Saturday, October 20, 2007

Lacie with a Pearl Earring!

I visited Axel's blog last night....check out the pic on there. Not to be outdone. Actually, since Scruffy had his STOOPIIID "No Girls Allowed" PAWTY....Koobie came and picked me up in her new's her Barkday today, and we are doin' it up right. We picked up some of the other girls, and drove to the Penn State game in Indiana. I got my fur done in one of the local shops there. Complete with pedicure. We stopped at a jewelry store and I bought some beautiful new pearl earrings. Koobie is goin' wild...her Mastercard is burnin'! With the cost of her car insurance, I woulda thought she might be a tad more frugal, but a Girl only turns one once!

To the boys in Scruffy's cell...Mumsie is lying in the same spot on the sofa where we left her the last time. She is supposed to be studying for her ACLS recertification test this weekend. You boys better hope she never wakes up....(she's been sleeping "reading" this book for days) or that she never, indeed, actually finishes the book before Monday. Because, if she does, and catches you guys in there with your stinkin' cigars etc....(heavy on the etc.) you will all be in cells until ur pinkies come and get ya.

Oh...and boys....check out Ruby's might have some problems boarding Aire Ruby.



the many Bs said...

wow, you certainly look elegant and ready to go out on the town. have fun.

Duke said...

We had a blast, didn't we Lacie! Girlz day out doesn't happen often enough! We've all got to do it again real,real soon!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

Sounds like you gals had fun. Next time maybe we should go shopping is Paris...the GIRLS can fly AireRuby!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

jaffeboy said...

U go gals! Lovely girlie day out is the bestest!!!

Kaylie (Jaffe's half sister)

Kirby said...


You look so lovely! Mom says every girl needs a girls day out once in a while. So, I'm glad you had so much fun. And, yeah Penn State!

Your pal,

Daniella said...

I am confused my the last message you left on my blog Scruffs. I didn't email you mumsy...??? If you want to explain to my mom, her email is


Lorenza said...

Hi, Lacie
Sure it was fun having a boy's day and a gilr's day too! Hope you had great time!
Have a good night

Asta said...

Wow...You look spectaculaw!!! I'd like to be in on that shopping twip to Pawis..pleez don't fowget me!
I didn't dwessneawly as well fow giwls night out..I need mowe notice next know I'm almost 13momfs..when you'we oldew it takes a long time to get bootiful, plus I was up till thwee the night befowe at my Daddi's pawty..if I don't watch ou,I'm going to get bags undew my eyes...I'm going to put some coocumbew slices on now
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

woofies Lacie!!! u loookies bute ti ful!!! hopeded u girlies had lots of funs on ur nite on da town...

b safe,

pp's hmmm scruffy did ya wins any money on da poker game. heehee did u pwractis asta's poker face??? heehee

Amber-Mae said...

Oops! I thought Koobie was a boy. My mistake! I bet you all had fun together. Now, I'm going to head to Koobie's blog to wish her Happee Barkday!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

you look good! boys need their boy time, you girls will just have to get over it!

Koobuss said...

Hi Lacie,

I just woke up from that wonderful day we had yesterday, our great lunch and power shopping trip. Maggie is right. We have to do this more often. I like Ruby's idea. We could go to Paris. There are so many good places to shop!

Good luck to your mumsie!

Stanley said...


You and Koobie did it up right. Hope it was as fun as it sounds.

Don't worry about that poker game. You didn't miss a thing. I think the room was so full of methane, that we all passed out before the game got really hopping. Don't believe all the hype.

Goober love,

Lenny said...

Lacie! You are breaking my heart. You came to my town for the football game with all those girls....and no boy dogs allowed. Maybe next time you and I can have our own party. :) (Next week I have to cheer for Ohio State though!)

Your friend, Lenny

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Lacie, you look utterly amazing in that pic. You are a work of art! Glad you had a great day out, doing things and seeing things, unlike those boys holed up playing cards in a dingy room.
