Friday, May 29, 2009

Turkey on Whole Wheat with Mayo!!!!!

Hi Everybody!!!!!

Scruffy here!!! Mumsie wants to thank eveybody for givin' their advice on the INCIDENT we had here the other night!!! She coulda asked us OUR OPINIONS!!!! I mean, Stan's and my collars got hooked together...I was STUCK TO THAT BIG DALE'S NECK.....what did she think I was gonna do...kiss him?? Sheeshch.....(Stanley here....and Scruffy's face was stuck right by my nose...have ya ever SMELLED HIS BREATH???? Yeeeeschshch!!!!!)

Speakin' of sheesch....lookie here. In my well written last Scruffy post, I described the perils of our perimeter and the lack of help offered by the Black and Tan Club. So look who strolled in our yard the other morning....BEFORE WE WERE OUT OF BED! Incarcerated.....

And who is guardin' the perimeter? Mumsie with her bag of whole wheat bread. Like that's gonna stop somebody....

THE NERVE OF THIS GUY! Tom Turkey is under OUR PEAR TREE. Mumsie didn't even bark at him. Not exactly a stellar job of guarding, huh?????
He's hooooooooge.

She finally told him if we didn't get outside, we were gonna wet Mr. Turkey left....with his friend...see him in the brush?????
But look who stopped by later that day!!!!!!!!

PSYCHO BAMBI!!!!! For once, Lacie and Stan actually stood up and looked like they cared we had an INVADER.

Stanley's actually movin' so fast it looks like there are two of him. He's a blur.
I think he should challenge Mango RH to a race....that would be a killer!~ she going or.....


Her tummy looks sorta fat....BABIES??????

Stan is so sayin'...."'s a deer...a deer...see it, see it???????" DA!!!!!!! Obviously, no one's ever told the big Dale to never turn your back on a crazed animal!

'Bout time the big Dale actually said something to the intruders....
Reportin' barks...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

SO, are woo going to be holding The G20 Summit at your place?

If so, woo had better start stokhkpiling the food fur the dignitaries!

Woo really do have all the fun!

I only get some khant or skhwirrels!


Noah the Airedale said...

How did that deer get into your yard? Isn't there a fence?....did it jump over it? So many questions.
You could have had venison stew. Hey you could have adapted D's recipe for the lamb shanks and had a Moroccan Venison stew or a turkey stew.


Koobuss said...

Wow! You guys have the biggest bunnies and squirrels I've ever seen! You are so lucky. All the critters that live in or near my yard are short. Sort of like me, only more so.

Good luck! I hope that you catch all of them. If you need any help, let me know.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Lorenza said...

Turkeys and deers!
You have very interesting creatures in your yard!
Kisses and hugs

MJ's doghouse said...

wow that is pretty freaking exciting guys and lacie...sometimes when we drive we pass alot of dear...but they dont come to our yard....same with tons of geese but they dont dare come to my guys are sure good at standing guard for theee.e...

Faya said...

Waaaa I wish I could leave in your garden....
Kisses, Dyos
(but without Faya because she is afraid of ... everything...)

Sally said...

WOW! I would love to live in your garden - but I would be chasing those suckers - my D would despair - she says I make such a huge deal about the squirrels that visit - can you imagine a deer?

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Duke said...

Do you guys realize that you're lookin' at possible roast turkey and possible roast venison right before your eyes! Are you going to let dindin get away?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

That is one ginormous turkey! It's a good thing he didn't decide to come after you pups! We hope Psycho Bambi has puppies so you can see them in your yard!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Gus said... Mumsie feeding that turkey? Wouldn't be surprised. Maybe that is why he is so hoooooge.

gussie d

Unknown said...

Why do I think Lacie asked the deer to bring back a stag for her to date? It is Saturday night after all.

Your pal,


the many Bs said...

WOW! what great guarding you terriers are doing! you must have an invisible fence or something. if it was us, we would chase that deer all the way to Alaska if we could! we wouldn't stop until the deer climbed a tree. hee he!


the TN Bull Terrors said...

If yer Mumsie is feedin that Tom Turkey instead of makin him leave, no wonder the Black & Tan's don't wanna do nothin....we mean...learn by example, ya know. DUH! BOL!

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^

Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

I must be a better guard dog than you guys...

I've never seen a turkey or a deer in my yard...

Abby xxxooo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Is there a fence there? Why were you all just standing there and not chasing that turkey and deer???

Woos, the OP Pack

Kirby said...

You guys have one action packed yard. Both psycho bambi and tom turkey seem a bit off their rockers. Why else would they wander into a yard with three terrorizing terriers in it? Hope you come up with more ideas on how to keep your perimeter safe.

Your pal,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi guys (and girl),
I just read about your 'INCIDENT'... your poor mom must've been stressed out! (Our mom says she'd like to have given your mom a helping hand in killing those 2 girls who laughed at the INCIDENT..)..

Gee.. your 'neighbours' are sure an interesting lot! Turkeys, deers... **licks lips**

Eric said...

Crikey - almost a zoo at you place. And watch the deer little deers, they are not so near this time of year. As for that tttt turkey shout "sage and onion stuffin" or whatever you have with turkey over the pond "cranberry sauce"? and he'll be frightened off before you can tell him Chrstmas is Coming...

Sheese- just read about mimsie's incident. Sounds like a nightmare, poor Mumsie walking you three. Can't be much fun for anybloggie. I saw Sally told you about the T Touch Harnesses - there stuff is very good. There is another different walking harness too called Gencon sort of wraps round your hooter. Neither of which you might have over the big pee? If you are interested Mom can send you a link for a looksee?? I'll always put things in the postie for you too if you are :) Let us know?

Love and kissies, Eric xxx

Toffee said...

Quick, quick! Pass the gravy and the cranberry sauce!

erin said...

Sounds like an action-packed day! Two turkeys and a psycho Bambi, that sounds like fun! The most excitement that I ever find in my yard is the occasional rabbit or a possum family.

Dexter said...

Actually, that little gal's bottom looked quite trim compared to your's when you were hunting bambi.


TwoSpecialWires said...

What keeps you three from running into the woods after those critters? If we were free, we'd run for miles. Are you THAT well behaved? Wow!

Jake and Fergi