Summertime....And the Living is Easy Peasey!!!
Lacie here....this snap of Scruffy is enuff to make ya not get so near his choppers. Why do WFT have such hooge toofers? It's not like they have larger least not my brother.
I mean, look at this...what intelligent dog would poop on his favorite toy??? smells...
Stan got a laugh out of it!! And a fur trim...he looks like a sleek seal now, not a wooly bear.

Here's Scruffy the Hunter checking for Mama Deer about to invade our yardie.

I am also watching. No comments about my rear end, please. My Spanx are in the wash....
Our blackberries have been smoothie blender has burned out several times....
Scruffy is so enthusiastic about life. He inspires Mumsie. She said it's a lesson to watch his Joy in the morning and the simple fact it's another day.
Bruvver wanted Stella the Cock A Poop to have a nice cushion for her nap in the yard.

This pic is entitled....

Oh that Scruffy...hasn't any dog told him summers are for lazing around, napping...shooing flies and eating Wally Mellon?
Dog is inexhaustable.
Miss Lacie Teacakes
You guys are having way to much fun over there. We would give up the toy if we ever saw those toofers coming at us
Benny & Lily
PeeEssWoo: Khould woo PLEASE take the heat and humids bakhk? Mom has this thing about not walking me when it is tropikhal - evFUR am I to keep my FT soooo tight and taut? After all, I SO don't want a bum like WOO!
Frankly, we don't see any issues with your hindquarters. You look quite svelte; have you seen my sister Abby? We don't call her the Hippobottomus for nothing, you know.... And that first picture? We have that same frisbee but it's not in, ah, as good shape as yours - ours is a bit more, erm, well-worn. Heehee. But pooping on your favorite toy? You need to have a chat with that boy. *sheesh*
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Well now.. Pooping on One's favorite toy is a way to ensure that it stays.. One's favorite and always available toy... I GUESS!
I love the header pic.
Cob Corn is the Bestest of ALL!!!
You had your butt SPANXed??? What did you do to deserve that?? momma feels your pain bout da Spanx.
PeeS..those action fotos are grrreat...I loves Intent
Hey, that looks like fun! Tell Scruffman that chasing balls is for Labradudes. Real WFTs just hang out.
Scruffer must have extra cooling or something because it has been too hot to move!
Oh Scruffy,
Now I remember why I love you so much. You are such a dork. My type, exactly!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Summew at youw house Laciekaces cewtainly makes evewyone long fow a loooong hot one.sheeesh
My gwanmothew Scwuffy is magnificent(well except fow that poop stuff EUWWWWWWWW!)
I'm wif you dawling Lacieslimcake,Daddi takes me to the wun and I find a shady spot and just snooze..I think it must be much nicew in the cool gwass
and btw, I don't think you need those look gweat!!!
smoochie kisses
We MUST inform Moma about the intent of summers. It seems she has it all wrong.
Jake (and Fergi)
(Hey! Did you see us with Lola? She DOES have a small fanny ... and she is equally as cute as you, Lac. Moma is lovin' those Lakies.)
I was going to leave a very nice comment about your butt but if you'd rather no comments then so be it.......hehe
Love Noah x
Well I am so gad that Mumsie at least appreciates Scruffy's fine fox terrier qualities. Bounce and enthusiasm is what we are all about. And I think, by the way, that you will find that our brains are perfectly sized (unlike certain ladies butts....)
Toodle pip!
Scruff's pearly whites certainly look in tip top condition! Just like mine! Playing ball in the summer what is wrong with that when you have a nice pool to jump into after a zoomie around the garden.
We hope BabyStan didn't mind Stella using him for a cushycushion! You guys are having way too much fun over there!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dawling Lacie Fwosting Face,
That fwosting fountain idea is the best!!!!
I will happily help you in the taste testing pawtion of this business, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Woo Hoo...terrier fun fun fun!
Lacie, your butt is not fat, just fluffy!!
Fluffy Bums are Best!
That was really fun!! :)
Dog Fence
Large teggers Lacie?? All the better to EAT with.... what else?
Tell Scruffers he needs to take it easy peasy, just looking at his leaping has worn me out. You didn't though. Nope. You look lush.Even though I couldn't fit all of you in view on my wide vision screen......HAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAA!!!!
Good one eh boyz? Eric xxxx
Scruffy is a good example of pawetry in motion in those last shots. Glynn and I are just howling over them!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Hmm.. must say that Scruffy is actually a very intelligent pup.. Pooping on one's favourite toy is indeed the best way to ensure that it remains yours (since no other pup would want to go near it)!
Miss Laciehotcakes
you awe aways fiwst!!!
I miss you why don't you come join me in Lo Gisland
smoochie kisses
I'm glad you got wefweshed
I'll change the watew wight away..pleez come back fow mowe if you wnt
Laciecakes, I'm ppictoowing youw outfit and am totally jelly
I couldn't get my wawdwobe togethew I was in such a you see, I bawely packed anything..just a few bafing suits and sawongs
smoochie kisses
Where are you LacieCakes? Who was the stinker that poohed on the frizbee? That was gross. HOotie liked you butt shot. Okay, gotta go.
Kisses and Hugs,
BRD & HOotie
ps-How do U like the way HOotie signs his name now? He thinks it's artsy. Sheesh!
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