Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mango: A New Look.....

Lacie here...bizness is back to normal...cept for the fact I'm workin' on a date with that smokin' HOT Joey from Florida...(get it HOT...Florida??? HAHAHAHA!!) He's the one who won that incredibly Insensitive Contest that my brothers held ON MY BLOG. Anyway, I'm thinkin' bout have a pic a nic with him on one of those bootiful beaches by his house....soon as I'm allowed to date again...still in a bit of a weakened aka skinny condition.

That however didn't stop me from doin' some behind the scenes work on that amazin' production of Petey's Beagledoon. In case you're wonderin', I'm in charge of KILT LENGTHS. Frankly, the shorter the better.

Now, Petey told Mango that he wouldn't hafta to wear a kiltie. I had different ideas. While our posts are usually full of too much verbiage and too many pix (so sayeth my editor Scruffy) this next pic needs no more explanation. (Note the smoothie glass in his paw.) I'm just puttin' the last pin in the hem. Without further ado.....

Mango, as you've never seen him.


Laciegirlie (bent over with a tummy ache from gigglin' so hard....)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I warned Poor Joey that would be khoming....


KHONTROL yourself...he's just a young fella yet!

As for Mango, HUBBA WUBBA!

I'm sew 'glad' woo are bakhk - it has been just too dang khwiet 'round 'hear' -

Khyra O'Husky

Dexter said...

The Mango looks good no matter what and I must say I am looking especially dapper in my kilt with my smoothie.

Now if I can just detach your beastliness from the kilt I will be able to wear it to opening night.


Eduardo said...

Mango is going to be swamped with girls in love with him after seeing that picture! BOL!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Asta said...

I hat to say this, but Mango looks weally dashing in theat kiltie..I wondew why he didn't want to weaw one??
Awe youw teefies holding his kilt togethew?hehehehehe
should be an intewesting opening night
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Lacie, keep your teeth away from Mango's sporan!

Och aye, wee lassie! Please see Hamish's instructions that the kilts should be AT LEAST 2" BELOW the knee.

And no, you can't date Hamish Westie, no matter how cute he is.

Your pal,


Martha said...

Well we thought we had seen everything when we saw Mango in his tool belt!
Putting the Mango in a kilt though and he is bound to appeal to us scottish lassies!
Ok so Martha came from England but we adopted her so that means she is Scottish!
We can lend Mango a proper kilt pin and that will let you get on with the rest of the costumes!
Martha & Bailey xx

Jake of Florida said...

Laciegirl -- I may live to regret this -- BUT (BUTT?) if you're coming so far to have a date with Joey -- whose dad is a pal of ours -- you might consider a brief sortie with me and my brother. This would defintely NOT BE A DATE per se, but simply a terrier-to-terrier-to-terrier sniffing opportunity.
Our Mom doesn't know about this and I haven't told Mr. Serious Professor Jake yet either, but let me know, OK???? (Hollywood is almost around the corner from Plantation, so you could always say you just happened to be in the neighborhood!!)

Just Harry

Gus said...

Whoooo...Mango Man looks great! We're glad you are in charge of kilting the kith and kin.


GSD Adventures said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! That pic of Mango made our day!

ROFB (Rolling On the Floor Barking)!

Pruett and Daphne

Anonymous said...

Oh Lacie, would you really go on a picnic with me at the beach? I think relaxing on the beach in the Florida sun is just what you need after not feeling well and working so hard on Beagadoon.

See ya!

P.S. I love the pinup picture you sent me! As soon as Zeke's busy doing sit-stays or getting his ears cleaned I'm going to put it up in my crate - he's way too young to see something like that. Woo-hoo-hooo!!!

P.P.S. You ARE bringing the picnic basket, right?

Eric said...

Lacie. Careful where you put the kilt safety pins! The rumour about wearing no panties on your privates under those skirts is true, heheeeee!!!

Mango looks stonking good eh? HAAaaaa.

Wags n kissies. ERic xxxxxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling we hate to say this but we agree(well at least I do) agree with Asta...Mango looks SMOKING in that kilt.....Archie said to tell you he will mail you his pressie on Thurs( gee that seems to be when PL2 is off funny huh?) He said it was supposed to keep you busy when you were sick but you can still use it know to keep you busy... Love A+A

Koobuss said...

Hey Lacie,

If you go on a date with Joey on the beautiful Florida beaches down by his house, can Scruffy and I come? We won't get in the way. Please!! I know you don't want your brother around all the time, but you won't even know that we are there. Right, Scruffy!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,

Joe Stains said...

oh dear, I saw the work you did on Tanner too. Petey is probably pulling out his hair right about now. BUT I have to admit that pic of Mango is a tiny bit funny.

Moco said...

Nothing like a man in a kilt. make sure you get that hem correct.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ooh... poor (oops) I mean lucky chap that Joey!
I think this pic of Mango in a kilt is quite the opposite of the pic of him with the toolbelt!

MJ's doghouse said...

Lacie...lacie...lacie...you dont want me stopping by to supervise you while you are getting those kilts just the right length do you?

Stanley said...

Lacie Girl!

You are definitely back to your old self, sistah. LOVE Mango in that kilt. He's got the legs to pull that look off. My legs are a little long and on the skinny side, but I digress.

I guess I should be used to antics from Lakies, but I still find myself chuckling along with everydog else, even though it's no laughing matter sometimes.

Glad your BACK, and take it easy on the poor Joey from FL, okay?

Goober love,

Bae Bae said...

That sure looks like an interesting date. ;)

~ Bae

Dexter said...

Lacie Beast,
I think we need to do a beard-oct-0-me to remove you from my kilt. You are getting kind of heavy, what with all that Lacie bottom you are dragging about.

I have had many gals admiring my kilt, but none are liking the fuzzy adornment of your poopless self.

What are you wearing to opening night? Or are you going to make a scene by going nekked?


Abby said...

Hi, You Guys...

Guess What...You won 2nd Prize in my Birthday Treat Jar Contest...

You guessed 104 & there were 96 Treats in the Jar...

Please send me an Email to let me know a few of your favorite things & where I can send your Prize...

Thanks for playing along...

Abby xxxooo

Dandy Duke said...

We just read Abby's comment and we totally forgot what we were gonna say! "A few of your favorite things"???? hahaha Please tell us what you come up with Lacey! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch