Many of you have seen this pic posted on Mango's bloggie many times...where he doesn't have any eyes or teeth.....?????
I am pleased to announce that he must have gotten dentures and visited the eye doctor recently...teeth and eyeballs are present and accounted for....
This pic is just wrong....my bottom is so not that large.....
This is better...one can see how pawsitively tiny I am.....AND FLAT...VERY FLAT.
No wonder why Mango has all of those agility thingies in his yardie...his and Peewee's BOXER DOGS are so hooge, they need to space to dry 'em...
We'll be cuttin' 'em into ribbons and sellin' 'em for charity...
Reporting barks....
So, how many smoothies had woo had when woo pawed this post?
PeeEssWoo: My mom almost - well woo know - THAT whilst reading it along with me!
Hmmmm, does Mango Man know that you have your eyes on Dexter now?
Play bows, the OP Pack
These are high levels of testosterone in this post!
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
See, that's why I read these blogs so I can learn how to have a great time.
Drinking and boys seems to be the theme to having fun!
Did you girls take off with the undies?
I'd hang um on my bed post and take some pics for posterity!!
woofer rooo!
luv ya, Autumn
Little Beast! We are most amused by your take on your flat visit. First of all, it is nice to know that I actually have teeth, right? So now you respect the Mango more.
You want to date Pee-Wee? Oh man! I guess he is old enough to make his own choices.
Ha! Too funny momma all riding me to work. It does make one most relentlessly tired. It appears that your mom is quite sneaky with the camera. Whenever did she sneak off to look at my large and private undies hanging out to dry?
Hey! You have my flatness on your header! Must be love, huh?
I just wanted to tell you that your bottom is like totally bigger than mine. That picture was watch ya call retouched. In fact, I am surprised they let your mom on the plane with your big flat bottom all sticking out of her luggage.
Sign me up for the auction! I'd love me some Mango undies! ;-)
*kissey face*
Ummm...Lacie, aren't you concerned that Mango might use his recently verified toothies on your dainty little (ahem) if you don't give his boxers back
So this is the true story of the ROTE, huh, Lacie?! Wow! We had no idea!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What gweat wepawting!!!
Loved youw wevelations about those undies..I figoowe we should be able to waise tons of money..I think we have ovew a thousand stwips of mango panties, hehehe
Mango Mom shoowe is lucky to be able to save on gas and wide the Mango to wowk evewy day
Dawling, youw behind is sooo flat and tiny, I could hawdly see it
smoochie kisses
Your butt looks totally fat in those pics. I MEAN FLAT. maybe.
Anyway, you are so lucky to have gone to the estate and been in the presence of the suds. Amazing guys, truly amazing.
I need some boxers now I think...
You are not fat. You are in great shape. The boys like to pick on you. You are fine, don't listen to them.
Sally Ann
Hee hee ho ho ho...stealing Mango's undies...... Really there is NOO comparison to your two butts..I mean the flat one.and his...Love A+A
We found your post very funny! We are not sure Mango will right enough - dentures indeed!
Now dating Dexter - do you think that is a good idea Lacie?
After all we girls can get a bad reputation and we would hate that!!!
We loved seeing all the pics over at the other blogs too.......
What a great time.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
That picture of your bum is so funny! Mango is such a cutie pie! And also, where was my invite to have a smoothie at the bar?? I'm just sayin'..... Looks like a fun time!!
An interesting report Lacie. You have a unique aptitude to cover a variety of topics from smoothies to eyeballs to underwear with such panache and make it all sound so normal!
Molly, Taffy and Monty
I'd look great flat. Hmmmm wish I was there. Everyone is having such a great time, well the smoothies are flowing after all.
Crikey we didnt realise that Mango is actually the favoured mode of transport for Mango Mama. Poor bloke, no wonder he's exhausted.
Noah xx
ps. we offer frozen hoki fillets on the breakfast menu but to this day no one has ticked it....
OK. I've been looking all day on eBay for Mango panties (I've even searched for large and private undies, and Mango panty strips) and I've been searching for bottled Mango Suds and I haven't found any of them! Anywhere! Did you take pre-orders and I've missed my opportunity? Please say "No!" Your instructions were so clear and I've been excited to try them out.
BTW. You didn't accidently leave any of YOUR panties at Mango's did you? That could be a problem.
Uh oh. I just got caught on the computer and I'm not 'sposed to be here. Gotta run. Later, LacieGirlie
Little Beast,
I am having trouble locating the garments you described. I will ask momma poop detective if she has seen them. Hehehe.
What? I missed Mango's estate? I thought Eric meant something else when he asked me if I wanted to see something relentlessly hooge!
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