Can you believe it??? Our hooman sissy, Cat Woman popped out her baby 5 weeks early. Now note how cute I am in my Easter Bonnet......
Welcome Miss Ellison Maeve to the world!!! Happy Birthday, little Ellie!!!!! She was a whopping 5 lbs 12 oz....a bit heftier than me when I came home!!!!! Doesn't that pacifier look giant? It's cuz her head's so tiny!!!

Lookit all that needs a groomin' already!!!! Congratulations to Cat Woman and Cat Dad on their new little bundle...
Ellie or MOI?
Right answers please!!!!!
XXOO Lacie and oh I suppose Stanley and Scruffman
I am very happy to know everything went well!
Aaaaand.... both of you are super duper cute!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Well, woo of khourse...
After all! I don't want woo to smooooooosh me with that HOOOOOOOGE tush of yours!
Khongrats on the furry khute human puppy!
Are you an auntie now?? EEEK!!
-Bart and Ruby
So good to see that sweet little one and to know all is well. Wow, almost six pounds and still five weeks to go - can you just imagine how big that sweetie could have been! Paws crossed for all to continue to go well. Congrats to the family.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Lightning
Welcome to the world little Ellie. We hope you will not be taking etiquette lessons from your Auntie Lacie....
Toodle pip!
OMG, what a supertough question. You are both cuter than cute!
Congratulations! Ellie is just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
What the heck? I feel that my life is in peril if I don't say that Beastie is the cutest thing ever. No contest.
Ummmmmmm....Gus and I decline participation in such an obviously biased poll...that baby doesn't have an Easter Bonnet yet (but we are sure someone is rectifying that as we type!)
Congratulations on your new Hu-Niece!
Teka Toy
Surely you don't want us to answer that question!!
We're so glad to hear that she arrived and is doing well - hope Catwoman is too.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy
Well really darling it is a close call... We think you should let her borrow your ears.... We think you are equally cute..... How is the Welcome Ellie smoothie stand going over there? Love Auntie Ags and Uncle Arch
You are both SOOO cute!!! She has WAY more fluff than my baby sister. (And to be fair, we can't really judge their cuteness until all their fluff comes in--we have an unfair advantage.) ;P
Cute, cuter, cutest...Laciecakes, there is no doubt that you are as cute as cute could be! But a new hu-pup? You gotta cut us some slack!
We're taking the 5th amendment -- but you do look smashing in your easter bonnet!
Wirey love and super congratulations to Catwoman, Cathusband, Baby Ellie, and her new canine aunt and uncles! And special doggie kisses to Mumsie!
Jake and Just Harry
Twust you to put evewyone in such an awkwawd pawsition Lacie, hehehe
Ummm, is this blog being wead by catwoman?
Tthis would of couwse inflooence my answew..let me just say that baby Ellie is soopew cute fow a hubaby..pwecious and bootiful in fact..we awe soooo happy catwoman and sweet Ellie awe bof OK and wish them a blissful life
Could you pleez give Mumsie(Gwumsie) a hooge smoochie kiss fow me too
And congwatoolate evewy membew of youw family?
Smoochie kisses
Congratulations on Ellie's arrival!
Ellie is very cute..but you are cuter still Lacie!
Have a great day
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
that adorable little thing has more hair than you do...BOL
Benny & Lily
Now Lacie....ya sure aren't goin' ta make a guy choose between ya and that sweet precious little baby girl....are ya? What a beautiful baby sister ya have....or are ya an Aunt ta the little darlin' ? My goodness....the poor thing has ta be related ta ya somehow......she has our pity....fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here....
Y'all are both very cute!Your an aunt, and I know you will be a great aunt.
Sally Ann And Any
Awwww! What a cutie-pie! Congratulations to the new parents. What a miracle.
Hope she grows from strength to strength.
I'm so pleased all went well.
Granny must be soooo proud! :)
Sending lotsaluv
We tried to leave a comment yesterday, but we know y'all are both very cute. Hu - pups are very cute, so sometimes they can be cuter doggies. You are a very cute doggie girl, but your hu - neice is very cute also.
Sally Ann
Laycie you are beautiful but Ellie is definitely a keeper!
I am so very happy that everything went well and baby Ellie is doing well. She does look like she could use a good grooming though.
Nubbin wiggles,
Ellie is pretty darn cute, Lacie! Quick put an Easter bonnet on her, so we can compare..hee hee
Wyatt and Stanzie
Golly gosh isn't she a darling? Pretty as a picture,welcome to the world little Ellie.Placing a kiss on your cute button nose and one on each of her Auntie's cute pink ears.
Wiry love and congratulations to all. Eric xxxx
Many congratulations on becoming an auntie Lacie. Ellie certainly has a wonderful head of hair.
MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Awwww. Congrats to the new parents and Grandparents and Aunt & Uncles pooches!! You are both cute. The baby hooman has a LOT of hair...Unlike you, she will loose it all at around 3 months. Bol. Babies bring such blessings to families. You are very lucky to have this sweet bundle of joy.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Best wishes and Congrats to your family!!
XX-Cassie & Patrick
Oh, Ellie, hands down, Lacie! Probably because she doesn't yet have big snarling TEETH like you!
Seriously, we are smitten with Catwoman's new kitten! And Grandmumsie must be over the moon with joy. You may have to do something truly horrendous to get her attention back on you three!
Lots of love and kisses to the new baby and Grandmumsie,
Jane and Petey
That's a real tough question, Lacie. But ya gotta admit that little Ellie is one darn cute human baby. They don't come any cuter than that.
As for you, Lacie, you are the cutest lakie with bunny ears that I've ever seen. They don't get any cuter than that.
So, I guess it's a tie. You are both winners!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
That's a real tough question, Lacie. But ya gotta admit that little Ellie is one darn cute human baby. They don't come any cuter than that.
As for you, Lacie, you are the cutest lakie with bunny ears that I've ever seen. They don't get any cuter than that.
So, I guess it's a tie. You are both winners!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Cute pics! And you both are VERY cute :)
Stop by for a visit.
Flynnah & Roxy xx
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