(Lacie: Um...he's a little medicated right now, puttin' it mildly....)
Lookat this card that hottie Ashhta sehnt to me....Um...I've been chrushin' on her since the day I met 'er....she's like attached to Standude...but....he's got some compettitonion....now. Asshta...I think ur bootiful...lieke the most boutufil foxee I've ever met.....I love you!!!!!!!!
(Lacie: Ut Oh.....I'm feelin' some trouble brewin'....Babystan....Shut ur large Dale mouth...you're gonna regret these things tomorrow.....)

Here I am lookin' out the window at the vetties 'fore my snipit time.....it was snowin' and freezin' wainin'! I'm thinkin' this is NOT a good idea....maybe we could just go home now....

(Lacie...Mumsie wanted to kill him...why did he have to pick that pile to pee on????)
Thisch Teckie fooled me...I was happy...she told me I could go havve some ischcream. Lookie...my tail's a waggin' too. I follered her like a sheep to the slaughter......

She lied. Whut HIT ME????? No iceshh creeem for Sthann.
Mumsie came to wecover me. She gave me a massage and an ear wub. Hey, I'm talkin' like Ashaata!!! DUDE!!!!!!!! Ashta...where are you? I coulda sworn I was dreamin' of you...we were on a picnic......you had on this really cute bikini and....
(Lacie; Sweet Babystan...shut up....now!)
Oh Man...this pischture's outta order....that was me leavin' in my lanmpshade. Sheesch.

HA! Bet you guyz think this is me....Fooled ya!!!NOPE...it's Beckham....a very cute Dale chicka beside my cage who had her fix it surgery. She was cryin' so Mumsie gave her some love. I wanted to get in there and do sume luvin' too but the Vet said she fixed that. Don't get whut she's talkin' bout.The vettie staff was laughin' cuz they had 2 Dales side by side....Wots sho funnie bout that?

She lied. Whut HIT ME????? No iceshh creeem for Sthann.

(Lacie; Sweet Babystan...shut up....now!)

HA! Bet you guyz think this is me....Fooled ya!!!NOPE...it's Beckham....a very cute Dale chicka beside my cage who had her fix it surgery. She was cryin' so Mumsie gave her some love. I wanted to get in there and do sume luvin' too but the Vet said she fixed that. Don't get whut she's talkin' bout.The vettie staff was laughin' cuz they had 2 Dales side by side....Wots sho funnie bout that?

Here I am at home...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......but I can't seem to get comfy...it hurts to lie dahn in the normal faschin' fur shome weasun.

Here's Bruvver feelin' guilty and givning me symptathy......treats wuld help Bruvfeer.
A rear shot....ha...not lettin' ya pieeek at me...no way...I sthill have sume modesteee. Thannke yu all for all the good whishies ya sent me. I don't hurt or anythin.......g. Wheeeeeee...musta been all the zennie u guys sent....POKER TONIGHT...HERE....BRING BEER!!!!!!!!!
(Lacie: Babystan is feelin' no pain to say the least....and there is NO poker here tonight. He is going to bed. NOW. Agatha told me to consult my med surg book on Care of the Male Dale after Raisinectomy... First paragraph states "NO POKER, NONE for 7-10 days....."

A rear shot....ha...not lettin' ya pieeek at me...no way...I sthill have sume modesteee. Thannke yu all for all the good whishies ya sent me. I don't hurt or anythin.......g. Wheeeeeee...musta been all the zennie u guys sent....POKER TONIGHT...HERE....BRING BEER!!!!!!!!!
(Lacie: Babystan is feelin' no pain to say the least....and there is NO poker here tonight. He is going to bed. NOW. Agatha told me to consult my med surg book on Care of the Male Dale after Raisinectomy... First paragraph states "NO POKER, NONE for 7-10 days....."
"Come on Babystan....let's sit on your ice pack, and then we can take a nice little nappy."
Now I know what it means when they say nurses lead plural lives.)
Now I know what it means when they say nurses lead plural lives.)
woofies Scruffy, Lacie N BabyStan...it wont b to long babystan till u all betters...heehee wait till tomorrow and u gits to furgure out how to move wiff a cone head...Scruffy, Lacie u taked care of da boy...
b safe,
Hi Scruffy, Lacie, and BabyStan,
Oh dear, poor BabyStan! Hope you are feeling better real soon. Your story is so sad.
I have a question. If you had snip-it surgery, why do you have to wear that thing around your neck? Am I confused again?
Get well soon, dear BabyStan.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
It's me again, Koobuss.
I think I figured out why you have to wear the lampshade, or sunshade, or whatever it is. I am a little naive at times. My scar was in a spot where I could not reach it....
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hey Stan, sorry to see the lampshade. At least you can use it as a weapon against Lacie & Scruffy, if required! Hehehe! When I have to wear one I like to do a little rededorating (scraping paintwork off EVERYWHERE). J x
Those sound like some good medications! I have to tell you BabyStan, Cassidy is a little upset at your declarations of love for Asta. I think she was a bit smitten with you after the ski party.
Toodle pip
Harry x
What a sweet card that Asta sent you, Stan! She's so thoughtful!
We're really bummed to see that lampshade - I'm sure you are too! Be a really good boy and maybe the hoomans will feel sorry for you! And make sure you get that ice cream you were promised!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, Babystan, you are really dorked out. What are you babbling on about?
You should have kept on your cone and used it to ram Lacie.
BabyStan, you were very brave! I hope you feel back to normal very soon. We cats call the boy surgery a Hooha-ectomy.
You did make us laugh when we read about you and the magazines in the surgery. We hope you have a comfy weekend and don't have to wear the lampshade for too long.
We have something for you on our blog. Do pop over and see!
Molly and Taffy xx
Hi BabyStan! We had our fix-it surgeries many years ago, but we wouldn't mind tryin' some of whatever medicine you're on! Tell Scruffy and Lacie to beware the lampshade! You can really use that to your advantage! Hope you get that ice cream soon!
Poppy & Penny
Well, I think we cannot call you BabyStan any more...You have met an unpleasant experience and conquered it with grace and style. So, what do you wish to be called?
hey kiddos, it sounds like Babystan is going to be just fine. he certainly has not lost his attitude. most of us guys get this fixit surgery. it's not that big of a deal. we're glad you're still liftin' your leg - long live the 3 legged salute!
Stan is going to be doing a lot of apologizing tomorrow I think. We are glad he came through ok except for some regrettable comments!
Oh BabyStan, don't worry. You'll heal up really fast! Trust me. And your loverlies will still be attached for a few months & then it will disappear one day!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey BabyStan,
Hee hee... glad you're feeling... better?
We hope the lampshade goes away soon..
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Lacie, please take care of him! *he needs it!
oh lacie sorry you have to take care of him all doped up but it was fun reading what he wrote.
You sound delirious matie, hope you're ok. Crikey, think I'll hang on to mine thank you very much.
Anyway hope you're feeling better soon and hopefully if you don't look down you won't notice anything missing.
Hugs and tail wags
Hi Lacie!
Thanks fur the comment!! And thanks fur the compliment about our poster! Hee hee... you guys can take one if you want. We really hope Boogie returns home!
And Lacie, I warn you, if you want to try out the highlights, your humans might not be too happy... mine's weren't... But that just made it funnier!! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Sure those meds had an effect on you!
I hope you will be feeling better tomorrow!
Take care
Poor BabyStan.....tomorrow you will be better...
I send you a lot of extra-kisses from Switzerland....
Hope you sneep well tonight youw face could melt the hawdest of heawts..I'm vewy flattewedtthat you said those things about me..I'm way too old fow you ..you need a bootiful young giwlie, but I do love you!!!!
I'm sos sowwy that vet tech fooled you and LIED about ice cweam..that's just wong!!!!!
Lacie you awe being so sweet and cawing I hawdly wecognise you, but I'm happy you awe taking such good cawe of sweet baby STan..whewe is scruffy??is he having flash backs and hiding??
Big Bruvvew suwe looks cute taking cawe of Baby Stan..I bet he'll get the tweats tomowwow..and maybe poker in a week
smoochie kisses and sweet dweams to all of you..you must be exhausted
Ouch..poor BabyStan! Webster says you have his sympathies he's been there! Teddy says I'm keepin mine!!!
We hope you are feeling better and being pampered by Scruffy & Lacie.
Catch up with you soon.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets
p.s. Remember when you are feeling better to keep looking pathetic..keep those treats coming!
recover fast yeah...
dun worry much...some girl like snip-ed guys...coz they don't need to take birth control pills..
Poor BabyStan... Hope you are feeling better soon. I see a budding romance between you and sweet lil' Asta...
Oh BabyStan we are SO sorry we are this late in posting!! It all has to do with PL2 working 3 days in a row and we had NO access to the computer!! We have heard that Lacie is doing a FABULOUS job in your recuperation!!! That girl is a fast learner. Archie just wants to say that he must not have seen the no poker part....but he KNOWS that you are right of course...Love A+A
Oh I'm sure you'll be alright very soon. It does hurt a little but we need to suck it in like a terrier!
Lacie, please take care of baby Stan for the next few days eh?!
Poor poor babystan. Hope you are feeling better soon....
We're so glad your surgery is over. Hope you're milking the recovery for all it's worth. You should at least get a big box of cookies.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Ah, poor BabyStan. As Buddy would say, he's been farmed.
But don't worry. You will feel better. Wait. You don't need to feel better. You're in the no pain zone. Stay there a little longer. (Advice from the JFF males.)
jans funny farm
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