Sunday, April 18, 2010

Katiepup's Welcome PAWTY...EXCLUSIVE PIX!!!

Lacie here...lookie who's in I O WA in her Mama's arms!!!


I have exclusive pix from the Welcome to Iowa, PAWTY...stop on by...plenty of foodables for all!

Yeesch...lookit the first guest to of those stoopid birds that try and nab the KOI!

He and Scruffy got into a fight....

Not so pretty Scruffy...lookit the waves on the got windy there for a while...

Scruffy played this guy in poker...AND WON! Yeppers, it's the first time Scruffy has won anything in poker. And Birdguy didn't have any $$$ he gave Scruffy his speedboat.

'Course Scruffy crashed it.

Stoopid Foxy.

We girlies took the boat over to PAWTY on....From left to right...Fergi, Khyra who refoosed to wear a bikini, Asta, ME, Agatha, stoopid Mango, Katie and Koobie floatin' in the purple intertube.

Yes, we have a quality blender behind us......

And guess's Miss Fergi's BARKDAY today!!! Of course, Katie made a cake...that pup is amazingly talented.....
All dogs begin to serenade Miss Fergi...
She blushes!!

Katie got sooooooooooooooooo sleepy...Butchy put her in her crib.....purple, of course!

And the boyz began to PAWTY at the campfire....from left to right...Scruff, Stan, Eric, Mango, Jake, Archie, Gussie's butt, Butchy, Just Harry and Jake in his jamies...!!!!!!!!!!!

Those marshmallows are amazing!! That one is even bigger than Mango's head!!!!!!!!!!

See Butchy in the background? He told me he saw the most amazing thing...lookie who also came to the pawty...Angel Snickers!!! He overheard a conversation between her and Katie girl....
Katie: Angel Snickers...when I was first borned I had hooge purple they're almost gone...why?
Angel Snickers: Why, Katie, needed your wings to fly around Heaven with me sweet girl. But now, you're going to be here in Iowa with Butchy and the don't need your wings anymore, my dear!
Katie: But why do you have yours?
Angel Snickers: I got them when I crossed to the Bridge. Now I use them to be able to be many places at here in Iowa with Mama and Papa and in Memphis with my Gussie. And yes, Gussie, I will be with you in Virginia...and kiss you on your sweet nose!
Katie: So you chose ME to come to be with Mama, Papa and Butchy?
Angel Snickers: Yes, my dear. You are going to be a wonderful dog for them...I just know it. Now take a nap, Sweetie so you can grow big and strong...I'm right here with you all...even if you can't see me...
Katie yawns almost dislocating her jaw...OK, Miss Snickers...I have my work cut out for me, I guess...
With that, Katie stretches out on the deck and falls fast asleep...and she begins to dream of her life to come...
Welcome, are gonna be one Foxy Lady!!
All our love,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny


Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

What a great post...One of your best... :)

Welcome Katie...You are simply adorable...I know your Guardian Angel Miss Snickers will watch over you always...

Abby xxxooo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom's got the leaky eyes again...

It was khwite the inkhredible pawty!

Welkhome Katie!

PeeEssWoo: Sorry 'bout the bikini BUT(t) my mom's fair skin would burn too much!

Dexter said...

The Mango is NOT stoopid. Sheesh! Those marshmellows sure were yummers.

Nice party to welcome the wee little bearded one.


Duke said...

Awwwwwwwww, what a great post! Mom is running for a tissue.
Happy birthday to Fergie! Katie is one talented pup for being so young!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Oh my dog
We awe leakingall ovew the pootew..i somehow knew that angel snickews would come by and make suwe that Little baby katie's welcome pawty would be pawfect. What a pawfect occasion, thanks to Scwuffy's winnings and Mango's mawshmallows and that incwedibly bootiful pink cake that Katie (I can't believe how clevew she is) made fow my sissie Fewgie's Biwfday..What a day..being wif all my bestest fwiends and Seeing Mama Lamb and butchy love and the kitties all happy and welcoming Katie..
thank you Angel snickews(I know she guided us all)
smoochie kisses

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

This is one of the best post - such a sweet dialogue between Angel Snickers and Katie.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Koobuss said...

How nice. Welcome home, little Katie!! Angel Snickers will take good care of you. And you will fill her paws very well, I'm sure.

As for Scruffy, Laci, and Stan, you guys are the best when it comes to pawties! I know. Hehehe...

Great job!!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos! welcome Katie! what a great party!Mum leaked reading about Snickers, Katie and the purple wings, lovely....
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

the collective said...

arf arf arf katies tag is nearky as big as she is

Agatha and Archie said...


Jake of Florida said...

What a beautiful post -- Angel Snickers and sweet Katie -- the perfect welcome to the wirey world. Mom got all teary like everyone else

But Lacie, dear Lacie, we have one little problem -- kind of something for the birds -- but, as you know, we have a loyal friend and handbird who just happens to be a heron. He looks a lot like your mean old koi-stealing bird. But he is not mean and he is not old and he does not eat koi.

To condemn all herons just because one was mean is kind of like condemnng pitties just because one was off limits in his behavior.

We're telling you this because our Heron-cam is about to make an appearance and, well, we hope he will be treated with respect -- and perhaps a bit of distance.

But mostly we just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed the pawty and your post and sharing Ms. Katie's first days with her new family.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

(Uh, and can anyone help us back into the animal camp before they discover our fugue?????)

Gus said...

Awww...muzzer is leakin' and gussie is leakin' so that leaves me to tell y'all that we think this post is worth of a pawlitzer.

And Gussie is so happy to know that Miss S. will visit him in Vahginniahhh.

thank you guys, wonderful pawty, wonderful post.

(but I got to eat Mexican food at Poca Cosa!)

Teka toy.

Noah the Airedale said...

Awwww dang, we missed another party....poop.
Katie is gonna love her new home. She's a cutie pie.

Noah & the girlies

Maxmom said...

Whew! What a party!
Welcome to Katie - what a beautiful pup!
Sending lotsaluv and lotsalicks

WFT Nobby said...

Wow that was some party. Katiepup is going to be leading an exciting life, that's clear! No wonder she got a bit sleepy in the end.
Must rush now, time to go and pick up Bertiepup. I do hope he too will be baking cakes after 3 days in his new home!
Cheers, Gail.

Eric said...

Sniff. Sniff. Ok. I admit it. This boy does cry. And his Mom.Lovely little katie and Angel Snickers...awwwwww....

Wicked lovely postie Lacie. Love the outakes. Us boyz cooking the marshmallows that vclcano ash I bought over made them cook much quicker don'y you think? Thank dog Scruffy beat that stupid heron at poker. Reckon we can use the wheelies puncture repair kits to get the boat going again eh Scruffers?

Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Lacie. Fabbers welcome for Katie.

Wiry loves and zillions of kisses Eric xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awww, what a sweet and loving post - you are so nice to tell us about Miss Snickers and her time with Katie. Katie is just so cute. Glad you all had so much fan at that pawty.

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Miss Katie,
You are very cute. What a great post!
Sally Ann

Oskar said...

Pawsome post!!