Monday, November 5, 2007

America's Most Wanted Dogs?????

Hi Dogs, Kitties, Hamsterriers!
I just got this email from Scruffy. He, Koob, Lacie and Dewey are on their way to NYC to take care of Asta who has the flu. I am a tad concerned. Mumsie

Dear Mumsie!

I'm typing this on Lacie's laptop. (Why does she have all the cool toys???) We've had a very exciting drive to NYC. Lacie's GPS nose was a tad better this time, so the only Great Lakes we saw were Erie, Huron and Michigan. Boy, that Dewey loves to swim.

BUT...Dewey, after all of that water play has to like use the facilities every mile and a half. (There just aren't that many fire hydrants in Michigan.)We stopped what seemed a million times, till we got to Man Hat Tin. Then we ran outta hydrants. So we borrowed a mailbox. It took a little effort to dig it outta the concrete, but with 4 terriers, it really wasn't a problem. We saw a really nice policeman waving at us as we heaved it into the backseat of Koob's car...what friendly people live here! He seemed really excited at the idea that Dewey could pee on the mailbox without us stopping the car.
We tried to find Asta's apartment, but ended up in Times Square! They even posted a welcome to us on the great big flat screenTV; our picture was up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Click on the pic to see how cute we are!!!)
Now we're headed to Asta's apartment. The police are giving us an escort! The sirens are so loud and exciting. I love New York!!! Koobie and Lacie seem to be getting their panties in a ruffle...Koobie's driving really fast racing the police! THIS IS A BLAST! Dewey managed to get his paw into the rather wet mailbox and is tossing letters at them like we're in a ticker tape parade....WHEEEEEEEEE!
Love, Scruffy


Stanley said...


Do you need a Valium yet? Please don't worry. I heard from Asta & Koobie that they are all snug inside Asta's apartment.

Whoa! You've got a couple of crazy dogs, Mumsie. Sure you don't need a vacation?

Goober love,

Duke said...

We saw the end result from driving too fast and having too much fun! We're sure glad no one was hurt! Have fun shopping with Asta! We hear she's feeling much better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Mumsie, if you do need a valium I have a stash (for my firework fear). i really hope Cassidy didn't learn too many naughty tricks at the oparty, gulp!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Koobuss said...

That's a great group photo of us, don't you think? And wasn't it nice of them to put it up there where everybody could see it! I Love NY!!

Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess I hear Asta Marie, Deweys dog mom, is on her way from Pittsburgh. She's all upset. At least she's bringing cookies. Dewey will really have to behave himself now. Hehe!!

Stealing that mailbox wasn't that big a deaL, was it?

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I think I need a valium just to keep up! Hehehe! J x

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
Sure I love to read about your adventures! That is what I call "have fun". Glad you all are safe in NY!
Have a nice day

Gus said...

You guys are something else. Only time will tell what that something is....maybe you will be the first felonious foxies. Oh my dog...that mailbox is already a federal offense!

You are toast!

I love all of you, and will remember you with large packages when you end up in the klink.


Agatha and Archie said...


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh sounds like Scruff & Lacie are having lots of fun in New York.
Please dont ground them when they come back

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

Wow I want to go on a road trip with you guys, you are really living it up! I can't believe you got a whole freakin mailbox, no wonder the police were so excited they probably just wanted to shake your paws!

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Wild! You lot are seriously on the rampage. One day they'll be making a film about this outlaw wiry gang.

Go, kids, go! Keep on running!


Amber-Mae said...

You guys better not be caught doing these...Or else you'll be thrown in jail again!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Daniella said...

This is just hysterical and I just read Asta's blog. Do you people coordinate posts? FAB stuff!
The AMW pic didn't load but I figured out the joke. Too funny.
Thanks for providing comic relief on a boring work day.

Dani and Axel

Randi said...

Dear Mumsie..I gave Asta a little shout out on my bloggy today cuz I've been keeping up with what those crazy terriers have been doing in mom says I can go on a road trip with my dwb friends when pigs fly..since you're a you know when that is?

Love & Licks,