Monday, July 30, 2012

POTP for Lacie....Evil Seizure Monster Arrived......

Scruffy and Stan here....we want to thank you all for the sweet comments for not so sweet Lacie. We just got outta jail yesterday cuz Mumsie and Daddy were at the stoopid beach. Last night after our destinkafying baths, Lacie had a seizure. She had some as a puppy; the last one on the grooming table at about 18 months age. She's five now, and we hope she waits another five years before another one. Her seizures make her look like she's had one too many of her own smoothies.

Mumsie talked to Dr. Mary today and she wants to Wait and See. She thinks it might be stress-related, so now all the nurses AND MANGO are here, waiting on her hand and paw. Sheesch. You might wanna check Mango's bloggie and his declaration of LOVE for her. It's riveting. (Scruffy and Stan shake their heads...Mango has capitulated.)
Thought you guys might like to see Cat Woman's Kitten...(she was at the stoopid beach too....Mumsie just keeps sayin' how nice it is to hold something cuddly that doesn't growl....)

They were here several weeks ago. The morning they left,I, Scruffy, had to go sniff the Pack N Play were Kitten was sleeping. I took a large foul smelling poop right beside it just to let everybody know how much I love the baby.

As Lacie would say, NUFF SAID!!!!!!


Scruffy and Stan


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Scruffy, Lacie, and Stan,
The fits could be low blood sugar related as they are not occuring daily. That is a really good thing. We have all all paws crossed for y'all.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think The DOH overwalked The RH -

Master Chew Sits has been really junglie - his brains and nards were frizzled -

I mean, what else khould have khaused that prokhlamation of heat - I mean LOVE?

Pawsonally, I think her sugars were off - deprived of khakes and smoothies by the jail wardens -

Just sayin'

PeeEssWoo: Then again, maybe The Human Puppy has a Beastie Voodoo Doll in her toybox?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think The DOH overwalked The RH -

Master Chew Sits has been really junglie - his brains and nards were frizzled -

I mean, what else khould have khaused that prokhlamation of heat - I mean LOVE?

Pawsonally, I think her sugars were off - deprived of khakes and smoothies by the jail wardens -

Just sayin'

PeeEssWoo: Then again, maybe The Human Puppy has a Beastie Voodoo Doll in her toybox?

Winston said...

Hi Winston here!

Thanks for the pupdate on our "Sweet" Miss Lacie. As you dudes nose, I too find the princess quite fetching!

Alas, I must step aside because Mango is....shall we say....just a bit more buff than me and he might not take a liking to my pursuit of his lady! In fact, he may decide to sit on me and I'm afraid I would then be known as "Flat Winston".

Please give Miss Lacie a gentle kiss on her cheek, put a cool cloth on her forehead, spray lavender aromatherapy on her pillow ( which you have fluffed for her comfort) and spoon feed her a healing smoothie. Please tell her I have my paws crossed for a speedy recovery.

Ruby said...

Oh, it's so nice to see you guys again! That is so awful about Lacie's seizers ~ keepin' the paws crossed that that awful monster doesn't come around again! Ma laughed so hard at Scruffy's poopie incident that she spit her sodie all over the keyboard!!



peesss: Boy the human pup has gotten sooo big! Awfuly cute, that one!

Lorenza said...

I hope the Evil Seizure Monster will not be back again.... never again!
Paws crossed here for you dear Lacie!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

ps... the baby is adorable!!!!!

Scout and Freyja said...

Sending many and many healing thoughts to get rid of the seizure monster pronto! BTW, the little human pup is adorable!

Maxmom said...

I just wanted to drop by and say that I am thinking of you and sending good healing vibes for dear Lacie. (I can't believe she is only 5 years old - her Smoothies seem to have been with us forever :) )
Sending hugs to you and lotsaluv too.

koko said...

Coming from Mango to wish you a speedy recover from the seizure monster and hope it will never happen again.

Love the human pup.

Hugs and licks, hero

rottrover said...

Lacy, we're sending POTP!

Bart and Ruby

Duke said...

We know when we visit your blog, we're always in for laughs. You are too much! We hope that evil seizure monster stays away from you forever, Lacie!
Cat's kitten is just too adorable!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

Miss Beastie,
I hope that my official Mango smoothies are comforting to yourself. Of course it was no small sacrifice for momma to extract the main ingredient.


Gus said...

Paws crossed for more good news on Miss Lacie. We are gonna be left with our trainer over Labor day, so we will know just how stressful boarding can be! We think Miss Lacie was just stressed out at not having Mumsie to boss around!

And why would you poop next to that darling baby? We think she is pretty cute!

gussie n teka

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Lacie's seizure. Your vet is wise to take a wait and see approach. They could continue to be be infrequent enough not to warrant meds. The stress of being away from home could definitely be a trigger. We hope you don't see another one for at least another five or more years.

That little Kitten is precious - what a beautiful girl with such a happy smile.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Lacie,

I just heard from Mango about the evil seizure monster visiting you. I am so sorry and am sending you my very best healing yorkie wishes that the seizure monster never returns.

Your pal, Pip

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh Lacie! We couldn't believe what we were reading at first. Nasty, horrid seizure monster!
Would you like to borrow a photo of Taffy with all his teefies showing, we think that should scare it off .

You take care of yourself sweet girl and we have our paws crossed that the ESM doesn't return.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We are sending many pawsitive thoughts your way for Lacie.

That is one cute kitten - you should hear our Mom ooohing and aahing!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy

George The Lad said...

Oh no, we are sending hugs and love to Lacie.
Take it easy sweet girl
We're thinking of you
Love George and Tess xxx

Jake of Florida said...

Hey pals, we sent lots of love to Miss Lacie in an e-mail -- but we want to send you more love here as well.

We were interested in what your vet says about a stress-related seizure, expecially after grooming because when I, Jakey, was much younger, mom and dad took me to be groomed and when they came to pick me up, I was in an almost catatonic state and the groomer said she was sure I was close to having a seizure. That's why I get hand plucked at home now and why, when we have to be boarded, I get a run and not a cage or crate. I hate hate hate to be confined.

Anyway this is about Lacie and not me -- so we've been muttering spells to keep the evil seizure monster away -- he must have met his match this time, anyway!!!

Wirey love,

Jake (and JH and mom)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Scruffy, Lacie and Stan, I am Sasha. I read about you on Mango's blog. I am sorry the evil monster came to visit Lacie. I am hoping we can be pals too. Please come and visit me if you can.

Loveys Sasha

Asta said...

Scwuffy and Stan
How you could not weelize that poow Lacie has been thwoo hell and all and no wondew she had a seezoowe when all the attenshun that should be paid hew has been divewted to hooman kittens and vacashuns while she ( and you ) have been in jail
well, no wondew the poow deew had a seezoowe
Aggie and I awe thewe now and making shoowe this does NOT happen again
Alll hoomans awe gwounded and the owdew of the day is to wock Lacie gently and wait on hew paw and paw
smoochie kisses

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...

We heard about Lacie at Mango's blog. We are hoping Lacie never has another seizure.


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Oh, Lacie, we're so sorry about your seizure and hope you don't ever have any more. But as they may be stress related, clearly your mom and dad can't take the chance of ever boarding you again, so there's the silver lining. From now on, they have to stay home or take you with them.

Cute baby bean!

Jed & Abby

Asta said...

Yooo hooooo
Whewe awe you???????
Come out and play
Yoow BFF
Wif smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Sending Lacie healing paw , lots of hugs and big love.
Best wishes Molly

Murphy said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog. We are sorry your Lacie had a seizure and cross our paws that she doesn't have any more. So, you pooped by the human pup? That made mom laugh!

Your friends,

Murphy and Stanley

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, everyone -

We just wanted to stop by and say hello. We are so sorry to read that Lacie has had some seizures GRRR.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Asta said...

My deewest BFF Lacie,gwamma Scwuffy and teddybeaw Stanley
I miss you so much
How about showing us Mumsie's gwooming mania in pictoowes?
all my love and smoochie kisses

Maxmom said...

It's been a while since this post of yours. I hope Lacie is better now. Thinking of you.
Lotsaluv from South Africa.

Duke said...

Hi Lacie,
Mom says that if you're going to make the cookie bars, butter your pan first. The recipe didn't mention it but getting them out of the pan wasn't the easiest! We don't see why you couldn't use a different cookie.

Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Military Challenge Coins
Oh what a sweet baby it is just awesome and nice pic thanks for sharing and keep it up.

George The Lad said...

How's the grooming going we need to see photos :) or are you looking that bad!!
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx