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to please help spread this message
as quickly and as far as you can
So as many dogs and cats and families
as possible
Can read it prior to 5:00 PM, Saturday, 14 Nov 09, Iowa Time
(11:00 PM, 14 Nov 09 GMT)
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Just please help us get the message out.
Hey Everybody!! Our friends Fergi and Jake posted this important message on their bloggie...if you haven't heard about it yet, PLEASE go to their bloggie and read about the moment of silence we're going to have for Miss Snickers, Saturday, November 14th at 5PM Iowa time...they have a cool LINK to show you what time it is at your house at that time...
After the silence....WE NEED TO BARK, HOWL AND WELL, SHRIEK to show your support for Miss Snickers in this really tough time for her and her family!
We continue to pray for her recovery and to keep our other fur friends who are experiencing great difficulties close to our hearts!
Please join us!
We love you all!!!
Scruffy, Lacie, and Babystan
We are ready! We will join in too!
wags from the whippets
We are sooo glad you added the SHRIEK, Lac. We were going to put it in, but thought it only appropriate to leave it to you!
It's gonna be pawsome!
Thanks for helping to spread the word.
Call me sometime!
Fergs (and Jake) ooxx
I'll be outside at 6pm listening fur the SHRIEKING!
She's one tough terror!
But WOO knew that!
We're in too, guys! We'll be AireZenning like crazy at 6PM tonight!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We be practicing our barking!
Teka Toy
WE are going to bark so loudly we will be heard in the USA!!!
Molly, Taffy and Monty
We adore Miss Snickers, too, and will join in!
William Tell, Cap and Glynn
I am ready too!
Kisses and hugs
Hope you got some west aftew youw bafie..should I come ovew in my nuwsie oonifowm to help Mumsie tomowwow?
I can be thewe in no time on my vespa..it's not even waining
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Twas a really cool day. What is this Asta is asking about you needing nursies??? WHY??? Do not forget, now that there is a new boy in training(he has far to go....and to grow) I am available for shifts. Kinda used to being Charge nurse, but I can work with others!!
Do you need help?
(You gotta come by the bloggy to see some really good pics of that new boy!!) I think you will like-though he is still young!
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