Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wheelin' for Wirestock!!!

Sullivan and Foxy here; late again for Wheelie Wednesday...Gilbert has a bad cold. Funny, Myrna has one too...interesting, huh???

So Sullivan and I were bored so we asked Mumsie to take us for an outing....Lacie gave her one of these totally cool bags talkin' 'bout the Walk for Cancer that our pals Romeo and Ozzy have organized for this weekend. Asta, Luna and some other Wire Foxies are walkin' this weekend. We can't be with them in person...but we will walk this weekend and think about them and send terrier zen to all the participants. If you haven't donated and would like to for this great cause here's the link:

Isn't the design on this bag amazing?? "Wirestock"... I'm playin' my air guitar!!!! They sell these totes and T shirts on Cafepress. This is the pawfect bag to go on errands in!!!

Mumsie makes sure we're buckled up!!!!!

Um...blogger loaded this twice...look how cute I am...Foxy Puppet....!!!!!

Here we are at the grocery store. Scary, scary name....we kept lookin' out for that Giant Eagle!!!

Our favorite department....Meat...lotsa meat!!!

Ahh....we grabbed some of these animal crackers of the shelves...we have NO IDEA why people were givin' Mumsie these odd looks wheelin' us around in the store. We also don't know why she didn't go to our usual store...maybe she didn't want to run into someone she knew???
Barkin' at ya!!
Sullivan and Foxy


Asta said...

Hi Sullivan and two look sooo vewy cute in that special , supew doopew bag..I think peoples awe weiwd,why would they look at Mumsie in a funny way..pwobably cause she has such well behaved's unoosooal.
My sweet Gilbert..I suwe hope Lacie nuwse is taking good cawe of you..compwesses, and wawm liquids, and healing wheeley kisses fwom me . Since we bof have the same thing, we can't catch anything..we might as well keep snuggling..should i come ove??
wheeley smoochies youw MYRNA

Asta said...

Lacie myBFF,
OOh I think they awe in luwve, heheh,Mono???
You'we a good whymew..I'm not so good, but jump wope sounds good..I just heawd it's sposed to wain sunday..eeek a wet walk, oh well, us tewwiews awe watew pwoof.
I think you could make Mommi totally well houwly 1000 count sheet changes..oh my,sounds awe the best nuwse..I'm going to go make hew some tea now, but I think you should come help me next week
smoochie kisses to you and Mumsie and Scruffy and babyStan
youw BFF

Gus said...

Oh two have such great adventures. I have never been into a grocery store. I have been in the Co-op in VA, but don't tell please...I think it isn't everydog they let inside, but they really liked me.


Joe Stains said...

Mom got sooo excited when she saw Giant Eagle (iggle)! That is the store they have in the town where she grew up! Do they still have the cookie club where you get a free cookie every time you go in?!?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you 2 must have fun going grocery shopping. :)
Good thing your mumsie buckle you up for the car ride

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

The two of you are so lucky that you got to go grocery shopping! Did you at any point grab stuff off the shelves and throw temper tantrums if your mom didn't buy it for you?! We want to go grocery shopping too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

So...why would anyone give Mumsie weird looks? Peeple take real (tiny) dogs to the super market, why not stuffies? We've seen weirder (is that a word?) things in the grocery store!

Poppy & Penny

Noah the Airedale said...

Pinky was laughing at this post...what's so funny about taking photos of stuffies sitting in a shopping trolley at a supermarket....I guess she found it amusing.
The meat department is our fav too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Cassidy said...

Me likes that bag. Mummy has a tote bag like thatwith Oscar's photo on it.

No, me no has my white spots now. Just somewhite hair on my chest. Mummy keeps stripping more and more hairs off me,me be getting very wiry haired now though.

Send Babystan a big kissie from me, mwah!

Cassidy x

Eric said...

Wally Wednesday here.

Sooper dooper bag wheelies. I've never seen a pair of wheelies being wheeled in a big wheelie before.

Walking and a wheeling.Wally x

Patience-please said...

YUMMMMM to all that MEAT!!!!

starving wags from the hippets

Dewey Dewster said...

Sullivan and Foxy...i think ya need ta stay outta the grocery store.....yer gonna get yer Mom committed...

Dewey Dewster here....

Koobuss said...

I was just about to say that. I can't believe that you two actually went grocery shopping. Did you get lots of good stuff? We have a terrific grocery story here (Wegmans), but Mom never takes me. Sometimes though I get to wait in the car out in the parking lot with Grandpa. I like sitting with Grandpa, but there are limits. Sometimes I'd rather be running around Wegmans. Hehehe.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Amber-Mae said...

I think those people in the store were just wondering why there were wheeley dogs in the store coz ya know, dogs aren't really allowed in many stores. You guys should have just given them some weird faces too, BOL! Those meatables look sooo yummy! mmm...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

They don't allow us dogs in te supermarket here in the floribbean. Perhaps if I wore a blankie and pretended I was a stuffie?

Perhaps those rude gawkers had never seen wheelies before?

Bussie Kissies

William Tell said...

Well, our grocery store won't let doggies in. Don't know why, as we have good taste and make less messes that little kids, so go figure. You're lucky you have such a nice place to shop. I love the meat section the best!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

the many Bs said...

you two look so cute in your bag and wheeling around the store. we think it's very suspicious that Gilbert and Myrna have the same cold... hmmmm.... but we're just poodles so we don't understand all of this wirey stuff. hee hee. we only understand curly stuff.


Anonymous said...

Tell Mumsie I am coming to live with her stuffies, Nanny doesn't take me any place, Opal you are wrong I took you on the train and you visited with Myrna, so stop fibbing. That's it Opal is grounded for a week for telling fibbies.

The 3 G-Dales said...

How much fun you the BIG store wiff your Mumsie! Vewy coolio!

And Aminal cwackers.....WOOOOO-HOOOO!

Vewy fun...We wike your bag too, pwetty cool to be a WFT!

Go Team!

The G-Dales!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...


[That's little Levi saying Sullivan and Foxy have a mom with a great sense of humor.]

Levi's mom

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Sullivan & Foxy, I'm not letting Seymour or the rest of the gang see this or they'll all expect to go shopping with J1 too! J x

Gaia the Airedale said...

Mmm all that meat looks delicous! I hope you all got some! What a fun adventure!

puppy breath,

Agatha and Archie said...

Ok we were cracking up at the post Lacie wrote about the blender and now PL2 can't stop laughing thinking about Mumsie in the grocery store.taking pictures of meat while rolling you guys around..Oh man she is rolling and now tears are soming out of her eyes!!! Love A+A+ Pl2 who is CRYING from laughter