Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scruffy and Stanny GIRLS!!! HAHAHAHA!!

Lacie here...we just all had a spa trim....and my groomer said I LOOKED LIKE A BOBBLE HEAD...that I needed a bit of work done on my beady little eyes are back in evidence....
Now, you guys think of Scruffy and Stan just bein' the height of masculinity don't ya....well, I thought it'd be nice for them to find their feminine side....

Isn't Scruffy adorabe? He looks better than he smells....

And how bout the big Dale with his giant purple bows????

Well, no, it's not the bows...Scruffy had just snapped at the big wus in this pic...

Scruffy Girlie...defending the property....

Do I not look a bit like a bunny rabbit....?

And here's proof my tiny derriere is as light as a keeps floating upward...
Sweet smellin' Lacie!


Wyatt said...

Oh Stan, didn't the groomer have any blue bows. I feel for you dude!


Oskar said...

Those poor guys!

Maybe your heiney is floating cause it's full of gas, BOL!

Nubbin wiggles,

pam said...

Hahahahahahaha Oskar that's a good one.

Bobo and Meja

George The Lad said...

Its only flooting cus of all the gas in there lol!!!
(only joking only joking)
Dam it, Oskar put the same thing, oh well great mines think alike.
Suppose you came back to earth with a bang!!lol!!!
See Yea George xxx
Love yea really

George The Lad said...

Dam it I ment to sat floating lol!!!
gee its late and I need a beer!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys are obviously ready for the holidays.BOL
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

Sigh..I'm soo jelly..i nevew look that good..(and no it's not Gen atticks) it's Mommi's inability to do a decent job of doing my'd think I lived in the wilds instead of a big city the way I look, but I digwess..the boys would be pawfect in my neighbowhood , specially aftew pwetty
smoochie kisses

Dexter said...

What a slimming trim that is. Very talented groomer to be able to fashion your furs in such a flattering style.

I, too, went to the salon this week, but no bows. Goodness. Scruff and Stan need to get their act together on that point. They should have gotten manly bandananas.


P.S. Momma must be feeling tired because she says you look smoochie adorable.

Gus said...

uhoh...I am getting a bath this week and that groomer best not come at me with BOWS!

Muzzer is on my side, no bows, only bandanas and only ones she brings in!

We are a team


Duke said...

Stan sure looks uphappy with his purple bows!
How awful for Oskar to say your a** is full of gas, Lacie! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Your eyes are beautiful, Lacie!
Why did they end with bows???
Certainly they don't look very happy!
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Ah, Scruff and Stan! The shame, the shame. That's what they do to you fellas in Da Burgh??? You gotta hightail it to New York next time you need some grooming and go to where a REAL terrier fella goes ---to a STRIPPER! Yep, that's right. Three times a year my Mom takes me to a Stripper and she even TIPS her for me. And there are no sissy hairbows involved, believe you me!


And Lacie, no, those hairbows don't make your butt look big. Your butt makes your butt look big!


Your pal,


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Stan and Scruffy - what WAS that groomer thinking? Phantom and TD are mortified for them.

And how did you get your bottom up in the air like that, Lacie - great photo catch:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Keep tellin' yourself THAT one...

PeeEssWoo: BTW, if woo say so...

WFT Nobby said...

So why is it funny, that Scruffy and Stanny are dressed a girls?
Toodle pip!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We feel for you guys - bows in your hair - what's wrong with a nice masculine pink bandanna tied around your handsome necks - hehehe!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Angus said...

Guess you're both really cool, modern, laid back guys.

Noah the Airedale said...

Stanley, you're a big blokie dale ribbons, no ribbons!!!! and why is Scruffy beating you up......I'm coming over. You need my help.

Noah xx
hello Lacie bunnykins xxx

Life With Dogs said...

You two looks superb - and I love seeing you trying to run off those groomer smells! ;)

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Good grief! Bows?! Bandananas?! No wonder Scruffy & Stan are grumpy. Jed wears his tasteful black collar in to the groomers; he wears his tasteful black collar out of the groomers. No floofy girl stuff!

Jed & Abby

The Thuglets said...

OMD! they put bows on you guys!

Were they out of bandanas?

Must say you all look very smart.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

p.s. we hope her here doesn't get any ideas about bows!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hello it is very much nice to meet the two of you!!! I have heard about the "burgh" when my sister used to live in Slippery Rock. She lives in Tionesta now.
I DO know about that movie. My mom and dad REMEMBER when all of that happened in Columbus. They actually showed the old Clip on the news the day the movie came out!!
Do you know where Zanesville is? We are between Zanesville and Athens. Hope we can be furends.

Cassie said...

How adorable. The boys going frufru for the day. Was dadsy upset at their foray into the world of drag?!

Scruffy & Stanny girls?? What the heck?? Mommy has me dressing in fancy pajamas now. What is going on around here?? Is the world going mad????

Agatha and Archie said...

Typing for Archie here... He appears to be snorting and coughing or something after he saw Scruffman and Stannie with your bows(actually I think they look rather sweet...) listen that evil look really doesn't show your best side do you think? Love Ags and Arch

Eric said...

Ahh I see I'm not the only dog then who's in touch with his feminine side.....but don't cha think girlie bows are going a bit too far Scruffy and Stan??? I mean next you'll be wearing pink tutus...oh yeah forget... you DO wear 'em. snorrrt sniggerreeee....

Manly pawshakes Eric