Monday, August 16, 2010

Lenny Visits Da Burgh!!!!

Lacie here...I have so much to say, my tiny mouth is hangin' open....
First of all, this dog named Lexiepro entered this pic into Dexter's stoopid black lab contest...don't ya think she should win???? I'm just sayin'...some of her other entries have been DIS QUAL I FIED...dunno why....
Do we look impatient???

We are...oh, I seem to have that famous Lacie Smirk in this pic....we're waitin' and waitin'....

Not so patiently....

For an esteemed guest...I just got my furs done...just for HIM!!! Like the bows????

Sigh..."What Mumsie? We're gonna meet HIM at the park???"....S W E E T!!!!!!!!!!!!'s him....LENNY!!!!!!! Scruffy bows to him...we've known Lenny for forever! They were drivin' through the Burgh on the way home from vacation!! And stopped to meet us!!

Lookit Stan givin' Lenny's mom some Dale lovin'....!!!!

OMD...this is such an honor!!!

What can I say? I even let Lenny's mom pick me up!!!
Thanks for visitin' us Lenny, dear boy!!!
We love ya!!!
Lacie Girlie and her stoopid brothers!!!


Dexter said...

Well, Beastie, I never thought I would say this, but you look absolutely lovely with your fur do and your little bows. That Lenny must be quite the guy to make you go all sweet and girlie.


Agatha and Archie said...

You can tell Pl2 is catching up.. and Mumsie is writing too fast for her to stay caught up... Listen those bows are you.. Now on to Lennie..... HE IS THE GREATEST KID!! We love him.. He knows a million jokes and can do a mean roach.. We have a special section at the Arboretum when he came to visit that we named the Lenny Roach Area... We are glad you had a lote of fun!! Love A+A ps can you teach me how to make my smirk as big as yours?

Agatha and Archie said...

ps isn't it funny that the first two people here are from Massachewsetts? Archie said to say the first three but really two since we are just PSing.. Love Ags

Two French Bulldogs said...

you are looking purrty cool sporting those bows. Oh the hiney...BOL
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...


Nice bows you got there sister...does some doggy have a little crush on Lenny?? Did you give some smoochie kisses? :)


Pee ese- I'm just jealous, cuz I wanted smoochie kisses!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


The softer side of The Beastie -

I'm in shokhk!

PeeEssWoo: My mom SOOOOO hopes woo would let her hold woo - or at least at much of woo that will fit in her arms ;=)

Asta said...


That madicin sounding labwalexdoode is a little scaiwy..I weally don't undewstand why the last few adowable con testants wewe wejected..anyway, on to Lenny,,sigh!!!!!! how lucky can you get to meet someone so incwedibly famoos..evewsince those lympics i've been such a big fan of his, sigh....
I didn't think that bloo was youw colow, but i have to say, you look pawticoolawly gowgeous wif youw new haiwdoo and that last pictoowe , you awe so sweet, mommi was melting all ovew the pootew
smoochie kisses
peee esss..why does Wyatt think you give smoochie kisses???? tell him those awe give smiwkie kisses(equally good, just diffewent)
don't fowget to give youw dawling bwofuws some of my loving gweetings

WFT Nobby said...

Lacie, but you didn't tell us the most important thing. Was Lenny impressed by those cute little bows. Or had he been forewarned to resist your flirtatious ways?
Just wondering....
Toodle pip!

The Thuglets said... lovely you look with those cute bows!

Looks like you had a lovely time meeting Lenny all of you.

Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx

p.s. We hope someone here DOESNOT get ideas about bows!

The Black and Tans. said...

Lacie we have to say you looked utterly delightful in your bows but of course your brothers looked handsome too for their meeting with Lenny.

We are so fed up with this big patch of water between us, we miss out on meeting all the celebs who pass through your district.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Duke said...

We love your bows, Lacie, but you really should have insisted on purple ones!
Lenny was one sweet boy and a true gentleman!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

OMD, you look lovely with your bows above your ears. And your bruzzers look so handsome.

Do you think I would look good in Bows?

I respect your advice and wisdom

Teka Toy

Fred said...

I love your bows!!! Do you think I {as a boy...but a Bichon} could pull them off?

Princess Patches said...

You got to meet Lenny too? We need to move to the north east!

Penny & Patches

Hollie and Janie said...

You look so fab in your bows! I love them!! Lenny is so lucky to have gotten to meet yall! Im so jealous!!

Kelly said...


I tried to enter the labradog contest too and I got disqualified! Those judges... harsh...

Anyway, you look sooo cutest in your bows! You are such a little lady!!!


Peanut said...

How exciting. Everyone gets to meet other DWBers but me.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that looks like a fun time - we do think you looked a bit impatient though! And oh, we think you looked great with teh bows Lacie!

Lenny said...

Lacie, you did look marvelous with your bows. You made me quite nervous when I saw you, awed by your beauty!

It was so great to meet you all!!!

Your friend, Lenny

Koobuss said...


I love your bows! They make you look so sweet and innocent. I'm sure that Lenny was impressed. It's nice that you were able to meet him. He is so cute.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess How's your stupid brother Scruffy doing? Am I still his girlfriend?

Koobuss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Life With Dogs said...

You are killing me in those bows. Too precious!

Eric said...

Aww Lacie how cute you are you with those bows in your furs....but thank dog not all of us are fooled by appearances alone. That Lenny's one smart alpha dog, did he see right through you? Aahhhh now that's a REALLY horrid thought.

Love Eric xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Don't you just look so sweet with your new do and those cute bows, Ms. Lacie? We bet Lenny was quite impressed. How nice it must be to have good furiends stop by for a visit.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

TwoSpecialWires said...

Moma's grumbling. She finds the littlest things to grumble about these days. NOW she's sayin' that she was so busy holding me (LIttle Miss Fergi) that she never got to hold you, LacieGirlie. Whose fault is that?

So. Anyway. This is s'posed to be about Lenny. You got to meet him? He looks like a charmer. A sweet one at that. Maybe if I wore purple bows, he'd look at me and I could look back without snarlin', I mean smilin'.

Oh. It's so hard being a Girl. With a reputation.

Don't give up on me. You are my mentor. My model.


Pee esS. I'm handling this "empty nest" better than my brother.