Friday, June 5, 2009

GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody....Lacie here...for those interested Readers wanting to know if Mumsie found her right eyebrow yet...well...the answer is yes and no. She didn't find it...Scruffy was on her chair....musta fallen off when she was readin' the paper and drinkin' her Coke Zero. He ate it.

We have groomin' appointments this afternoon....I generously offered to sell her some of my Rare Lakie Fur to make into a brow.....(Lacie ponders how this act of kindness may affect her karma....)
MORE IMPORTANTLY...Our Penquins are in the Stanley Cup Final...for you non hockey's the Superbowl of hockey......We're playin' the Deeeee troit...Red Wings...they beat us the first two games...(it's the best of seven)...but games three and four returned here to the Burgh......
AND WE WON BOTH GAMES...The series is tied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought you might like to see some pix of the action......
Above pic is Mellon Arena...used to be the Civic Arena....oldest facility in hockey....and it's gonna be replaced very soon....that's sorta sad, but we love the sport...what can ya do???? Time marches on.......

Now you can see this puck had a little help from Scruffy crossin' the line....Osgood...(their goalie) wasn't too happy!!!!!

Have NO IDEA why this Detroit player tripped...must be a clumsy oaf if he couldn't see Babystan nappin' on the ice............

Well, this pic needs no explanation....just a little distraction so the goalie just might take his eyes off the puck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!

Reportin' Barks,


Asta said...

Oh My dog
You thwee should be named the most valooable playews!!! Congwatulations..have you signed youw twillion dollaw contwacts yet?
When you do , you should be able to get Mumsie sevewal sets of those wawe lackie bwows..think of youw kawma then!

Lacie giwl I have developed a fowmoola fow making puwple cosmos..come ovew any time...ummm, I do happen to have the most spectacoolaw leathew jacket, but it's NOT puwple, and the bwonze colow would totoally clash wif youw fuws. sides, once you get that contwact.............
smoochie kisses
Pee ess I can hawdly wait fow ouw shopping twip..I think it should be a wound the wowld one since money won't be an object.
I think we may have to hiwe bodyguawds

the TN Bull Terrors said...

What? Is that dude blind? Could he not see that big Dale?? Sheesh!!

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^

Nibbles Treats said...

Your Pens appreciate all the help you can give them.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'd be furry flattered and honoured to share some of my extra floof fur Mumsie's khause!


Duke said...

Holy Moly! We're going to start watching the Stanley cup series ASAP! We need to see you guys in action on the ice! It would sure be more entertaining than the crap mom and dad have been watching lately!
Way to go, guys, and GO PENGUINS!!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Oh dear, I just laughed so hard when I saw that Lacie Beast in the goal that I think I might have pee'd a little bit.


P.S. In fact, I think I pee a little every time I look at the Beast in her bikini.

Martha said...

You guys never fail to amaze us with your posts!
Lacie if only we had had that bikini for our recent beach trip - how cool is that!
We are sure the Pens appreciate all the help you are giving them.
Sorry to hear about momsie's eyebrow - perhaps she could grow a fringe.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Oh wow! Not only can you climb on tables, but you play hockey, too!! You are BEYOND awesome!!! (Nice shot on goal, BTW!)

meemsnyc said...

Wow, we didn't know you all can play Hockey. Go Penguins.

Abby said...

Hi, Lacie...

You guys really take hockey seriously, don't you???

I bet the guys were happy to have your help...

Lacie, you look sooo great in that bikini...I swear you should send a picture to Sports Illustrated...I know you would make the cover...

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

OMG we thought we saw Lacie in the goal!! We wrote the wrong night in your chox box but we knew you would know what we meant.....This is very exciting.....WE ARE ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love nad kisses A+A

Gus said...

Lacie Girl...don't let them clip too close when ya get groomed or you will get frostbit the next time ya help out.

gussie d

Koobuss said...

Go Pens!!

The Baby Penguins play less than ten miles from here at our local arena, My mom and grandpa had a partial season ticket plan last winter. And Coach Bylsma lives here in Mountain Top!! YEA!!!

Wouldn't it be great if the Pens won!! Then Pittsburgh would have both the Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup! And Philadelphia still has the World Series title! How nice for our state! (Now if we could only get the 76ers going.)

Go Pens!!!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,

Go Pens!!!

Stanley said...

You guys CRACK ME UP one side and down the other!

That last photo of Lacie distracting the Redwings goalie... pure poetry, man!

Goober love & lucky smooches,

Princess Patches said...

You three sure know how to distract the opposing team! We hope your Penguins win the Stanley Cup!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Anonymous said...

Hi Scruffy, Lacie, and Stan! We'll be watching the game tonight and rooting for the Penguins! Good work distracting the goalie, Lacie! Woo hoo!

See ya!

Joe Stains said...

omdog so here is how TOTALLY CRAZY my Mom is ok? First of all, she LOVES LOVES LOVES the Pens. Of course, right? She had an ultra mega super crush on Kevin Stevens back in the day. She even has one of his jerseys and it still fits and SHE STILL WEARS IT sometimes. argh. ANYWAY. She watched the first two games and they lost. so she REFUSED to watch the third and fourth game, and guess what? they WON. So she will not be watching the rest of the series because she is completely nuts.

Thanks to you guys for helping them win!

Lucia said...

Ciao miei amici!

Lacie!!! You dishy gurrlie, you! La mia ragazza has fallen to the floor laughing over the fotografia of you playing "bikini goalie." It is too hilarious! There is always something fun and fantastico going on at your casa, no question about it!

Tanti baci, terrieriers!

Eric said...

Lacie. kind of you to share your furs for Moms eyebrow.Hmm you sure it's a good colour match?

Then your distraction acts on the Hockey Field. Don't know about the P P Penguins but I think you will score for sure Lacie in that teenyweenypinkbikini.

Wiry loves and kissies, Eric xxxx

Dughallmor Beagles said...'re getting kind in your old age Lacie....first offering some floof for to make Mumsie a new eyebrow....and then helping your team to victory....we're now worried about what mischief you'll get up to to make up for all the good things!

Rosie has been a bit sick....what would you suggest, Lacie Nursie?

Slobbers xx

TwoSpecialWires said...

Lacie! Yiur Pens are really gonna need you at the next game! Were you not there to distract the Red Wings tonight? We were pulling for your team. Acutally, we were looking for YOU! Fergi wanted another look at that teenyweenybeekeenee so she could look for one for the beach next week. You were stunning!

Don't forget your mouthguards,
Jake (and Fergi)

The Black and Tans. said...

Lacie, Have the Pens played again?If so did they win?

We are very pleased Mumsie found her errant eyebrow, not a cool look having one missing.

Molly and taffy

Moco said...

You guys really get into your sports.

Dexter said...

Hey you guys! There is some sort of squirrel invasion going on that I totally didn't even know about.

I knew you would help.

See my bloggy.


Allison Walton said...

We iz cheering fur da Pens, too. We hopes dey do bettur tomorrow den dey did in Game 5!

Gus and Waldo

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

we're drooling.......we could have an heart attack.....LACIEEEEEEEEEE....why you do that to us????
You're GORGEOUS wearing bikini....Awwwwwwwwww...what a look....what a're a model!!!!
Thanks thanks thanks for sharing with us!!!
and...We are sure the Pens appreciate all the help you are giving them!!!!!!!!!!!!
great post dear always make us laugh a lot....
and are sooooooooooooo sweet too wanted share your fur for the mom's eyebrow!!!
Lots of love and kisses dear friends!!!!!!!!!!