Butchy picked us up for our "date." We jetted over to Mountain Top to get Koobie...Stanley came with us this time and brought that huge Stone Dale (evidently his name is Stoned.) He said he'd like to see Stoned Dale hang out with the Nittany Lion...perhaps at the Creamery for an ice cream!
Butchy made the hooge mistake of lettin' Stanny fly his plane. (Click on the pic...the Dale looks crazed!) We had just decided to get out to stretch our paws when he ZOOMED THE STADIUM! Plus he tossed the Stoned Dale into the end zone for a little surprize. Right...how Stan managed to pull that plane up in time, I'll never know. I thought we were goin' straight into the Lion's locker room. (On second thought, that coulda been sorta entertainin'...in a professional sense, of course.)
These dates with Butchy are exhaustin'! He decided to stay for the Steeler game today....
Ice khream!
Be sure to chekhk out my blog fur today - I met my furst 'dale yesterday and got to play a bit!!!
Right! Now which one is the "Stoned Dale?" Just too much fun you guys.... tooooo much fun.... and Ice Cream to boot!!!
Apache and her tribe
Oh too bad you didn't get to go in the locker room......Love A+A
Oh Scruffy and Lacy, that plane ride was so much fun! I had such a good time even though we didn't get into the locker room. Shucks. But going to Cincinnati to see the Steelers win made up for it. So far it's been a good weekend.
Maybe we can go to the World Series in Philadelphia. And if Boston gets in, then maybe we could go up there and descend upon Agatha and Archie! What fun that would be!!!
dog, you kiddos sure do lead a wild life.
Well the Steelers kicked butt so great job bringing some good luck that way. Rest up.
Lacie BFF,
That looks like a pawfect date(xept fow all the extwa fwiends)..Did you get a chance to be a lone wif Butchy???
I suwe love his plane..I bet he'll nevew lend it to Stan again..I wouldn't..I feel left out..Maybe I should take spowts mowe sewiously..
smoochie kisses
Wow...we are glad you had a good time. And very glad the plane survived. After the episode with the pink four wheeler, I think Butcho could have been in mucho troubles for wrecking the plane.
You had lots of fun, didn't you. Me likes your Halloween picture.
You guys always are havin' the most fun! We're thrilled that you got ice cream! What kind?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Looks like a wild ride!!! But fun. Ice cream too? Yummers!
Come by our blog. We have the "flutterby"(butterfly) award for you crazy terriers!
Hugs & Hi 5s
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