Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gardening Gone Wrong....

Hi Friends!
This is the Scruffster. I seem to be in big trouble re the last post. I really didn't think Lacie would take me seriously 'bout the tummy spots and how her "Fix" surgery would take care of the problem. Am I going to be in trouble with dogmother. It was just a little gentle big brotherly teasing. Being a clever Wire, I'm sure I will come up with a solution to this spotty problem.

Speaking of being in trouble with our mom, as you can see from the pic, Lacie seemed to have a lot of trouble transplanting the plants, and moving the rocks in the new landscaping. Being a perfect gentleman, I just watched her. Also, she was awfully close to the Invisible Fence, and it just didn't seem worth getting "corrected"....a euphemism if there ever were one. Mom was going to shower Lacie....Lacie jumps in the shower EVERY morning and gets hysterical if you try to toss her out the door. She always wins that battle. Anyway, Mom just decided for us to go for a swim in the puppy pool.

She then did the doggie swish and rinse cycle; as you can see the water was just a tad dirty. I can only imagine how it woulda looked if I had been Lacie's pawtner in GRIME. (HAHA good one Scruffy!!!) Lacie then did her shimmy shake dance; that girl has rhythm! She then did a little sunning in the grass....she said she was trying to bleach some highlights into her naturally blond, red and black hair. (And she says she's the sensible terrier!!!!!)

At some point soon, I am sure Lacie will alphabetize all of the atrocious thing I have done since my early puppy hood. Perhaps you would like to see a pic of me as a small puppy. Look at the evil horrid grin I have...I was about 5 weeks old at the time and still living with my Mom, Dad and sibs.

Hard to believe old Scruff was that tiny. Need to go and watch the Steelers. Yawn. I'm a Brown's fan...from Cleveland, ya know. Lac likes the Eagles. We are going to be one confused family, once the season starts! Enjoy the cooler weather for those in this neck of the woods!
Muddy Barks!!!!! Scruffy & Lacie


Dandy Duke said...

ewwwwwwwwwwww Lacie got herself pretty dirty! Thank goodness you have an outside facility to clean up in! What a cute baby you were Scruffy!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

Scruffy Boy!

You were a stinkin' cute pup! Your grin *does* look eeeeville, though.

As for Lacie, I think the mud adds to her allure. She's a girl who obvsiously knows how to get down & dirty!! (What a gentleman you were, Scruffy, to leave all that work for her).

Love your pool, and ABSOLUTELY LOVE that last photo of Lacie! Girl, you look all saucy and sassy!

Goober love,

Stanley said...

Pee Ess

You guys need a chat box on your blog!!

Gus said...

Hey were one cute pup. What happened to you? hehehe, that's a gussie joke.

We have put our pool away til it cools off a bit. Muzzer thinks Teka will get heat exhaustion 'cause she doesn't want to come out.

Oh well, maybe November!

Asta said...

Hi Scrufyy and Lacie
I hear mud is vewy bootifying, so vewy clever of guys could put leaf infusion in your doggie pool for full tweatment..between the mud and the highlights, she's going to be the gowgestest puppy giwl awound.
I love the evil puppy gwin,heheh, but I suwe love your cuwwent look too! The mowe teams you root for, the mowe chance to celebwate or have consoling tweats is how I would think of it.
pee ess, the giwl in the elizabethan costume IS ME!
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lacie, impressive muddiness! Isn't mud the best thing EVER? J x

Agatha and Archie said...

Way to go girl!! Now that looks like fun!! As for your smile Scruf,looks like Agatha while she is thinking of some naughty plan for us to implement!!! Love A+A

Joe Stains said...

all we have to say is, GO STEELERS!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hi there...nice 2 meet u, scruffy n lacie...

Asta said...

Hi Scruffy and Lacie
boy sould I love to be welated to you
I was bown in Raleigh =Durham at Burchhurst kennels awe we twins or what???????
even if we're not i feel like we awe there!
I love you and want to be bestest fwiends
smoochie kisses

Taky said...

Hi Scuffy,

I see you on the Jackson's blog ... you are so cute ...

My Mom think you are a welsh terrier like me, but no you are a beautifull Lakeland

See you soon

Taky of Switzerland

Headgirl said...

Hi there you two
TY for coming to visit me.
Sorry I was away in hospital, back home now... so able to catch up with you.
What an adorable puppy you were Scruffy, thats how I remember my WFT sister Judy looked when she first came home in a wicker basket..

pats & pets to you both

LANCELOT said...

Even with mud on her face, Lacie is simply beautiful! You'll have to watch all the boys around her Scruffy! I'm sure she gets lots of attention :)

And I got to say, you were one cute puppy!! Even with the lil grin and all. My momma sometimes talks about how cool it'd be if she could see what my biological parents and grandparents looked like!! Like a doggy family tree! She thinks that'd be the neatest thing.

Well, I'm out! Stay cool puppies!

Koobuss said...

I really don't know what to say about Lacy and her landscaping, but I am very surprised at you, Scruffy, for not helping her. Fox terriers love to dig. Why did you let her have all the fun? You can tell from her pictures what a good time she had. You are missing out, Scruffy!

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Unknown said...

Hey Scruffy and Lacie!

You two are SO cute! I can't believe how dirty Lacie was! I get that way often too. I like to dig the holes for mom when she is planting. The mud is fun!

Booty scratches and wet kisses!


Asta said...

Hi Scruffy and Lacie
I'm sowt of back, I don't know how to post yet on the new pooter,but at least, I can wite again.
I only danced at the pawty, tell your Mommi I'm a good giwl, I fliwt,but that's all! and Scruffy, I want to flirt with you too,hehehehe
Lacie come ovew and I'll give you a cosmo anytime..then we can all dance and wowk off the calowies.
smoochie kisses

William Tell said...

I tell my Mom if she would plant those flowers in the right place first, I wouldn't have to do all that hard work transplanting for her. Just makes sense to me. What would Moms do without us?

William Tell