Mumsie here....500th POST? We've done this 500 times????? And oh, the friends we have made....the joys and sorrows shared...thank you all....we love you more than you can imagine!!! Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine JUST HOW MUCH FUN BLOGGING WOULD BE!!!
I am turning the bloggie over now to Scruff and Stan.....
OK....check out that GIANT LACIE LAKIE CAKES!!! Rice Krispie treats all mushed up into Lacie's big mouth!!!!!
We give our sissy a hard time, but we want her to know we do love her....

Our pressie to you sweet Sissy.....XXOOXXOOScruffy and Babystan
Happy Lacie Day!!!!!
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats on #500!!!!!
It's Lacie day! Whooooa, what a cool cake
Benny & Lily
No Wonder you got that TRRRRRREEEEMENDOUS Cake!!! THAT is super DUPER.
Happy fifth barkday Lacie!
And 500 posts. Congratulations Mumsie!
And would it be ungallant to mention the tremendous view of your rear end in that last photo?
Toodle pip!
Happy Barkday Lacie and congratulations on your 500th post. What an excellent achievement.
Have the best of days, we are hedging bets here as to how long the cake will last once you start eating it.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Happy birthday, Lacie! That is just the most fabulous cake ever!
Congratulations on 500 posts!
Love ya lots,
My Dawling Laciecakes!
Happy Biwfday to you!!!!! may you have a dozen mowe!!!!
I love youw cake, it's pawfect! and so fitting fow a sweet giwl like you.
congwatulations to Stan and Scwuffy too and Mumsie fow all those wondewful postses
smoochie kisses
Happy Happy Day!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy
Happy Lakie Day to Miss Lacie!
We hope she got a large share of her burpday cake, but somehow we are certain she did.
gussie n teka
We're not sure which is most amazing: 500 posts or a barkday cake that looks just like the barkday girl!!! This gives new meaning to the term Laciecakes!!!
Congratulations all around -- to Lacie Bobeastie and to Mumsie -- and to survivors Scruffy and Stan!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Happy 5th Birthday Lacie.
Congratulations to you all on your 500th post.
We hope Lacie you have a fabulous day with lots of prezzies and a yummy cakie.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Hey Lacie!
500 posts and your 5th bark day, both at the same time!! WOW!! How lucky can you get! You otta play 505 on the lottery, or at your nearest casino. It's a sure winner, just like you!
Happy Barkday, Lacie and Congratulations to Mumsie on 500 posts. That ain't easy, even, or rather especially, living with you guys. : )
Nice work, Marilyn.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
oh wow--that cake is fantastic. excellent excellent! congrats on the 500th post! love and hugs to the beastie
nialHey Biwfday Giwl
I miss you
youw hot cawob wif schlag is getting cold
smoochie kisses
Miss Lacie,
You don't wook a day ober 2! You still remain one of the most BeaYouTeaFul gals in da bloggyville!
Your admiwew,
Squillions of Rice Krispie kisses for you Lacie cakes! Well wicked your 500 posties too - every one a winner! Yeah, wagging all round.
Buckets of love ERrc xxx
Happy Valentine's day my dawling Lacie, Scwuffy and soopew special Stan
I fgot youw bootimoos cawds in the mail and got all teewy missing you.
Lacie, thank you fow wevving up my Vespa so I can make twansatlantic flights
see you soon wif my big package of pastwies(it may be a depwessed countwy, but man do they know how to eat, hehehehe)
smoochie kisses
Happy Birthday Miss Lacie!! You are so lucky that your mama and the boys remembered your special day. You are as young and gorgeous as ever!! Also, congrats on your 500th post. What an accomplishment. Your posts always make us smile...well, usually. bol.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Many congratulations and woofs on your 500th post - that is such a lot of posts!!!!
Belated birthday wishes Lacie, sorry it has taken us so long to get over............!
You must fly over to Scotland and we will break open a wee single malt to celebrate.
We are keeping up with the porridge oats although not so keen on the salt, so bad you know.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps we did so love that yummy cake!
Congratulations! Were so happy for you and i would like to greet you a Happy Blessed birthday! :)
Dog Shock Collar
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