Monday, May 10, 2010

Life, Loss and Love...Remembering Jackson and Digby....

Mumsie here,

We lost two dear dogs today....Jackson and Digby both lost their battles with illness. We can't even imagine how heartbroken their families are and our hearts go out to them.

I had just written a comment to Digby's family in France stating how on our walk today we would be reflecting on Jackson's and Digby's's a beautiful day here and perfect for reflection.

Within minutes I had a reply back from Digby's family saying how on their walk today, they would be thinking of Jackson.

We are all so connected.

This made me promptly burst into tears as I headed to put the sheets in the washer. I have to tell you the reaction of my dogs to my tears.

Stanley took one look, tucked his tail, came over and leaned on me just staring with his endless Dale eyes...

Scruffy took no notice and began to use the sheets as an inappropriate love object.

Lacie bit Scruffy.

I had to smile through my tears.

Life continues.

We laugh, we cry...

We live, we lose, but we so love!!

In tears again, but always with the spirit of hope and renewal...



TwoSpecialWires said...

Even when it hurts, we are so appreciative of our one big family. Thank you for being there. Thanks for the validated tears and the cathartic chuckle. All of our walks will be slightly more connected today.

With love
Jake and Fergi (who is blissfully under sedation right now ... and will emerge with shiny pearly whites, and probably a poodle pompom) and all the rest of the Family

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Very well said. For once I am not so wordy.
Yin and Yang I guess. Have to have the happy and the sad...
Sunny&Scooter&Jamie too

Jake of Florida said...

We owe our dogs so much as they are responsible for this huge, warm family that shares laughter and tears and, most of all, love!

Wirey love, sad love today, but love,

Jake and Just Harry

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We all feel each others pains...


And evFURRYthing in between...


Unknown said...

A perfect post.


Jane and Petey

P.S. My verification word is "lumpa" - like the object stuck in my throat today.

Eric said...

Today a roller coaster of love,tears and now laughter. Seems a perfect tribute to two wonderfully brave and devoted dogs, Jackson and Digby, who, despite their crippling illness still took simple pleasures, rejoicing and enjoying everything in their lives right until their final sleep. Our hearts really go out to their families.

Run like the wind boys.

Wiry love Eric and B xxx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We do so love our babies, even when it hurts the most.


Anonymous said...

It's hearbreaking

Deetz said...

You say it so well, tears and laughter and most definitely love and an ever lasting connection.

the many Bs said...

that was a beautiful post. it's a sad day in DWB land. i love how Stan, Lacie and Scruffy handled your tears. dogs!


kissa-bull said...

yes we were furry much full of the sadness to hear of our now dearest angels.we told our angel brofur chico to welcome them and show them around.

sad sniffles
the pittie pack

Kelly said...

Mumsie, I love this post and your sentiments.

I have always said- I can't imagine not having this community to love and laugh with, and I can't imagine not having each other to grieve with. We are all connected in the best times- and in the hardest.

Remebering Jackson and Digby....

Love, Pearl & her momma

The Black and Tans. said...

To love and be loved by our four legged pals is something so special.

They bring us such joy when they are with us but such pain when they have to leave us.

Run free Jackson and Digby.

Nelly said...

It's sad to loose our friends :(
but the description of Scruff, Lacie and Stan's reaction to your tears made us smile :) Us pooches live in the now.
Nellie & Finni xx

Martha said...

Life can be a rocky road - it helps to have friends who understand the ups and the downs.
It is also so important that we have dogs who love so unconditionally and make us laugh through the tears.

Dandy Duke said...

You have us smiling through tears, Mumsie! Thank you for this!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

ScrapsofMe said...

So perfect...Stannie the comforter, Scrufster the distractor and Lacie the enforcer.

Gotta love em!


Dexter said...

Dogs have the right idea. Life goes on...


doyle and mollie said...

even though we are sad you always make us smile - thanks for that loves and licks & stay safe ok xxx

Lorenza said...

We are very sad too. Our thoughts are with their families.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Agatha and Archie said...


Fred said...

Thanks for making us laugh through the sadness!

Bobby said...

Yes more sadness, our thoughts are with the family's

Sunshade said...

It has been a sad couple of days for all of us, we are relieved Jackson and Digby are no longer in pain, but we are heart broken for their families. We will be thinking of them.....

Oh Baby Stan.... When mum gets sad, I sense it (i can smell it), and I go over, sit down beside her, and put my paw on her with my tail wagging none stop. I do that because everytime I give her the passionate paw, she smiles. STINKY tries to come over climb all over mum, lick her tears while giving her landshark bites here and there. When I see him do that, I go in between and stop him. Only I know how to comfort MY mum!!

ps. Scruffman looks SuperHANDSOME in his new hair style!!

pps. the way Stanny stared at Lacie while lying down beside the totally oblivious Lacie is a lot like STINKY and me. Me being the oblivious one of course.

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Princess Patches said...

All I can say is "Amen to that"!

Penny & Patches

Huskee and Hershey said...

Again, it brings to mind the quote - Grief is the price we pay for Love... But with that said, it doesn't mean that we love less, especially towards our furkids who give us all their love without expecting anything back in return (although I am still convinced that Hershey loves my husband more, and to her, I am just the housekeeper..)

Yes, you are right, our furkids never fail to keep us grounded all the time!! Sometimes when I have a down moment and sobbing quietly on the bed, Hershey will remind me to 'get back to reality' with one of her sudden loud 'woofs'.. or Huskee will raise his leg against the furniture and all prepared to 'christen' it... :S