Friday, October 17, 2008


Mumsie here...Look at this...this poor female boxer...and it gets worse. This sweet Girl, who had recently given birth, was found TIED TO TRAIN TRACKS. Her life was saved when a train engineer passing in the opposite direction saw her and halted train traffic and rescued the dog.

Who on earth could do such a thing...and look at her...she's starving. She was given to the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society (they named her Choo Choo)....the original reward for information was $'s now up to $6000. She's doing on a feeding program and has TONS of people willing to adopt her.

Not being a particularly vengeful person, I would, however, LOVE to be the judge in the courtroom if this BEAST that did this was ever brought to trial. Tie him or her to the train tracks? Tempting, isn't it?

I don't like to dwell on evil...especially on this blog...but this is too awful to ignore.




NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

OH -

My mom is right there with your mumsie -

She murmured something about doing the same thing to those that do that -

Thanks fur sharing this -


Ruby Bleu said...

Dear Mumsie...
My Mom is hopping angry now too! That evil, evil pawson. I hope they find the BEAST!

Lots of little angry licks! Ruby

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

What in the hell is WRONG with some people?!?!?!?! I just wish they could get the same treatment!!!(Maybe they will in hell.....) Ok-gotta calm down. GGEEEEEEZZZZZ

Amber-Mae said...

Oh lordy, such a poor thing! How could anyone have a heart to do that to her? So sad but I'm glad she was rescued. Kudos to the train guy! Who would not want to adopt such a lovely & sweet dog like her. She will find a good living home very soon.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

Mommi would help you tie the monstew to the twacks
I'd pawsonally tweat him like one of my stuffies when I'm know what that is..he obviously has no soul, so wipping his stuffing out would be OK
smoochie kisses

Abby said...

Oh, My...

That is just horrifying...It's inconceivable...Sure hope they find the monster that did that!!

That's all I can say...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Peanut said...

We saw that. Mom says she is a vengeful person and she would do worse then tie the person to the train tracks

nl1990 said...

Yeah train guy! I'm right there with your mumsie. Hopefully what goes around comes around.


Faya said...

I wish I could stay 2-3 minutes alone with the one who did this....
Kiss, VĂ©ronique

Deetz said...

My mum gets extremely angry about stuff like this too and she said they should legalize hangings again like they used to do back in the cowboy and indian days.

Gus said...

Okay, I wanna get in line behind the rest of you for three minutes in private with the idiot BEFORE we tie him to the train tracks.

Gussie and Muzzer

Noah the Airedale said...

That is absolutely horrific. What a sad story....Well D is a vengeful person and knows exactly what she'd do to a person that would harm an animal.
Thankfully she was saved. There are lots of good people out there but the bad ones....grrrrrr.....


Dandy Duke said...

Mitch, Mom and I are all volunteering for jury duty!
Who could do such a thing to that beautiful girl! grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

Oh Double GRRRRRrrrrrr! She looks like Penny!!! This stuff makes my blood boil and makes me wish horrible things on the person who did this. Things so horrible I'm almost ashamed. Almost.

I teach class on Saturdays at the WPHS and will check on Choo Choo. I'll make sure you get an update on her progress.

People are really just sick!!


Eric said...

Truly shocking Inconceivable someone could do that. Thank goodness for the caring train driver.Hope she gets a fantastic loving new home, let us now...

Wags, Eric x

Agatha and Archie said...

C0unt us in...We would like to put him at the end of an earthdog tunnel without a cage, and then let every terrier IN THE WORLD at him.........We are so sick we
can barely A+A

Lorenza said...

How could someone do that?? Poor Choo Choo.
I hope she will be healthy soon.
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

OMG...WE are bearing teeth over here in Hercy World Headquarters! What in the H-E-double hockey sticks is wrong with some of these people? I don't understand the nonsense!

Love, Hercy

Moco said...

Grammie AKA Marilyn here: You don't even want to know what type of therapy I feel a person who would do this deserves. Dogs are amazing. You can still love in the eyes. Thankfully the engineer had a heart was not a flipppin sociopath.

Unknown said...

People's capacity for cruelty never ceases to distress us.

Hope Choo Choo finds a wonderful, loving forever home for the rest of her long, happy life.

Your pal,


Dewey Dewster said...

Don't ya just hate it when people are so cruel and heartless???? Yep, if we all could get the guy before the courts did, we could peemail 'em ta, but we never get ta dish out that kind of ya ?????

Dewey Dewster here....

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Dear Mumsie..... I AM SO THERE WITH YOU ON TYING THIS PERSON TO THE TRAIN TRACKS!!!! With a reward that keeps growing..... someone, somewhere will turn this awful person in. We'll let Asta "gut" him like a stuffie and Deetz Mom hang the critter!!!


The Musketeers said...

there must be something wrong with that dog human ! Our human are super angry with the irresponsible human of the boxer now . She is such a darling , she don't deserve this kind of treatment at all ! ARGH !!!

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

Princess Patches said...

Our mom says the SOB should be tazered until he's dead!...or worse, if we can think of anything! The poor girl looks even a little worse than Patches did when she first came here. We're very glad people are lining up to adopt her!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Koobuss said...

Oh my Dog!! How awful. That piece of scum that did this should be ripped to pieces by all the dogs we could gather.

As despicable as this is, the ending of your story proves that there are still more good humans than bad humans. We are so relieved to hear of her rescue, that she is recovering nicely, and that she will get a loving and forever home. Good bless the train engineer and all the people who are taking care of her.

We send her our best wishes for a beautiful life.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess That bastard who tied her to the rail doesn't deserve to live.

Patience-please said...

Some, most, humans are tortured young souls, and we are here to teach them Truth and Love.
But there are older human souls, like the train engineer and like all of our humans, who do a little better.
We are the Hope of the world, if the humans would only listen to our hearts.

wags from the whippets