Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nurse Lacie Reporting: Stanley's Limping!

Nurse Lacie here...yeppers...I've been called to render nursing services HERE AT OUR OWN HOUSE...!!
Lookit this...Stan's gotta really sore did it happen? It's shocking...
Um, well, ok, Mumsie accidentally closed the shower door on it...we were all gettin' baths in the shower on Thursday and Stan tried to chase me out and Mumsie shut the door and didn't know his big Dale paw wasn't exactly inside the shower. He was fine till he's limpin' and has to see the vettie tomorrow and Mumsie feels horrible...(she should, I mean how stoopid can ya be...a Dale paw is hard to miss....)

I immediately dressed in my custom made (Snitchybug design) scrubs...note the Coke Zero in the background...not mine...I never drink while on duty... Stan...lean on me so you can hobble over to your can do it, boy...just put your good paw around my shoulder.

Well, maybe not...(actually he's doin' a side command for food cuz it looks good...he's good at acting pathetic...)

THE LACIE is on the case...we'll keep ya updated as to what kind of damage Mumsie managed to do to the big Dale...
(Mumsie...Lacie, give it a rest, will ya? I feel bad enough about could I be so careless....??)

Yep...this post gets a two tails Dale tale down...hey, we could be movie critics if we ever need another career!!!
Laciecakes, almost Registered Nursie!!!
Note from Mumsie....
My poor dog....I honestly don't know if this is from the debacle in the shower as that happened several days ago and he only started limping this morning. There is nothing more pathetic than a gimpy dog with his front paw up...Poor Stanley...we'll keep ya posted...paws crossed it's nothing serious!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo sure some pup with a big - ummmm - bum didn't sit on it?

Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Seriously, paws khrossed it isn't anything serious!

Asta said...

My Poow Sweet babyStan
I will wush wight ovew..and take the shifts that Lacie can't (ow won't), heheh
Yuou know I love hew, and she looks absolutely adowable in that nuwsie outfit,but she has been known to wun off in middle of a shift if thewe is a bettew offew, heheh

make suwe and put some of Lacie's ice fwom hew smoofie machine on that footie until i get thewe
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lacie!
As soon as I saw your header I knew something had happened!
I hope Stan's paw is going to be ok!
Tell Mumsie not to worry!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Oh Stan! I hope you feel better soon - nothing worse than having one's four-wheel drive out of commission. And you might want to get a second opinion on any of Nurse Lacie's treatments. I'm just sayin'...

*kissey face*

Scout and Freyja said...

We are so furry sorry 'bout the hurt paw. NO MILK BONES FOR MOM. Nope, not a one!

Oskar said...

I hope Stan is feeling better soon!

Koobuss said...

Poor Stanley! I'm sure that it's nothing serious. Maybe he hurt it when he was out in the yard. Your snow IS all gone now, right? And your lawn is full of twigs and other debris, right? Anyway, I'm on my way across the state to help nurse Stanley and Scruffy back to good health. In fact, I just left about ten minutes ago. If I'm not already there, I should be there any second now.

Lacie, you look sooo cool in your scrubs. That shade of blue is just pawfect for you!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

that last pic is TRULY scary. did you stick his paw in your blender?? I sure hope it is nothing serious!!!

Noah the Airedale said...

If it makes you feel any better Noah's tail is always down.....sigh

I hope Stanley is ok. Accidents happen. Noah just had his shower about an hour ago - no accidents to report. He didnt like it though.

Lacie, I'm sure Stanley will come right with your care.

D xx

Dandy Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for you, Stan! We hope everything is just fine and you just need a day of rest. Will Lacie let you rest at your house? You're welcome to come here, ya know!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

Oh My...I hope BabyStan feels better soon...I'm sure he will, with Nurse Lacie on the case...

Hope the Vet has good news for you...

Abby xxxooo

Dexter said...

Oh Stan, you poor dear. I guess that vettie must have a standing appointment for your mumsie by now what with Scruff's pee pee problems and now your foot. Let us know what happens.

Hmmm,,, that nurse outfit is quite, er, slimming.


P.S. Momma had a bad dream last night that she was on an island where a big sue nommy was coming and your mumsie was there, but she didn't make it up to the high point in time. Actually, in the dream momma was pretty sure even the high point wasn't high enough but she woke up while she was still watching the sue nommy coming in, so we'll never know. Weird, huh.

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Poor stan! Hope you get some sympathy treats out of this heh...

Jake of Florida said...

Poor Stanny!!! There's a word for it that we can't remember -- kind of like "doctor-induced diseases."

We sympathize with both Stanny and Mumsie though 'cause our klutzy mom has stepped on our paws, bonked us with a book -- and done all kinds of (accidental) damage.

We're always under-paw, so it's not eggsactly her fault, and since we imagine the same kind of thing must have happened to Stanley, we think Mumsie should not feel so guilty!!

Jake and Just Harry

Pee ess: did Mumsie get our mom's e-mail of a few days ago?

Gus said...

Hoping that Stannie feels better soon. Lacie, you should wear your scrubs more often. They make you look slim!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Love the two tails up shot - poor Stan - we hope your paw will be OK. Maybe it is just a broken nail.

Keep us updated - paws crossed and sibe vibes from here.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lacy said...

w00fs, ouchieeee baby stan, me sorry u hurted ur paw paw..just rest and drink the smoothies and u shood b fine in no time...mumsie dont worry, he knows u didnt do it on purpose...

b safe,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Laciegirl, Every time your Auntie Cassie sees a photo of you in your nurses outfit she wants to cuddle with you!! You are such a cutiepie!

You know how I feel! You little heartbreaker!!
WelshieHugs, Hootie