He has his boxers all in a wad cuz of my last post...my musings about Loki (that totally hot Cracker Judge for the Minster...)...all just that...MUSINGS. WHAT? Oh...the above pic...it's not like I have any control over the toys he plays with....
But back to Dexter....lookit this...this mean-spirited letter he penned me after my adorable last post....
And as for that immune to my "charms"??? Well, I have had several TOURS of his barn, but I'm not the kind of girl er LADY who kisses and TELLS.
So for your reading pleasure.....
Dearest Bestie (sic),
First off, I will remind you that I, Dexter, remain one of the few (and I mean very few) dogs on the internet who is immune to your "charms." I find little to please in your potty mouth remarks and questionable attire. It pleased me to no end that Judge Loki sussed out your cheap attempt at bribery by offering something that you give away freely every day.
Loki is no fool and knows that should he decide to engage in the right of passage known rather benignly as a "date with Lacie" then he can do so at any time he chooses.
I will not soon forget when you made your journey to our estate, but I am gentleman enough not to pester your hapless Mumsi for compensation due to the permanent hearing loss I suffered while transporting you.
First off, I will remind you that I, Dexter, remain one of the few (and I mean very few) dogs on the internet who is immune to your "charms." I find little to please in your potty mouth remarks and questionable attire. It pleased me to no end that Judge Loki sussed out your cheap attempt at bribery by offering something that you give away freely every day.
Loki is no fool and knows that should he decide to engage in the right of passage known rather benignly as a "date with Lacie" then he can do so at any time he chooses.
I will not soon forget when you made your journey to our estate, but I am gentleman enough not to pester your hapless Mumsi for compensation due to the permanent hearing loss I suffered while transporting you.
As for your comment on MY blog regarding dental work. I remind you that I did have a few extractions when just a wee pup due to a (rather adorable) over bite which caused my canines to mis-align. That, however, is beside the point. I realize that for you it is near impossible to imagine keeping one's mouth securely shut until there is something of value to say. However, I, Dexter prefer to keep my own counsel until I have thoroughly collected my thoughts.
He makes me sound like this......

When really....well look at me....
To the KHONVENT!!!!
Got it Sister BUTTrille?
Oh my word!! BOL
Benny & Lily
Not normally one so shy away from a scrap, but I'm telling you I'm steering WEEL CLEAR of this one, and would advise others to do the same.
Toodle pip!
Dearest Beastie,
Can you believe that little labrabrat was in MY bed again last night and he growled at me when I tried to get him to move?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 'nuff said.
Yowza I hope I never get on your bad side, you can be pretty mean. I of course think you are beautiful(I hope that helps you like me).
licks and sniffs Sasha
We have no idea how we missed this one. It is Hah Larious. We hope that Lacie has worked out her rage and settled back down. Poor Dexter. He had best watch his back for a bit.
Baby, you sure know how to put the bite on someone!
While Judge Loki's observation is astute, as always, we're with Bertie on this one. As mama often tells us, "now settle down."
Jed & Abby
My poow bootiful, innocent,misundewstood BFF Laciekins,
I fail to undewstand how a supposedly docile innocent looking doggie like the dowk could be so meanspiwited towawds a lovely sweet little giwl like you, but i hope that baby binky will keep his twap shut hehehe
Smoochie kisses
PS. Ummmm why did you gwowl at me when you saw me on skype? Just askin'
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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