Friday, January 16, 2009

"Bermuda, Bahamas, Come on Pretty Mama!"...

Ahh....close your eyes...can't you just hear the waterfall, feel the sun and spray?????
Lacie here...first of all...SCRUFFY IS JUST FINE. Much ado 'bout nuthin' to say the least...he did express some surprise when I told him just WHERE sanitary protection is SUPPOSED TO we've always said Scruffy is one celery stick short of a stalk...Mumsie thanks you all for your advice and concern...she said this is one supportive community.

Now this morning we were BORED. It was 6 below zero this AM and frankly, chasin' crows was a bit brisk. We wanted to go swimmin' but Mumsie said that stoopid polar bear stuff wasn't happenin' we went to Jamaica...sort we are wadin' in and climbin' that waterfall you always see in the pictures!

Stanley, bein' the biggest terrier made it to the top first...he was thirsty after that long climb so here he is dippin' his hooge face in the water to get a drink!

Lookit this face...see why he gets more bones than we do????

Um...actually, the Lacie hasn't gotten ANY BONES TODAY...well...what does Mumsie expect? We were playin' in the waterfall and I drank like a TON of water.....

And then Stan and I jumped out of Jamaica and jumped on the bed and um...well...yeppers...A STAIN WAS MADE.

Mumsie found this product online to clean up the mess...she said it expressed her feelins' pawfectly....

Now Joey...member when you wouldn't give Asta the Stain Award cuz she's a LADY....well....

Nuff said...



Dexter said...

You had your own spa vacation! I could use one of those. Nice stain.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

See, I knew I was khorrekht about her!

Woo khan take the girl out of Philly but......

Stay warm!

PeeEssWoo: GO IGGLES!!!

chelsea + apple said...

I'z wish I'z has mai own spa!!!

<3 Apple

Kelli said...

Hi Lacie!
It looks like you had a fun day! You were very brave to go by that big big waterfall! I left a stain in the house today too! It was WAY too cold to go potty outside. I tried to hold it until spring but it was taking too long to get here!

Joe Stains said...

oh geez, talk about being caught between a stain and a hard place. I so WANT to give the award but seeing as how Lacie wants to DATE me just from some of my comments, I can't imagine what she might want to do if I awarded her the stain award. YIKES. Glad you had fun in Jamaica for a while.

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh wow we didn't realise Jamaica was transportable. How handy. I think some of our other maties in North America could use a bit of Jamaica too. You all look frozen up there.


Unknown said...

That stuff has a great name! Some marketing name had a stroke of genius. We love those kinds of things!

Gus said...

hooo boy...Jamaica-where jerk is a way of life.

in Azrizona, we might say that someone was one taco short of a combination plate, but I hadn't heard the celery one before.



Moco said...

We would kill for that bathtub no matter where it is at.

Stella said...

Lacie Girl!!!

I think you have the wrong idea about the Stain Award, sistah! It is a very prestigious and much-coveted award! I was honored to get it.

Sounds like you and I both suffer from SBS ~ Small Bladder Syndrome! My girl says that my bladder is just not friendly to visitors and acts like there is always an emergency in there ~ always evacuating! But BOY! I can sure pee a river once I let fly.

Glad your trip to the falls was a fun one. Next time let me know & I'll go with you guys!

Gooby love & kissies,

Duke said...

That is one cool indoor waterfall! Sorry about the stain, Lacie!
We LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog header! It's just awesome!
Go Steelers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We used to make stains like that when we were pups, but now we know better! There were a few nights when the peeps had to sleep in the guest bed! We think you deserve the STAIN award...lady or not!

We sure are glad to know that the Scruffman is okay!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Abby said...

Hi, Lacie...

Oh...I want one of those waterfall spa bathtubs...

I love your banner...I'm sure Joey does, too...

Abby xxxooo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

What am I missing?
Scruffy swallowed what? Haha, I woud have done it too 'cause we're curious boys!
Next time you hop into the Jamaica spa Lacie, may I escort you? Muahhhh!

Agatha and Archie said...

HOLY @)(*&^(*@$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The things you miss when you don't read the blogs for 4 days!!!!!!! First of all we are thrillled to hear that the Scuff man is alright, and Lacie Lacie Lacie,ya know when you go swimming you have to stop in the bathroom first...We are gladd all turned out well( well sort of) and are so sorry we weren't there to help Mumsie through this.......PL2 would have called her poison number..they know her there...Lvoe A+A

Asta said...

Excellent Stain Lacie!!!
Idon't see how Joe can wefoose you !

And AhhhJamaica..I wannna come too..I love the watewfall and that must have been quite a hike to the top..Stanley is too cute(awe all Stanleys?)
smoochie kisses

meemsnyc said...

You two look so cute in the tub. You both looked like you were having so much fun!

The Black and Tans. said...

Your Spa break looked fun and Stan's face is just to cute for words!

Molly and Taffy

Koobuss said...

Wow!! Jamaica must be pretty nice if you can do THAT! Wish I was there. This cold is getting to me, too.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Hi Scruffy!!

Toffee said...

First of all...I LOVE your tub! Do you think that I could bathe in it to prepare for my first date with Eric?? Do you bathe with headphones on like Julia Roberts in "pretty woman?"

Secondly...I made a stain on my pawrents' bed too! Did I get a cookie? Nooooooo.

hmph mean pawrents left me to go to a vet conference in Florida. I need to pee on their bed again cookie or no cookie.

Fourthly...there is still football on? (that was supposed to be a funny! We - aka me and my mom are happy for your team - my dad not so much...

love ya!
toffee girl

Abby said...

Scruff, we're sooo glad you feel better! Our sister, Sunny, eats that stuff sometimes. She usually just barfs for a couple days, then she's OK. But she's a big dog. How can you STAND that water??? I consider myself lucky to LIVE after I get put in that PLACE!

PS, What's a stain award?

Randi said...

wow...look at that bath tub...scrub a dub dub...all those terriers in a tub!

Whoopsie about the stain..too bad you didn't get a pic...

love & licks,