Stanley here....this is my normal positioning to scare off an intruder...but do you see my HEAD????? Well, it started like this...something about the next General Meeting of the Naughty Terrier Club members to wear wigs or hats...well, Lacie is so all about that.
That's enuff to give you a nightmare, huh.....

Then she stuck it on me, so I would be distracted from the best dead rubber chicken in history.

She then presuaded me to try on her Easter bonnet that Katie's mom made her for last season. "Stoop down," she says in her screeching obnoxious voice..."
"Here, let me give it a final are such a lughead, I can barely fit it over your massive skull. And it's so not all about brains."
So, this is what the fed ex guy saw, instead of a fierce guard dog....sheesch. Nuthin' like feelin' stoopid.

Well, until she put me back in that dumb wig.

A Dale's eyes are windows to our souls...WOE IS ME.
Respectfully submitted,
Ooo Stanley, that's ruff! It's hard to look like a tuff guy with a wig on...BOL
Oh the humanity of it all! The humiliation is beyond words. How will you ever recover or better yet get revenge?
Stan: I got a lot of sympathy for your plight, but at least Miss Teka does not share well with others, so it is only the muzzer I have to dodge.
We so sympathize. When we read about terriers having to dress up for the annual meeting, we immejiatly shut down the FB page so "she" wouldn't see it
Who knows what awaits us!
Wirey woofs of compassion,
Jake and Just Harry
BOL! Dat is too funny!
You certainly made the FedEx guy's day, Stan! No question about that!
You sure look purty in that purple hat!
Love ya lots,
Dawling handsome Stanley
Those sad Dale eyes of youws make me buwst into teews..even wif silly Lacie's jokes and fowcing you to weaw that bonnet and wig, youw gowgoosness and manlyness shines thwoo
Plus, the Fedex guy will pwobably bwing you extwa pawcels cause you made his day
Smoochie kisses
Dude. Sisters suck. You're an awesome man-dog; don't you forget it.
The scariest thing in that post was Beastie in that wig. EEEEEE! I think you pulled off the bonnet look very well.
That wig looks like it would make an awesome tug toy!!!
you guys look entirely to sweet to scare any buddy off, BOL
Benny & Lily
Were I the FedEx man I would have been utterly petrified....
Toodle pip!
LOL! I love your red hair, your so beautiful and fabulous!
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
Poor Stanley! I have to admit you do not look so fierce with the wig. But that's OK! You can be a lover, not a fighter!
Red wig for Lacie? mmmm...?
As long as you offered that Fedex man one of your famous smoothies! Can't wait to taste on too...someday... :)
You terriers are something else!
PS. Soooooo happy about your latest delivery! C
STANNIE STANNIE STANNIE you gota come over here man I will teach you how to deal with your sister.. THIS IS TOO MUCH love Archie Ps ahhhmm don't let Agatha read this ok
Oh Stanley, you do look forlorn with that wig on...But you are very cute. Lacie knows what makes us girls swoon. A manly Dale who can wear a hat or wig and still be macho.
OH the shameeeeeee.
Hugs, Hootie
Oh Stanley,
Such Hoomiliashun you must enduwe when yu have a sister!!!! Me think you couldn't scare a wee little fly wooking like dat!!
Sheeeeesh Lacie
I'm afwaid you need glasses, Gussie's place? You mean Gössew? Don't you know all youw Gewman beews? Ask youw bwuvvews, being fwom da Buwg, I can't imagine they awe not familiaw wif all the bwands...anyway, I digwess, i only had 297 lbs of gelato in Wome..i plan to have at least one a day hewe, aftew all, if you had to go past it evewy day eight times (in and out fow walkies) i doubt if you could wesist. Besides, the nice mistew behins the countew waves at me each time.
Gotta love this time of yeaw
Smoochie kisses
Thanks for sharing this fun post with us and all of the lovely photos you posted. The hat and red pigtail wig are just too cute and funny. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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