Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sadness and Hope......

Our hearts are breaking....Miss Snickers lost her battle with the sickness that has made her so very ill for the past several weeks. Our tears are falling, but we know something. Her illness and death has brought this community let our dog/kittie/hammie masks slip to reveal the love and caring of the hoomans behind the scenes. Our love for our's the common link we had that allowed us to "meet"... Virtually, at first...then cards, presents, phone calls and the rare, but treasured nose to nose, snout to snout meetings.

We have watched this community support a little dog in Iowa...and her family with so much love it makes us cry harder to think of it.

When we lose a dog on the bloggie...we all grieve...not to presume that we can even imagine the grief Snicker's family is going though right now...we can't.

But we all have experienced this loss together. And together we will get through it...supporting each other and Snicker's family. And we will think of ways to celebrate Miss Snicker's life...perhaps a long walk with our own dogs, a donation to a charity of our choice, a hug, a phone call, a realization that our lives with our pets are gifts...donations of time...we just borrow these furry creatures for a little while...

We know that Snicker's time with her family was time in which she was surrounded in love...from her first day home till today, and always...a life any dog would want...a gift for both her and her family...

We love you, Miss Snickers, and we love you all!

Marilyn and the Terriers


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Well pawed...

Furry well pawed...

We just rekhorded this week's Walkin' Wednesday and mentioned the cykhle of life...

Hugz&Khysses To ALL of us fur we all feel the loss...

Khyra and Her Mom

Patience-please said...

Our hearts go out to mama lamb and Butchy...

sad little wags from the whippets and the servant who leaks and leaks

Faya said...

We love Miss Snickers and we love you too.
Kisses, Véronique, Faya & Dyos

Jake of Florida said...

What a beautiful message -- it's true from the very first time we experienced what it was like to lose a bloggie pal -- Oscar the Airedale pup -- we've been so touched by how loving and caring everyone is and how our virtual friendships ripen into, as you say, nose to nose encounters.

Thank you Marilyn!!!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

i am so sorry to hear that Snickers has lost her brave fight. My thoughts are with the friends and family as they are all going through this terrible time. Forever remember that Snickers is no longer sick but free to run and play with old friends waiting to be together again and she will be there waiting for her friends to join her someday. She will live forever in your hearts.

Martha said...

What a lovely post. We agree with everything you said.
We did not know Snickers but cry along with all our friends - as you said we all share the loss.
Extra hugs for every doggie in memory of Snickers.

Duke said...

What a wonderful post, guys!
Our hearts are just breaking.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

TwoSpecialWires said...

Mumsie and pups. Thank you so much for putting into words what is in our hearts, but what we have not yet been able to paw out.

We are so sad. Beyond words. We so wanted Snickers to pull through and conquer her demons. Yet, we'd like to believe that a Miracle was, indeed, still accomplished. That of the connection of Love and Community that gave Snickers the strength and support she needed to make her voyage easier. For her, personally, and for her family. We hope that she left feeling an indescribable unmeasurable worldwide embrace. She will be so missed. So very missed.

We will always remember her for the profound Moment that first occurred because of her.

Love, hugs, kisses and shared tears,
Jake, Fergi, Moma and NinaGirl

Agatha and Archie said...

Said beautifully......Through very leaky eyes PL1+2 and A+A

Eric said...

How well you've put what's in our hearts. We truly loved and cared about Miss Snickers. Wether, virtual or real meetings,we and this caring community, know those feelings are real and true. We love Miss Snickers, as we do you too. Big hugs. Eric and B xxx

Koobuss said...

Beautifully said, Marilyn.

When puppy Koobie started her blog two and a half years ago, we had no idea where it would lead. We never expected to meet so many wonderful friends, both human and furry. Now when we lose one, we all grieve together. That doesn't make it any easier, but it does give us comfort in knowing that we are not alone.

We love you guys. Please stay healthy.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
Koobie and Family

Gus said...

Mumsie and "the gang of three."

We are sad here too, but it helped us to see how beautifully you expressed this.

Gussie and Muzzer

Asta said...

Lacie,Scwuffy ,babyStan and Mumsie

You said the pawfect things..the love we all shawe that bwings us togethew..thank you fow youw wowds
We all hope Snickews' family will be helped at this sad sad time by s holding them close to ouw heawts.

sad sad smoochie kisses,ASTA

Lorenza said...

Your post is beautiful!
I am going to miss her a lot!
Take care

the many Bs said...

those were beautiful words that you pawed. missy Snickers was one of our first blog friends and we are very very sad to lose her.

sad woofs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Amen to ALL you said and said so very well. It is a sad day but it is truly wonderful to see how well loved Snickers was and how close she brought so many pups and peeps. Our hearts and thoughts are with her family.

Hugs, the OP Pack and Mom

Sally said...

That was a lovely post - and very true - there is nothing 'virtual' about the sadness we share - or the great love that exists in our community

Our hugs go to her family

D, Sally and Paddy

The Black and Tans. said...

Thank you so much for this post.

We are so sorry that dear Miss Snickers has left us. What a little fighter she was showing such Terrier courage.

Her star certainly will be the brightest in the sky.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

Kelly said...

Thank you for this post, and I LOVE your header.

We still can't stop the tears from flowing quite yet. Miss Snickers was so loved in this community, and her influence will remain here.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

I think you really summed it up for all of us.

The Rocky Creek Gang and their huMom, Lynn

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so sorry you have lost such a dear and special friend! It breaks my heart that she lost her fight. You are in my thoughts!! Sending big 'dale hugs and kisses!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are also so sad that Snickers had to go, but we know that where she is she will be able to have all the fun and none of the pain and sickness that plagued her these last few weeks.

We think that it is a wonderful tribute to her and all the bloggers out there (doggie, kitty, fish, hammie, etc) that the moment that started for her will continue on next year to help others who need it. I am sure she is looking down and smiling at the thought of bringing so many people together.

Lenny said...

What a beautiful tribute to Miss Snickers. I will miss her and all of her fun outfits. She always made us smile!

Your friend, Lenny