Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royal Wedding Week and Package from Miss Enid and Eric!!

Look at this GIRNORMOUS BOX that arrived on our doorstep from London. It was stuffed, just stuffed with Goodies from London....ALL ABOUT THE ROYAL WEDDING!!! Our dear sweet friends, Eric and Miss Enid Wheelie gathered it together!!

Mugs, a plate, nail polish, cupcake wrappers with Wills' and Kate's faces on them...OMD. I am beyond barks...

Look it!!! And check out my new ring that Miss Enid pilfered....er um well, I don't know HOW she got it...but it looks very familiar...see it on my ear????

Then she sent this squeaky kid who is to be my Manners Mentor for all things Royal. I think she's a royal pain in the derriere, but sheesch....COVER UP, LACIE....KEEP YOUR VOICE LOW AND WELL MODULATED. She should talk.

I look just like Kate, don't I???

It's a fine fit on my ear....

London, HERE WE COME....

Tons of thanks to dear Eric and Miss Enid across the Pee.....we love you!!!

I hope Unsteady Eddie is keeping his post in front of the Palace!!


Miss Lacie Oh So Proper Teacakes


Amber-Mae said...

HOLY DOG!!! That is a ginormous box!!!! You guys are so lucky to get such wonderful stuffs from your friends.

Stanley said...


Lacy gurrl, you hit the mother load there, that's for sure. (My girl is eye-ing up your Jo Malone bag, by the way.) Looks like Royal Wedding fever has hit the Burgh BIG TIME. Are you getting up at some ungodly hour on Friday for the live broadcast? (I bet you are - and will be having tea and crumpets with your mama.)

Goober love & smooches to all at Casa de Terrier!

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD Lacey...You look mahvelous...simply smashing. And my Mum (since I'm trying to be all proper and British this week as well) is drooling (not so proper and British) about that Jo Malone bag!!! She hope there is something good in there for your Mum!!!

Lots of Licks! Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well that is a super pressie package fur sure.

I think you look MORE beautiful than that Kate lady.

Bobby said...

What a great box of goodies, I do think you look Better than Kate, well to my eyes.
Licks Bobby

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Lacie
We here are a wee bit worried that you might not make it through security at the airport with that ring in you ear.
And as for manners, well Lacie, where to begin....?
Tell you what, if it all becomes a bit much, just make a run for it and head north to Scotland meet me in my Royal Wedding Free Zone. (Whisky will be freely available to anyone not already stupefied by the events down south...)
Toodle pip!
Bertie the republican.

Asta said...

Lacie Oh so pwopew Teacakes,
WOW you have hew wing!!!!!
oh my dog that is faboolous..I hope they don't have to cancel the wedding..oh well, you could always step in Kate's shoes, hehehe
Ewic and Miss Enid awe the top!
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

At least Kate's fanny will fit in Westminster Abbey -


Gus said...

Nail Polish? I can't imagine it!

But the rest of the loot looks great!

Teka Toy

ac said...

we will see you there.
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

You dogs are SO ready!! We will look for you on TV!

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Black and Tans. said...

Lacie you will look absolutely gorgeous when you step into Westminster Abbey. We assume you have a seat at the front???

Now just be advised April showers have been forecast for Friday (downpours we rather suspect) so remember to take a fetching waterproof number with you..OK?

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Duke said...

What a fun box! You look beautiful in all of your wedding finery, Lacie! The ring looks better on you than it looks on Kate!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Out of all that cool stuff the only thing we focus on was that that purple collar WAS ARCHIES COLLAR BEFORE HE GOT HIS NEW ONE.. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?? lvoe A+A

TwoSpecialWires said...

Lacie. Are they really trusting you to be the ring bearer? Oh my! Somehow that image worries us just a little.

See you soon ... and ... please ... don't furget to cover your shoulders.

Jake (and Fergs ... who, yes, wants to go clubbing ... whatever that means)

Shawn said...

We saw you site on Two Fine Wires and decided to come fowa visit and see youw twavel plans.
Lacy, you look mighty pwetty wif the wing in yous ear..we bets it be pwetty heavy with all the carrots it boasts!
Wes asked Jake, and Fergie, to have a spot of tea and a biscuit for us!