Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lacie's Perfect Stem Cell Transplant...Sorta........!!!!!!!

Hmm....Scruffman here...wanted to update you on the scientific advancements goin' on around we got in our pool for the first time today...and Lacie wasn't too pleased with her rear view...somethin' bout her gettin' flabby over the winter. Well, DA????!!!

'Stead of going to the gym like a smart Lakie, she opted for the instant gratification option.

Recognize this famous Dale? Yeppers, it's none other than Miss Sunshade...she of the famous MUSCLE BUTT!!!

Lacie went out to Vancouver to see Miss Sunshade in noticed Sunshade actually works out...diggin' and stuff...firming her south view....Lacie's just standing there lookin' cute and un-muscle-ee.

She begged and begged as only Laciegirl can...until Sunshade gave her some of the coveted Perfect Stem Cells.

BEFORE..... this perfection?

Um...NUFF SAID, or I'll get in trouble for sure....



who works for HIS firm muscles!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What was that SHRIEK I just heard?


The Beastie has seen the post!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: How much water does she displace from the pool?

Asta said...


I told you you wewe pawfect befowe..WHY DON"T YOU evew LISTEN to MEEEEEEEEE?
now what will you do?
I suggest flowy gahtewed miniskiwts..No pants evew!!!
smoochie kisses youw nevewlistened to BFF

Asta said...

Scwuff and bStan
You two are in soooo much twouble!!!
I will come fow bweakfast but Not as you planned
smoochie kisses,ASTA

Sunshade said...

OMG Scruffman.......

I am quoting an insert from my Vet-Stem surgery

WARNING: Syringes containing the stem cell concentrate should ONLY be injected into DONOR animal. Fail to do so, unexpected, even detrimental effects may surface.

Did you conveniently forgot to show her this part?? Oh man...... I hope I hear from you and Babystan tomorrow, otherwise, I'd know you're in trouble. Lacie was perfect, I told her so when she came to watch me dig. She was worried I might get sand all over her, so I told her I would do the work you know?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh no Lacie,
What have you done? I hope that the effects wear off soon. How can you wear your lifegaurd bathing suit or your bikinis? Mommy and I are going to pick up my new wetsuit tomorrow. Fun Fun. Also, thank you for directing me and Mommy to the Lakeland website. Mommy and I learned that Black and Tan terriers don't really retain their colors if they aren't handstripped, and Mommmy doesn't really handstrip me.
So, no lakie brother for me.
Sally Ann

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh Dear. Uh Lacie, I know just the thing. Some Lacie SPANKS(mom saw those on tv once and the infomercial said they take off 2 sizes!)
pee eeshayhayhay*wavin* ok anok, i is wavin frum that mooon tunite!
godda go

Inky and Molly said...

A dip in the pool sounds great right about now. I haven't been in the water (my favourite element) in donkeys. I should probably get my paws on some of that magic injection. I have butt muscle wastage from all that couch potatoing around- it looks like there has been a theft!

WFT Nobby said...

Wow. Am I old enough to look at that last photo? Somehow it got through our computer's anit-naughty stuff filter...
Toodle pip!

Dandy Duke said...

Holy crap! That stuff really does work! You better run for the hills, Scruff, because once Lacie gets wind of this, she's going to sit on you and never get off!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Lacie...I think the Maxi skirt is coming back, right in time

Teka Toy

Jake of Florida said...

Hey, our mom and dogdad are actually going to meet Ms Sunshade next month when they are in Vancouver -- and, if they get on the stick (BOL), our flat selves may go along for the ride. Anything you want us to bring back??? Or perhaps you could give us some of your precious Lacie pawfect cells (rut roh) so they could cookup some stem cells while we're there.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Princess Patches said...

You are too funny, Scruffman! You better be on the look-out for the revenge. It might not happen today, it might not happen tomorrow, but soon...VERY soon!

Penny & Patches

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Scruffy - you are being quite te little devil there - bet Lacie was not too happy with you. Hope she lets you share the pool after this one:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

meemsnyc said...

Hahaha, that is quite a difference!

ScrapsofMe said...

Lacie, I think you need a spa day away from the bros. A little mud pack, pawdicure and a good trim and you'll be bikini pawfect. You just need a little toning to yer tushy...I think it's mostly fluff anyays. But seriously, Scruffman best be hiding in a hurry.

sniffies and happy splashing in the new pool.


Dexter said...

Beauty cannot be brought my vain little friend. Miss Sunshade has worked hard for her shapely muscle butt (well, OK, lately she has been riding around in her limo rather than walking, but I bet she still does some exercises).

I look forward to seeing even more of you. Hehehe.


Finni said...

OMD ... Lacie ... for a moment there we thought you were Miss Sunshade!
Of course now Nelly wants a stem cell transplant ...
Finni xx

Eric said...

Hey Scruffy. Did you have to use a wide angle lens to get all of the horribly rear end of Lacie in the shot?!And ewwww. Can't bear to imagine the spread when she sits down.I mean - can she actually sit down? Or is she like one of them wobbly toys with a bottom heavy base that wobbles all over and always has to stand upright?

Square sniggers dude. She has sooooo much to learn from us muscle butt boys. Eric xxx

Lorenza said...

Ooops... I guess you are now in trouble Scruffy!
Happy Weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

It's kind of ironic that this post comes after one titled Dignity and Grace, because let's face it, you bunch are a disgrace! Hee! Just when I thought Lacie's butt couldn't get any larger...

A very FULL moon.

Your pal,


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

OMD that is hilarious!! Looks like Lacie had an extra dose of those stem cells. Please ask her to hold off on the swimwear!!
AireKisses, BabyRocketDog

BowWowzer StanMan. Those are some mudflaps on Lacies bottom!! I could hardly remove my eyes from the screen. Yikes.

Asta said...

deew baby Stan
i DID have a hooge wed white and bloo fwosted mean you nevew got any? whewe did it disappeaw to..I didn't get any eithew..I just assoomed that you aand scwuffy ate it..booo hooo, what's a pik nik wifout cake?
now my day is wuined, I'm a howwibull hostess
(asta is beside herself with shame and grief..she is sobbing)

Agatha and Archie said...

HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ARCHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE get off...geesh....listen I think your butt looks good anyway... Pl2 says if she keeps eating the way she is eating she will have to go on the biggest loser.... Arch said to tell Scruff that he could start a college fund for their koi kids and to give him a call..I think he is whacko..Love A+A who ever heard of a Koi going to college? Everyone knows they are champion swimmers and stuff...

3 doxies said...

Coming by from Miss Asta's. Dude, ya'll is just plum awful to Lacie. Ya'll is so up my alley...hehehehehehehehehehehe! I'm notorious fur causing trubles too.

Joe Stains said...

You better firm up all the muscles involved in RUNNING AWAY. oh boy you guys, do you ever learn??? I sure hope she can forgive this one.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Scruffy. I'm here to say. You have a mean streak. Are you going to tease ME about MY big bottom? I hope not. I'm sensitive. And you never know what I might do if and when I get put on the defensive.

Gearing up,
Fergi oo