnebago to drive up to the pawty. We're gonna need to haul lots of food, candy and pumpkin ice cream for all of the participants. Then, after we unload it, we're gonna decorate it in a NON SCARY fashion so some of the more sensitive Archie and Scruffy can enjoy themselves without being terrierfied. The Big House will be decorated so the more adventurous can get the scary shivers and have a blast!! I will personally be in the Big House. By popular demand, I'm bringing my princess bed again. But, that's another detail for later. As in the pic above, we can have apple bobbing...Am thinking of doing it with the dog's mouths tied shut, and they have to use their paws?? Just a little twist...

I'm sure these will be a huge hit. For some of the older may save a vet visit for tooth extractions.

And, my own personal favorite...candy corn. My obedience training goes so much better with these little guys!!!!! The Barkday Celebrants are:

Precious: 11/4

What a crazy lot of Barkdays at this time of the year!!

(Dewey and his mom Pittsburgh Asta(!) are blogless buddies of Koob who live here in the burg...Dewey is the hot, er I mean handsome wire foxy behind the tree in the invite. Wonder if he dates?)

AireRuby is available for transportation; get your resevations in soon!! Every animal is invited; bring your friends!!!!!!!!! We'll have plenty of food, games and entertainment. Agatha and Archie are gonna help us with the city tours. Any suggestions, let Scruffy or me know!!

Get your costumes ready!!!!!!!



PreciOus said...

Hi Scruffy and Lacie!

Thank you for including me in the barkday celebration! There's gonna be so much fun and spooky tales! Can't wait for that day to come! *Grinz*


Koobuss said...

Oh Boy!!

I am so excited!!! I am so excited!!!! I am so excited!!!! I can't wait!! I can't wait. I am so excited!!

Did I say I was excited????

Oh Time, please hurry up!!! I am so excited!!!!

Koobuss Kisses,

Asta said...

Hi I'm baaaaack!
It was the wowstest to be without my fwiends.OK. I'm weady to woll up my sleeves and help with the pawty..what do you need done????I'm getting vewy excited! It's gweat that you'we including evewyone!
bty, Lacie..awe you dumping Dunstan??poow guy,he only just got his wheels back..tsk,'we suwe playing the field,heheh
sweet dweams..give Scruffy sweetie a kiss fwom me
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

Fantastic another barkday pawty. We'd love to help so if you need anything from down under let us know.

Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Asta said...

I've had the fixitsuwgewy,and I didn't feel a thing! You should be in fine fowm fow the game! I'm awful glad youw Mom's not mad any mowe!!yeahhhh!
I'll be thinking of you ..I hope they give youa pawtini in ICU..that's what I asked fow..imagine,they wanted to give me juice and gwaham cwackews sheeesh!
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Hey Scruffy & Lacie!

Wow! So many birthday doggies...This pawty is sure going to be great fun! I still can't believe that my mommy still haven't got my costume. Ggggrrr...I am sure to be at that haunted house a day earlier to clean the place up a little & prepare some food. Hehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

the many Bs said...

wow that sounds like a fantabulous celebration. we're glad it's not gonna be too scary 'cuz we have little pups among us who might get scared.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oooo, so many dogs birthdays! It's going to be a riot! J x

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Scruffy and Lacie

Yes, please count us in on the barkday bash. We will make our reservations to fly over and join in the fun. Can't wait to meet you all.

Molly and Taffy

Harry said...

Sounds like excellent fun, count me in! I'm not afraid of a few olg ghouls and ghosties.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Lacy said...

woofies scruffy and lacie!!! counts me in gonna go gets my reservastions on air ruby now!!!! heehee me likies candy tooooo!!!

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's so pawsome.. So many doggies celebrating their birthday together. So exciting..

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

This is going to be a HUGE pawty! The more the merrier, we say!
We'll be bringing the popcorn balls!
See you soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hey Scruffy and Lacie!

Come check out my blog...I have a SURPRISE for you!!!!!


Gus said...

Hey:::I thought we were getting a trolley! I will chip in if necessary.


Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...look at that list! Wow!!!

Aire Ruby is ready and waiting. Oh, and good luck with your fixit surgery!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Daniella said...

Hey Scruff and Lacie,
I would love to come! Thing is, I don't like wearing costumes, so I may come in my bday suit, is that ok? Maybe I can hitch a ride with Koobus, but I have to get to her house first!

Dewey Dewster said...

Scruffy and Lacie, it's Dewey here and I just wove the new pawty inbitation. I also wove the candy corn as my Mom gives all of us some for treats too. And I could bob for those apples all day. They look like balls that I could chase and then eat,ummmm,num,nums. Can't wait for the big day to arrive.
Dewey Dewster

Asta Marie said...

Hey Scruffy and Lacie,

Do not listen to a word of what Dewey says, he does not play fair. He always steals my ball and I was here first! I guess I forgot to teach him about respecting elders. Keep him away from those bobbing apples or they will all be gone in a nano-second.....
Asta Marie, my mother's baby

Lenny said...

It looks like so much fun! And I love candy corns!

Your friend, Lenny

Ferndoggle said...

Woot Woot! Thanks for including me on your poster! May I copy it & put it on our blog???

This is gonna be the greatest pawty EVER! You 'burghers are the best!


Joe Stains said...

this is going to be one PAWESOME party!! I cant WAIT to eat allll that candy corn. well I will share, but I want a LOT

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scruffy and Lacie.
Sure this party will be great! Like Koobie, I can't wait!
Lacie, don't worry. I am sure you will be fine after your surgery. I will send my good vibes to you!
Have a nice day

Stanley said...

Whoa, Lacie Girl!

You have been one busy pup! Can't wait for the pawty. Anything special I can do or bring to help out? (I may have a little someone who I bring with me if that's ok).

Extra goober hugs and AireZen going out to you for your fixit surgery. Keep us posted on how it goes, and... no flirting at the doc's on your surgery day. You want everyone focused on your SURGERY! OK?

Goober love to you and the Scruffman!

Kirby said...

Hi Lacie,

I'm so happy you included bobbing for apples. I just LOVE apples, I bet I'd like those candy apples too. Mmmmm apples with sugar, yummy! Can't wait!
I'm sending out good aire vibes to you, you will do wonderfully with your fix it surgery. Make sure you demand extra love from your 'rents afterwords. It's the best time to make them feel guilty.

Your Pal,

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Um, do we have to wear costumes or can we come nekkid?

Bussie Kissies

Hillary 2008

Juno said...

Scruffy & Lacie!!!! Wow, there are many barkday doggies. I would love to join the barkday bash!!! I can't miss this celebration. I will make a reservation on Air Ruby!

Momo xoxo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hiya Lacie,

Our DROH Halloweiner party is the 28th but we still want to come to your will be a tough fit but we are up to it but maybe not the know she is old gonna be sixty soon.

At the DROH party we bob for weenies not apples and get to eat them -- nobody ever knows why won because the hot doggies, in this case wet doggies, get get gobbled up pretty fast.

See ya at the party...Just us and of course Evander too!!