Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Shower of Love!!

OMD....Laciecupcakes here....guess what we're doin' this weekend....going to Charlotte, NC to attend our Big Sissy's bridal shower!!! Bet you can guess her weddin' colors from this cupcake, pink and white...her signature shades!!! I so plan on hidin' in the suitcase so I can just bury my nose in that buttercream frosting!!! Oh, I so love cake....

This is where the Peeps and Bruvver and Auntie Sus are gonna be stayin'....on Lake Norman....we are all so grateful this trip is even happenin' much less havin' Daddy be able to come too!!! He's doin' fabbers...appears to have made an amazing complete recovery....he's a bit crabby cuz Mumsie's still drivin' him around and he has to take it easy, but that's just for a little bit longer....Stanley has offered to be his chauffeur, but he hasn't taken him up on that.

All this weddin' shower stuff reminded me of Myrna's bridal that was a good time!!!

I certainly intend to wear a lovely hat!!!

Kisses to all!!!

Lacie E. Girlie


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Please have some yummy khupkhakes fur me!

BUT are woo sure she's not adopted - I mean PINK???

Doesn't she KNOW all the hot girrrrrrls wear PURPLE?????

PeeEssWoo: Great news on your daddy!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Have fun at the shower, and we are very happy that your daddy is feeling better.
Sally Ann

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL..that shower picture is hysterical. How bout sharing a cup cake or 2
Benny & Lily

Sunshade said...

So glad daddy is allll better now! Your big sissy's colour is mum's favourtie colour too. Congrats to your sissy!!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Gus said...

Cupcakes aside, we think this is gonna be a super trip, and hope you can find room in the luggage to go along. We are sooooo glad your Daddy is doing well. Ours is back to drivin' (a great relief if you have ever ridden with muzzer!) but still not doin' much lifting.

have a great time.

gussie n teka

Wyatt said...

Oh boy, a bridal shower with lots of cupcakes!! I love cupcakes!!


Pee ees- Glad your Dad is feelin' feisty again!

Dexter said...

I have no doubt there will be plenty of fancy clothes and foodables. Just try and behave yourself.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that is going to be one joyous shower now that Dad is so much better. We send our best wishes to the lovely bride-to-be.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Koobuss said...

A cupcake tree? Where can I get one of those? Do they sell them at the bakery or at the nursery? I don't care what color it is, just so it grows cupcakes.

Pink, chocolate, and white are very nice together.

Glad to hear that Daddi is doing so well that he will be making the trip to see the cupcake tree and Sis get a shower. Hope all goes well.

Also hope that Sis gets nice and clean and that all that rain makes the cupcake trees grow even bigger.

Love and Extra Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
Koobie and Family

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mmmm. Cupcakes!!! BTW, when you sneak away to go along, be sure to stop in and say hi to my Granny and Grandpa - they leave very close to Lake Norman.

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy

Angus said...

Great cupcake shots. Wilf will be with you shortly.

WFT Nobby said...

So pleased to hear that daddy is doing so well. Of course, it comes as no surprise that a human male who has to share a house with Lacie has super-human powers.....
Toodle pip!

Noah the Airedale said...

So glad to hear your dad is doing great. That's the best news.
Have fun this weekend.

Noah x

Duke said...

Autumn says she remembers Myra's bridal shower very well!
Those cupcakes look so yummy and we're so glad your dad is much, much better!
Have a great time!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

George The Lad said...

Those Lacie cakes sure look good, have a great shower if that's what you call it over there, over here it means getting you fuzz wet!!
Love the sun set.
See Yea George xxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're glad to hear your Dad is feeling better - have a safe and fun trip to Charlotte - wave at us as you go by Hillsville, VA.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Princess Patches said...

We are soooooo glad your daddy's doing well and able to go to NC with you! Have a great time at the shower!

Penny & Patches

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Love the color theme for your sissy's wedding! Girly, yet sophisticated. Niiiiiice. Have a great time!!

Don't eat tooooo much cake LacieCakes! Don't want it to affect your B-UTE-Eful Figure!!

The Thuglets said...

We are so pleased your daddy is doing well.

Cupcakes...mmmmmmmmmmm Cupcakes they look absolutely daleicious!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Bobby said...

Wow that cake looks scrumpshes, have a great shower.

Eric said...

Yoohoo Lacie! Liplickinglovely pup cakes. Save one for me and mine. I'm wagging Daddy is well enough to go to your sissy's showere and that little miracles do happen right when you don't expect them. Wishing everybloggie and doggie a a smashing time.

Miss Enid said to tell you Lacie to wear a modest cover all waterprrof bathing hat when you go to your sissy's shower as the humidity is ruin us to furs. .

Wiry love Eric xx

Lacy said...

w00fs, hope ur pawents are having a great time..and u got to sneak on the trip too...hope daddy John is well...b safe on the trip back..yeahhh i know tis raining here too..

b safe,

julee said...

Glad to hear daddy is recovering so well. Oh those cupcakes look darn good!

Life With Dogs said...

That sunset picture is amazing! And so is that good news about your dad. :)

Inky and Molly said...

That lake looks absolutely beautiful.
Enjoy the pupcackes!

Kelly said...


I am just so so glad to continue to hear good news about your daddy. My little puggy heart was in my throat for a while there. I am so, so happy for y'all.

I really, really hope you behaved yourself at this shower Lacie! I just want you to remember that it's not a shower for YOU... ok?!


Toffee said...

Looks like some super fun at that shower...more importantly though when is the "Pawchlorette" night?

Unknown said...

Hey Lacie girl!
Where are you crazy terriorists, errr, terriers? Figure you must be through licking all that cupcake frosting off your furs by now!

Your pal,
