The night before at the Rehearsal....Jennifer and Dan, her husband-to-be!!!
So pretty!!
Not sure what Auntie Sus said to her.....

Church steeple...you should have heard the Bells!!!
Church is on Davidson College campus in Davidson, NC...very old....

A few of the maids, Sissy and me......
Bruvver and Cat Woman....
Mumsie and Daddy and the kids.....

So I'm all about the bouquet toss....
Check out these SHOES!!!!!

And our very favorite pic...the picture that says a thousand words and evokes a thousand grateful thoughts...
Daddy and Jennifer...
Dancing the father/daughter dance....together....
Surrounded by friends and family....
So happy!!!
So very happy....
Lacie, Scruffy, Stanny and Mumsie XXOO
Oh, what a beautiful bride!!! You all look so happy too. Lacie looks just gorgeous - we pups all agree on that one for sure.
Can't wait to see more.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm sure a certain RH in Master Chew Sits is thinking ahead to another special day!
Thanks fur sharing this great weekend with all those pretty in pink smiles!
PeeEssWoo: Don't we get a posterior shot of WOO?
Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
I am very happy for your Sis!
Lacie... you looked gorgeous too!
Kisses and hugs
What a happy making post. Everybody looked fab! Even the beastie! What a relief that everything went well.
P.S. I hope Beastie didn't catch the bouquet. I see her fancy pants outfit is color coordinated with my Barbie Dog Cave. Ruh roh.
aw we are beaming from ear to ear... the last pic is priceless loves and licks!
How beautiful!! Everything... A beautiful bride, a beautiful wedding, a beautiful family, a beautiful setting... Even Lacie.
Best of wishes to the lovely bride and groom for a long and happy life together.
Love and Lots of Extra Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
Koobie and Family
w00fs, Bute tii fulll...the bride and groom looks sooo happy...and that father/daughter dance was one to always remember...
b safe,
How very sweet all of those pictures were. The father-daughter dance is always a tear-jerker!
Lacie, you looked stunning.
Nubbin wiggles,
Wewe you on stilts?????
Ummm,but I digwess
what I meant to say is that youw family is the most bootifullest and that wedding bwought lots of teaws to ouw eyes..specially seeing CatWoman in the awms of hew Fathew who looks healthy and oh so happy
smoochie kisses
pee ess Mommi wants to know if you have the # of a suwgeon who can make hew fit into a dwess like Mumsie..who looks incwedibly bootiful
How lovely to see everyone so happy!
Our hooman says lovely photos thank you for sharing them.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
The bride looks amazing, and the pink girls, but, you know what all Lacie, you left 'em all for dead!
Toodle pip!
Lovely photos. Everybody looked so gorgeous.
We wish the bride and groom a long and happy life together.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
What a beautiful bride! What a beautiful, happy family! What more can one want! You must be so proud@
Wishing the happy couple the very best in their future together.
Sending lotsaluv
Beautiful pictures of a gorgeous bride and friends. Congrats!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
What a wonderful set of memories you have shared with us. And we loved your dress, Miss Lacie. Perfect counterpoint to the hooman maids.
Teka Toy and Gussie
How bootiful...everyone looked so pretty and happy! And Mumsie looked fab fab fab!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What more can we say? Beautiful bride, loving couple, happy parents... and Laciekins in all her purple splendour!!!
Wirey wedding kisses from Jake and Just Harry
So pretty!!! All of you!
We knew mom couldn't possible get through this post without turning on the waterworks! We were right!
How beautiful everyone looks!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What a gorgeous bride!! I love the pink bridesmaid dresses!! Lacie, you look stunning in purple, of course!!
What a wonderful wedding day! Catwoman looks radiant in her stunning dress, Mumsie gorgeous, and the Father of the bride photo was a happy tear jerker! So happy for you. Congratulations and best wishes for life long love, fun and happiness.
Wiry love Eric xxx
We've watched Moma look at these photos and read these captions a dozen times now. Her silly smile stays plastered on her face, and it's clear she's not gonna be able to get to the end without welling up in tears. So it's time to gently encourage her to write a comment. Something like this:
The weekend looks every bit as lovely as we imagined it would be. Beautiful Bride. Radiant Stunning Mother. Proud and OhSoPresent Papa. And Lacie. We knew the photos wouldn't be complete without LacieGirlie.
Truly. Everyone looked gorgeous and so very happy. We with the new bride and groom the very best that Life has to offer, Together. And we wish the same for the family. What a wonderful event ... a perfectly wonderful celebration of Love and Commitment.
Sigh. (If Moma is like this with Jen, what's she gonna be like if NinaGirl gets married?)
So much love,
Jake and Fergi (for Moma and in absentia NinaGirl)
Oh Sweetie! What fabulous wedding photos. Your sissy is a real beauty and of course, you looked fab too!! Thanks for sharing this special event with your DWB family.
Love you bunches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
OH that looked like a very good time. Congrats for gaining a brother!
Geesh PL2 got all leaky again.... Darling YOU LOOKED FABULOUS and so of course did Cat Woman and Mumsie....Archie wants to know if Scruf and Stannie were there he couldn't see them... Love A+A
Wow Lacie....what lovely wedding pictures and what a beautiful bride yer sissy is.....
Now I do want ta tell ya that yer Dad looks healthy and happy and glad ta be able ta walk yer sissy down the aisle and it looks like he did a great job of it too.
Congrats ta the new happy couple....now ya look a bit frazzled in yer gown, Lacie....but at least yer not snearin' 'n showin' yer teeth.....so ya were on good behavior, I assume....
Dewey Dewster here....
What BOOOOOOTIFUL wedding! Your sissy is so pretty, she's spitting image of your Mumsie. Everybody looked so happy, made us very happy tooooo!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
These all images are really wonderful.Bride is looking pretty in this lovely wedding dress.Keep enjoying all those moments.
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