Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zen, Books and Hotspots!

Hi Everybody!! Scruffy, Stan and I join our wonderful community in sending prayers and zen to Bogart and his parents. His dad is very ill and we have been thinking of him constantly.
We've been gazing at this picture and sending him soooo much terrier zen. It's a picture of an Oregon forest...similar we think to the ones Bogie and his dad like to hike in very often. You're not alone, Bogie...we're all here right with you!

We want to share the amazin' pressies that Agatha and Arch sent Scruffy, Stan and me for our barkdays and for Valentine's generous can ya get???? Look at all this loot!!!

Cards, treats and stuffies...candy stuffies...tootsie rolls, twizlers...oh yummers!!! The coolest thing is this barkday pressie bag that plays "Happy Birthday" everytime ya open it!!! Thank you A & A!!! We love you guys!!!!!!!

Mumsie and I went to the library...she checked out this book...she said it's amazing....'bout a lady who rescues this crazy Scruffy with wings...sounds like this bird and Scruffy have a lot in common regarding their housebreaking habits...

I checked out this book..."The New Cairn Terrier..." See Petey and I have a date this weekend with Toffee and Eric in Paris....I've been known to call Petey a I thought I'd better check this book out and read up on his breed. Um...would ya believe there was a champion Carin terrier by the name of Champion Thunderthighs??? Right...
I was right in the middle of a chapter when this happened....

Stoopid Scruffy comes over and like claims this book. Then....

He takes off with it...see the corner of it in his mouth????? Mumsie chased him, but.....

He takes it into his favorite chewin' spot in the family room and starts in on the corner....Mumsie flipped out...(they still know her name at the library from Scruffy's puppy days.) He hasn't chewed a book in years...wonder why he picked this one??????

Speaking of that handsome Square Dog Stanley is sportin' a new do! NO, HE DIDN'T GET THIS AT LACIE'S GROOMING SALON....

Look at the two SQUARE patches...and the messed up one by his tail.
Yeppers...Stanny has hot spots....maybe's he's allergic to Scruffy....anybody want him???? Scruffy, I mean!!!!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Scruffy, Stanley and Lacie,
You have a lot of nice loot and nice friends to send you nice pressies.
Lacie, you're so thoughtful, doing research before a date.
Have fun in Paris, muahhh

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I KNOW what's he allergikh to...

And she is heading to Paris....that is if they will pawmit her entry...

Maybe she'll bring me bakhk something FASHIONABLE....


PeeEssWoo: Nice stuff!
Great reads!!
LOTS of SibeVibes heading to Bogart's dad AND his mom too!

meemsnyc said...

Whooa, those are a lot of cool presents!

We will purr for Bogarts daddy too.

Lorenza said...

I have my paws crossed for Bogart's Dad!
you all got very nice presents!
I hope Stany gets better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

I'll take Scruffy. Smile, sigh....

But no more reading about Thundertheighs!! Not around me, anyway!!

Stan has hot spots? At least he got them at a good time, when it's so cold out. I'd hate to have hot spots in the summer. Hehe... Seriously, I hope he feels better soon and doesn't do anything to aggravate them.

Best wishes to Bogart's Dad. How sad that he is so ill.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Unknown said...

Bonsoir petite Lacie!

Hope you're all packed for our big birthday weekend in Paris! It's going to be a whirlwind trip. Take the Air Ruby Shuttle to New York, then we'll join Toffee and hop the Concorde to Paris!

Rest up, Lacie girl!

Toute alors!


Unknown said...

Don't chew books! We are not advocates of literary destruction! Hot spots suck. Booker had them once and we had a sulfur cream from the vet that worked like magic. We hope they go away soon.

Joe Stains said...

I don't believe for a second that Lacie didn't have something to do with that hairstyle. Poor Stan. You guys totally scored on the pressies from A&A, talk about great friends!!

Have fun on your date.

Faya said...

Oh poor Stan !
VĂ©ronique also buy a strange book.
It is a dictionary french / dog and dog / french....And she also buy one for Taky's Mom because Taky will come this week-end so this means 3 terriers in the house. 4 if Scruffy wants to come !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Stanley said...


Looks like you all got a nice haul of presents from the A-twins! (They sure know how to send a good present!)

I'm concerned about these hot spots of Stan's I've only had obvious allergic reactions. Is anything helping those things clear up? Hope you find something soon to soothe the Stanley Beast!

Be careful on your weekend trip to Paris. She's a party-girl and a half, and she's always carrying her pups around in that ugly bag. Plus, she's always on that pink phone. You know the one... with all the bling on it. All I'm saying is, you guys can find someone much cooler to hang out with. That's all.

We are praying like crazy for Bogart's dad and mama! We'll keep the zen cranked as long as it's needed.

Goober love,

Moco said...

Poor Stan. He looks like he fell asleep on the lawn and got mowed.
Have a nice time in Paris. We don't want to see you climbing that big old tower.

Bae Bae said...

That's alot of nice stuff you doggies have. :)

~ Bae

BrandytheGreat said...

Wow, you guys have been busy! Unlike us!

Dandy Duke said...

Awwwwwwwwww, Stan is terribly embarrassed to have his picture taken with his hot spots! We feel badly for him!
What nice pressies Agatha and Archie sent!
Our paws are crossed and double-crossed for Bogie's dad and mom and Bogie too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Poor Stanny! I like that Dale skin is a funny color.

I'm sure the library will be able to rent out that book more often now that it has the Scruffman seal of approval.


Abby said...

Hi, Scruffy, Lacie, & Stanley...

Great presents...

Lacie: Enjoy Paris...Be nice to Petey...OK?

Abby xxxooo

Gus said...

Poor Baby Stan....Are you sure Scruffy didn't chew those hotspots? Probably too neat, huh?

We applaud Lacie for attempting to learn more about her date. Have ya googled him yet?


Princess Patches said...

What a lot of really great presents! Our pawrents just found out, recently, that doggies CAN get hotspots in the wintertime! Our dad, who is an old dog breeder from waaaaaaay back, says it's caused by too much fat and protein. We don't know if he's right or not, but they changed Patches to senior food and she hasn't had anymore hot spots.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae said...

We are thinking about Bogart's dad everyday. He needs a miracle! Dang! Those hotspots look bad. This usually happens when suddenly the weather changed from cold, cold, cold to hot, hot, hot. Many show dogs get this too. Hope it heals.

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby Bleu said...

poor stan...but don't worry, you're still a cutie!!! Lacie...what are you wearing for the big date???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

the many Bs said...

that's a lot of good stuff you have there. Scruffy looks like he is learning to read. hee hee

we feel sorry for Stanley and his hot spots. we get them sometimes too and it's a big stinkin' bummer to be all itchy and painful at the same time. we feel your pain, kiddo.


Eric said...

Lacie. Poor Stanny, I'm feeling BAD for him, thank dog Twinny and Step sent you guys some totally WIZZOOO stuffies and chewies(aren't they the bestest)to keep him busy.

Now the library book. I'm thinking Scruffy got a bit confused thought that book with the birdy on it was for tips about catching more of them flipflapping thingies that he's been known to catch. bet he was proud of himself on catching a whole bookfull of them.

Lacie. In Paree. A few tips. Bidets are for dunking croissants in - only cos we can't eat pain aux chocolate. Just because you can CAN CAN doesn't mean you can. Please don't do your half sneer impression of the Mona Lisa too often. A Du Bonnet is a sort of smoothie not a funny sort of beret.Just so's you know cos the parle can be confusing. K??? We'll have a fabbie time and I know you and Toffee will look tres chic.

Can't wait. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. 3 kissies a la francais dear Lacie.

Lovies, Eric xxxxxxxx

Dewey Dewster said...

Geez guys...

Did Stan do that ta himself? He looks awful fer sure....hope he doesn't think he's gonna get any chicks lookin' that way...ew' 'n those neeked spots gotta be cold in this frigid weather......

Gram won't let us use the puter right now...'n we have brain drain too...

Now ya got a lot of super goodies there...hope ya enjoy 'em....'n if ya find our brain in some drain...please return it ta us.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Sally said...

Ouch - Poor Stanley - I hope those nasty hot spots go away soon. Must be the season for allergies.

Have a 'jolie' time in Paris - have you brushed off your beret and washed and pressed your stripey tops? Oh la la la

Lots of licks

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh our ppor Stannie.....But actually it looks kinds cool.You could be starting a new thing..Archie is going to go and have some squares made to commiserate..Can you believe how far behind we are in our reading???? Love A+A

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh my!! While grabbing a quick look at your bloggy I see poor Stannybaby has hot spots!? Here, Stanny, let me kiss them all better! (Uh, seeing Dewey's comment about your not being able to get the girls reminds me....uh, well, uh, nevermind.) (psst Lacie. I have a question for ya regarding boys...)
ps we are praying hard for Klaus while we pray for gramma

Allison Walton said...

Gus getz da hot spotz, too. Poor baby. We hopez dey will go away soon!

Gus and Waldo