Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wheelie Wednesday; Dog Show Report!!


Gilbert here....just a few things that need modifying in this house! Steps. Lots of steps. Sullivan, the Wheeled Felties and I have to "drop and plop" all the way down. It's very uncomfortable to say the least!

How bout the height on this bed?? I could kill myself jumpin' off this thing!!!
The Peeps and I went to the dog show this weekend; the Western Pennsylvania Kennel Association...Check out these pix I took.

Yep....a Wire Foxy and a Lakeland on the table waitin' to go into the ring...

Look at this Lakeland's stylin' job....thank Dog, Lacie doesn't look like that. We boyz would never get in the bathroom in the morning if she had to blowdry that hunka fur!!!!!

Check out the white on this foxy wire. Hmm...Obviously, he hasn't been out in the mud like Scruffy has. Scruffy's fur is dingy gray. A new color for the show wire!

Ahh...a handsome Dale like myself....but no wheels!!!!! Babystan's head is twice as huge as this ones. More brains? I don't think so.

Look at this pic of the Lakie, the Wire with the Dale standin' beside them. Ya shoulda seen Mumsie...it was embarassing. She went bananas!!!!!!!!!
OH...the Lakie won the Terrier Group. Lacie laughed till she cried. She said Lakies rule!!! I guess she was right this weekend.

Can you believe this one? THAT is a cocker spaniel lyin' on the table waitin' to go in the show ring. Check out that dress he has on. Man. I'm glad I don't have to wear that thing. Can you imagine tryin' to use the facilities??? Ewwwwwwww......

THIS IS ART! Is there a caption here??? Hmm...bet the Whippets would freak if they see this pic....(they're afraid of hairy butts!!)
Wheelie Barks,


Gus said...

Great photos guys...but who won the wheelie competition?


Patience-please said...

Waaarrrrffff!!! Hair alert! Here askared!! wooo-weeeee those are some hairiest fannyboos!
OK, we're better now. Gheesh!
Gilbert, you should see the steps in our house. Steep, curving and all different size stairs. Very Old Dog would go "drop and plop" just like you, but the servant helps him EVERY time, up or down.

woo our hearts are still beating fast after seeing all that hair.

wags from the whippets

Koobuss said...


Excellent report! Those dogs sure are fancy. I'm glad that I'm not a fancy dog. I hate to get bathed, brushed, combed, groomed, cut, you name it. I just like being dirty and stinky, when I can be. My mom has a fit every time I roll in something aromatic. She's no fun.

Back to your photos. It was nice that Munsie got to see all three of her terrier breeds on display, since she will probably never see her terriers like that in the real world. Hehehehehe

And, Gilbert, I think you should lobby for ramps in your house. Steps are a safety hazard. Obviously your house does not comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Munsie could get in big trouble with the government. Just thought I'd mention it.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Scruffy, are you still my boyfriend? I really didn't mean what I said about Eric being real cute and that I saw him first. Well, he is cute, and I did see him first, but I love you the best, my little old Scruff! Don't forget, spring is here, my car is almost out of the repair shop, and now that I have a haircut, I can actually see where I am going!

Joe Stains said...

great photos, those last guys look like Samoyeds, just like my older brother Lobo was. I wish I had wheels sometimes!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Gilbert. Nice photos your showed us

~ Girl girl

Harry said...

We loved the photos, beautiful. Ma has just entered Cassidy in her first show, so lots of grooming ahead for a certain young lady methinks!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Dandy Duke said...

Gilber, buddy! You need to ask your hoomans for a stair lift! It would be much easier on your joints! We're thinking that Lacie, Scruffy and Stan would have a blast playing on it when you weren't using it!
What beautiful doggies! We still can't figure out how the Lakie and the Wire can be right next to each other and simply IGNORE one another! Guess we'll never be show dogs!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

Great pictures, Gilbert! Maybe you need to get Mumsie to install an elevator just for you and the other wheelies of the house! We don't want any of you to get hurt tryin' to navigate those stairs!

Poppy & Penny

Dexter said...

I'm confused. I can't tell the wheelies from the "normal" doggies. They all have the stiff legs.

Peanut said...

Wow look at all those doggies. That poor cocker.

Eric said...

GRRRRRRRRRRR that picture of the ccoker spaniel kind of reminds me of the fluffy duster on a pole we have to dust cobwebs from the ceilings (not that we do) I love dragging it out the cupboard and attacking it.Lucky I wasn't there. Maybe you need to get him a pole ? Te he. Wiry Wags Eric

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Gilbert,
Fabo pics matie. You know Babystan isn't the only one with a big head. Pinky is always going on about how huge my head is....how rude. So glad we're not show dogs and have to put up with all that grooming.

Hugs and tail wags

Deetz said...

Those were awesome photos. I am glad I do not have all that hair that one doggie had....I hate to be brushed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gilbert,
I cant's helps use with stairs we don'ts have any yeah, sews I don't have thats problem Just be carful and don'ts hurts useself ask Mumsie to carries use. Those piktoors from the doggy shows was pawsome, Nanny wants the cocker she's used to haves my sissy Brunswick, I must get her to posts some of hers piktoors.
Pwease give smoochies to Scruffy, Lacie and Baby Stans, tells mumsie her advice abouts Pearl is working, thank dog not too many messies in the house nose more. Sweets smells of success not poops.
Opal, Pearl & Nanny

Asta Marie said...

Gee Gilbert,
I agree with you guys about the Lakie and the hair....too much on the face.....can the Lakie see where it is going even?.....didn't see any eyes there...but great pictures...and weren't those Dales something.....2 littermates 18 months old from Beaver County.

Asta Marie,WFT

Fenway said...

Hi Guys!
Fenway here. Too bad my alpha female chose that dopey login name...she adores racehorsies. I'm going to nag her (excuse my punning) to change it to something that glorifies ME...or at least border collies. I know she loves them more than horses, so I'm cool with the whole shebang.
Anyway, I'm just over 6 months old and my peeps entered me in a HUGE doggie show. It's a part of the Cherry Blossom Cluster and there will be tons of big deal canine stars there. I will meet lots of the Westminster show dogs....in fact, my mom was there in 2005! So that's why everyone has big plans for me.
I kinda don't mind all that silliness cause it means I get even more attention, lots of exercise, the BEST food and always look like I'm steppin' out.
But I guess I'm a tiny bit nervous cause I'm not really sure what kind of "mood" I'll be in when it's show time, and I just might goof off. Then again, maybe there won't be too much competition in the 6-9 month puppy class for border collies.
So gang....I really liked your show pictures on your blogspot and I am studying them. Thank Dog I don't have to go thru all that nonsense the poor cocker spaniel did!


Lacy said...

woofies and burfs, scruffy, lacie and babystan...oops and Gilbert...heehee...me loveded dose picturs...me wood love to go to a doggy show...ok mama wood love to go to a doggy show...heehee...cute butt shot on dat last pictur...

b safe,
rocky, bear and angel lacylulu ;)

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Those are some great pictures...did any of the four legged humans get treats for looking so funny? How did those terriers see anything?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

the many Bs said...

be careful on those stair, Gilbert! that's very scary for a wheely!

those are great dog show photos. aren't you kids glad that you don't have to get groomed all fancy like that? mud is so much more fun to play in.

we like the fuzzy butt shot. hee hee


pee ess congrats on your pawsome blog award. we wuf you too!

William Tell said...

Don't be afraid of the steps, Gilbert. Mom bounces down ours every now and then and hasn't cracked anything yet. Since there's only five of them at our house, I can take them in one leap!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Agatha and Archie said...

PL2 says that we must be some other kind of dogs because we look NOTHING like that WFT.....do they have a mud gray category?? Love A+A